Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 30: Jinsong 10 people ginseng up

   "Are the reinforcements coming?"

   "Konoha's support is here!"

   "Hahaha, kill these offal with me."

   Hundreds of ninjas suddenly appeared in the distance. For a time, news of the arrival of Konoha's reinforcements spread quickly on the battlefield like the wind.

  Although there are fewer than 20 upper ninjas among such so-called support ninjas, the rest are middle and lower ninjas. However, the fighting ninjas have no time to distinguish these.

   They only knew that Konoha's reinforcements had arrived. For a time, all Konoha's ninjas were like a rainbow. The originally stalemate situation also began to tilt.

   Ninjas all over the sky, raising the kunai in his hand and shouting, in an instant, the killing sound shook the earth.

   Looking at the scene in front of him, Uchiha Tatsu is so eager for victory at the moment. Vaguely, as if the feeling of identification with Konoha stirred in his chest, at least for this moment, Uchiha Tatsu who rushed into the battlefield thought so.

   Uchiha Tatsuno didn’t know what this feeling was about. Since he crossed into the ninja world, it has been like a dream. For him, it was like giving up his previous life completely and finding no home.

   Although he is in Konoha, he has no sense of belonging to Konoha. For this world, he always exists alienation.

   However, as time progressed gradually, Uchiha Tatsuno realized that he had come to a new life. In this world, life is countless times more dangerous than before.

  The cunning and fighting between ninjas, it seems that everything can be encountered here. Konoha is a home that can protect them.

   Plus, the turmoil on the battlefield at this moment infected Uchiha Tatsumi, and finally made him feel a sense of belonging to Konoha.

   Maybe occasionally miss the original world, but in Uchiha Tatsu's heart, he also began to feel that Konoha... seemed to be pretty good.

   With this kind of mood, Uchiha Tatsun took out kunai, and for a time the crowd spread like a wave...

   At the same time, at a certain place on the battlefield, two figures collided and staggered, and then the two people separated. After testing each other, they were a little afraid of each other.

   "Chiyo, did you hear that? Konoha's reinforcements have arrived, and you are not obediently surrendering." The man shouted at Chiyo.

   The man was wearing the Hyuga clan uniform, and he was indeed the Hyuga Clan’s contemporary patriarch—Hyuga Sky.

Chiyo shook the Chakra line with his hands and snorted coldly: "Don't use this little trick. We all know well, at this time, where there will be Konoha reinforcements. It's nothing more than cheating others. Want to lie to me? Hyuga Sky, your mind is flooded!"

   Hi sighed to the sky, "Well, as the'Flower of Ninja', not only your body but also your temper are as hot as when you were young."

   "We have all fought so many times. We have also fought each other to understand the flesh. What's the point of fighting like this? Why not sit down and talk about our past. What do you think?"

  His eyes rolled towards the sky and walked around Chiyo non-stop.

   Chiyo heard this and stared at him with fire in his eyes, "Hyuga Sky, take care of your eyes, and be careful I will buckle you out as a bubble step. Do you think we will be unprepared for this war?"

   "Before it was only measuring the combat power of both sides." Chiyo's voice echoed in the rain.

   As Chiyo said, the current strengths of the two sides are similar, and neither side has that overwhelming advantage. But in order to ensure that this war is foolproof, Sunin Village put a lot of energy into it.

   They won't tolerate this kind of stalemate all the time. Konoha's one-to-three match, even if it is a tie in the end, represents the failure of the sand, rock, and rain. So it didn't take long for Sa Yin to devote herself to her own assassin.

   seems to be responding to Chiyo's words, behind the sand ninja village, more than a dozen ninjas rushed into the battlefield under the gaze of Hyuga Sky.

   These more than ten ninjas are all puppet masters, running with them. Opened by the box they were carrying behind, the puppets one by one jumped out from the middle.

   One by one, a thin tube was erected in the palm of the puppet, or a large mouth was opened, and a purple smoke was released from the puppet and began to diffuse in the battlefield.

   Sand Ninja Village used poison gas to fight again, but this time the ninjas in Konoha Village did not panic.

  The ninjas of Konoha Village surrounded by poisonous gas quickly took out the antidote from the ninja bag behind them, swallowed them, and continued to join the war.

   "Chiyo, it seems that your poison is still not good. Konoha has already developed an antidote to this poison. You should surrender obediently."

   Hi to the sky sneered, watching the purple mist gradually spreading indifferently.

   There was no such thing as the previous two times that the Konoha Village Ninjas were knocked out and had no ability to resist. On the contrary, the fighting in the purple mist did not stop for a moment, and there was a tendency to intensify.

   "My toxin is not so easy to crack. Cut, it seems that the slug girl does have a few brushes."

   The thousand-generation mother-in-law saw that her poison had no effect, she gave a cold snort, jumped up, and rushed to the sky again.

  Hi stared at the sky at Chiyo, who was rushing directly into anger, and laughed.

   It's just that Chiyo changed directions in the conflict and started attacking other ninjas.

  Looking at Chiyo who was killed, Konoha's ninja also continuously shot kunai to attack her, but Chiyo dodged easily.

   "Don't look down on people!" Watching Chiyo easily rushed over from the attack of the kunai shuriken~www.readwn.com~ a Zhongnin untied the wind magic shuriken behind him, and threw it out with a big drink.

   Thousand-generation mother-in-law lightly swiped her finger, and flew towards her wind magic shuriken in mid-air, suddenly began to deviate and flew past her.

   At the same time, several kunai that shot at her turned around and shot at the original owner under her control.

   Ah! Chiyo passed through the ninjas of Konoha Village, accompanied by the screams of the ninjas of Konoha Village before they were killed.

   When a few kunai fired at the Konoha Village Ninja again under the control of Chiyo, he saw the Hyuga sky appear in this scene, and then punched out, knocking down all the kunai.

   Then, his rubbing fist directly touched Chiyo's chest.

  唰, Chiyo passed the attack of the rubbing fist before being hit by a stand-in.

   Chiyo stared at Hyuga sky motionlessly, and a scroll appeared in his hand.

   As the other party said, the two of them met a long time ago. We all know each other's strengths.

   "It looks like I must go all out." Chiyo thought, the opened scroll banged, ten puppets in white clothes appeared in front of Chiyo.

   "White Secret Skill·Kin Song ten people participate again!"



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