Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 29: World War (2)

Under the outline of the rain curtain, there was a brief and intense fight, blood flew out, the corpse broke the tree, and in a flash, numerous ninjutsu collided with each other.

The chasing ninja surrounded it from an unknown distance, and the shouts tore through the forest, with countless noises.

Two figures rushed in from different directions. Before the tall Sand Shinobu shot his hands, his entire body was thrown out and hit the tree trunk not far away and rolled down.

When he tried to get up, Kumo had already threw it over like rain. Fortunately, the soil in the hands of the companion took shape in time, and it smashed against the soil wall densely.

Na Shinobu, who hadn't come, was anxious to escape from the dead, and the little ghost on the opposite side kept approaching him instantly.

Sand Shinobu stepped back again.

Keep going back...

Finally there is no retreat.

The moment he leaned against the tree trunk behind his back, he slammed a fierce punch on his throat, the tree shook under the rain curtain, and the leaves fell rustling.

Killing this ninja so quickly and cleanly put a lot of pressure on the surrounding sand.

The wind blew through the forest, and those fighting sand forbearance kept verbalizing. In these swearing voices, besides anger, there is also fear.

Yes, the fear of that boy. After all, this was already the seventh Shangnin killed by Uchiha Tatsumi.

It is fortunate for Uchiha Tatsumi. Because the ninjas above the elite upper ninja are all fighting on the main battlefield at this time.

And those who perform annihilation missions on the periphery are the most common Shangren, so this makes him enter the flock like a wolf.

His endless methods made his opponent suffer.

Uchiha Tatsun took a deep breath. Now two Shangren appeared in front of him.

Until now, there is still sand Shinobu on the way to support.

But fortunately, in his team now, there are already seven upper ninjas and numerous middle and lower ninjas.

This is already a force that cannot be ignored, but it is not enough! Uchiha Tatsuno needs to lead more ninjas through the defense.

But nowadays it's useless to think about it, because at this time Sand Shinobu's attack has arrived.

This is a puppet he hasn't seen before. At this moment, Uchiha Tatsumi saw more puppets than he had seen in his entire life.

Sand Ninja puppets are roughly divided into two types, one is like the humanoid puppet used by ordinary Sand Ninja.

This kind of puppet seems to be literal and looks like a human being. At most, a few more arms.

The advantage of this kind of puppet is that it is easy to modify, easy to maintain, and very convenient to repair. If it's not a big problem, the puppet master can repair it himself, which is a versatile model.

The second type is the beast-shaped puppet that appeared in front of Uchiha Tatsu.

This puppet Uchiha Tatsumi has not seen most of the relevant knowledge. Judging from Uchiha's experience, it should be a type that specializes in attacks and degrees.

As for the others, I can only try it bit by bit.

However, no matter how the puppet changes, Uchiha Tatsuo will just break it with strange power.

Guai Liquan can be said to be the nemesis of the puppet master. Under strange power, this kind of thing will become indistinguishable from paper. This has already been confirmed by Tsunade.

Uchihasatsu, who rushed in a straight line, didn't even care about the beast puppets, so he rushed straight to the place of the two sands.

At this time, it's too late to ask others to support yourself. It's better to have a hard **** wave directly.

Judging from the number of Chakra lines observed by Uchiha Tatsumi, the control of beast puppets is undoubtedly much more difficult than the control of humanoid puppets.

And the other Sand Ninja did not draw out the scroll of the seal puppet, but began to draw out the kunai.

It seems to be just an ordinary physique ninja.

Uchiha Tatsun was a little relieved, if it were two puppet masters... Although he was not afraid of Sand Shinobu's puppets, as the number increased, it would become extremely difficult.

The moment Uchiha Tatsumi met the puppet, his fist hit the puppet without hesitation.

In this way, a brand-new puppet broke apart under the blow of the strange force fist. Uchiha Tatsumi confronted the ninja holding kunai in the next moment.

The kunai in his hand and the other's kunai touched three times in a row, and while humming softly, Uchiha Tatsu rushed towards the left side of the waist with a whip kick.

He could see the meaning of ridicule from the expression in the eyes of the ninja, obviously he was mocking Uchiha Tatsumi for being too obvious.

After Sahin's ninja easily took a whip leg from Uchiha Tatsumi, he bent her knees at the same time, and then raised her feet, preparing to counter Uchiha Tatsumi in the same way.

As a result, Uchiha Tatsun just raised his hand, and a snap of his fingers echoed in the air. Then the poor guy was unsuspectingly hit by Uchiha Tatsu's illusion.

Although the consciousness is blurred, the inertia of the body cannot be offset. Sand Shinobu's physical attacks were still hitting Uchiha Tatsu's chest. Only not excessive, because the relationship of the will is blurred much slower.

Uchiha Tatsun’s reaction was not slow. Before the weakening physical attack came, he put his hand on the opponent’s thigh, perfectly avoiding the attack, and while performing a backflip.

Directly pierced into the opponent's head.

The eighth......

Uchiha Chen looked back, and at this time a sharp earth spear had been inserted towards his body!

The puppet master had directly used his teammates, and when Uchiha Tatsuno jumped up and moved around inconveniently, he smashed the earthen ninjutsu towards Uchiha Tatsuno.

Uchiha Tatsuno didn't hesitate, and Chidori formed on his drooping right hand in an instant. The earth spear that struck directly collided with Uchiha's right hand.

The Uchiha Tatsu who broke the earth spear did not stay at all, but once again burst into the puppet master on the other side.

In almost an instant, he reached Shinobu's side, and then Chidori, whose right hand did not dissipate, went straight to the opponent's neck.

Sand Shinobu wanted to use the Chakra thread in his hand to summon his puppet. But he immediately discovered his body in horror, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was already in a state of being unable to move.

"The ninth one." Like a friend, Uchiha Chen whispered gently beside Sand Shinobu.

As the blood spurted, Chidori plunged into the opponent's chest.


As Uchiha Tatsumi held more and more heads, so did Konoha's ninjas behind him, eventually forming a huge torrent.

Like a torrent of steel, it directly broke through the line of defense composed of Sand Ninja and Iwanin, approaching the battlefield of crazy fighting.



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