Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 28: World War (1)

Since Shinnosuke joined, the momentum of the entire team has also grown.

Originally, Uchiha Tatsuno was the only one carrying the team forward. Once the enemy appeared, he stepped forward to solve it. Now there is one more Shinobu, which completely shared a lot of pressure for him.

Shinnosuke simply bandaged it, and hurriedly proposed to Uchiha Tatsumi to continue deep into the battlefield.

In his words, without his level of combat power on the battlefield, Konoha's overall strength would be greatly reduced.

Uchiha Tatsu was very skeptical of this sentence.

It can be seen from the fact that he took Shinobu to conduct investigations outside, that his strength can only be regarded as ordinary Shinobu.

If his strength is really at the level of Tsunade and Oshamaru, then he must be in the big camp, and he will not be allowed to work as a nanny.

Uchiha Tatsun can only think that it is him, as the son of Hokage is really too much pressure.

So in such a melee of thousands of people, a new help can't affect the situation.

But what if a dozen such Shangren rushed into the battlefield? As far as Uchiha Tatsuno knew, many Shinnin led the team to conduct investigation missions around.

You know, Konoha was attacked now. Why did the other party sneak attack? Isn't it just to make you rush into the fight?

Although there are enough ninjas in the big camp to defend, those who are divided out of the upper ninjas are also a considerable force.

Once they immediately put on the battlefield, the originally balanced situation may be immediately disrupted.

Shayin and Yanyin also knew this, so they cut these ninjas apart and didn't give them a chance to rush into the battlefield individually.

If at this time, there is a force that can break through the defenses and connect all these ninjas into the battlefield, what will be the effect?

What Uchiha Tatsumi wanted to do was such a thing.

In fact, at this moment, Sannin was also doing similar things.

The three of them are joining hands to block Hanzo from entering the battlefield. Because once Hanzo enters, the original situation will be immediately broken.

Uchiha Tatsumi also knew it was difficult to do this kind of thing.

Because they don't have the skills or ninjutsu to hide their whereabouts. Sand Shinobu along the way began to increase. It is normal for such a group of people to have such a big goal.

So fighting has become a normal state.

Uchiha Tatsun wiped the rain from his head. At this time, Feng Dun was like a sharp knife, hitting the distant enemy. He once again solved a Shayin's Shinobu.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke couldn't say anything, he finally realized what a genius is.

The problem is, this Uchiha's little demon is just as powerful, but even the chakra is not like a ten-year-old little demon.

Shinnosuke wanted to grab Uchiha Tatsuo's windbreaker and ask him loudly, are you sure you are not a member of the Uzumaki clan?

Of course Uchiha Tatsuo is not.

He has so many chakras, this is actually the reason why the ninja points are crazy added to the chakra attributes.

His current Chakra has reached the upper endurance level. After all, for a man, durability is very important.

Moreover, there are a lot of Chakras stored in the scroll on his wrist, which is enough to support his battle.

These are all the confidence that Uchiha Tatsuta enters the battlefield.

Could it be that he was not prepared, and then as hot-headed as the rope tree, he rushed into the battlefield, and he kept chanting for the tribe?

Of course this does not exist!

Uchiha Chen has enough confidence that as long as he is not caught in a siege, he will not die on the battlefield.

And now is a once-in-a-lifetime time to harvest ninja points. Whether he can improve his strength quickly depends on his unhappiness today.

So Uchiha Tatsumi is very excited now. However, the atmosphere in Sand Shinobu became suppressed. The tragic death of teammates undoubtedly aroused their anger.

Uchiha Tatsuno noticed that two huge wind blades flew behind him again. At the same time, there was also a Feng Dun practice empty bullet released by Sand Shinobu Jieyin.

Although this kind of thing is not as powerful as Sand Moruzuru's air training bomb, it is also a powerful wind escape.

If the coverage of ninjutsu can continue to expand, it is not impossible to become a grade ninjutsu.

More importantly, the two Sand Shinobu standing not far behind him did not carry the puppets on their backs, but were constantly in the process of forming a seal.

It seems to be just an ordinary ninja, so that's easy to do.

Writing round eyes allows Uchiha Tatsu to judge the location of Feng Dun in advance. He seized the opportunity and jumped directly, just avoiding the wind that pierced the air to practice the air bullet.

The two Sand Shinobu froze for a while, and then Uchiha Tatsun came more vigilant.

As they continued to fight, their intelligence on Uchiha Tatsumi continued to deepen. Fighting is a process of mutual understanding.

They slowly figured out the extremely penetrating Chidori and the ubiquitous illusion.

After landing, Uchiha Tatsuno did not hesitate, since they were already cautious to deal with him together, he must solve it quickly.

However, only this kind of battle can make Uchiha Tatsun more excited.

Since coming to this battlefield, Uchiha Tatsuno has realized that he is now more eager to fight than before. But this is not a bad thing.

A thunderbolt formed in his hand, and the exploding thunder light attracted the attention of the opponent at the same time, Uchiha Tatsuno hesitated, and rushed to the opponent.

The ninja on the left looks more robust, and it seems that in addition to the wind escape, the opponent should be good at physical skills.

On the other side, Shayin was a lot shorter, and although his body didn't look thin, it didn't go well with being strong.

Therefore, when Uchiha Tatsuo attacked, he had to target the stronger Sand Shinobu.

When he just waved Thunder Escape, the shining thunder light in his hand had already attracted their attention. And Uchiha Tatsun's was already very witty, and used his fingers to release an illusion.

So when he rushed to the two Sand Shinobu, their consciousness had just recovered.

Without any hesitation, Uchiha Tatsu slashed directly at the neck of the stronger Sand Shinobu.

As the blood spurted, Kunai in Uchiha Tatsu's hand made a smooth trajectory, and rushed towards the neck of the other Sand Shinobu!

With the sound of a sharp weapon colliding, the kunai in his hand was intercepted by a flying kunai on the way.

Looking slantingly, Uchiha Tatsumi found that there are now three more Sandyin ninjas~www.readwn.com~ It is like stabbing a hornet's nest. Just after killing a few, a batch of them popped up. Uchiha Tatsumi sighed slightly. Take a breath.

Because of his young age and outstanding strength, Shinobu has completely regarded him as his priority.

"... Then come on."

Uchihatatsu touched the ground that had been soaked in rain with his toes, and looked at the four enemies in front of him.

And farther away, there is still Sand Shinobu rushing over!



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