Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 31: History of Hyuga 1 Clan (2 in 1)

  Hitakata was silent. Of course, he knew all about the Ten Songs very well. This was Chiyo's best trump card.

  As a masterpiece of the first puppet master Monzaemon, this is the ten strongest puppet in the world. Coupled with Chiyo's pinnacle level of performance skills, one finger and one puppet to attack or defend, it is known as one machine as a thousand!

Once    is surrounded by puppets, then even he will fall into a hard fight. Knowing this, Hyuga Sky raised his hand and attacked Chiyo first.

   "Bagua empty palm."

   A shock wave formed by compression of high-strength and high-density chakras hit Chiyo.

   Chiyo hooked his finger, and she pulled the body of a ninja over. Then the corpse was hit by the empty palms of eight monsters, and instantly fell apart.

   Her fingers continued to tremble like playing an instrument, and the ten white-clothed puppets rose into the air as if they were given life, and then several of them rushed directly toward the sky!

   This kind of puppet is far faster than other people, and in just one breath, it goes behind the sky of Hyuga.

   The puppets who came behind him had an extra chain on one of their hands, which was linked to the body of the other, and then the other puppet turned into an eight-edged chakra knife.

   Patriarch Hyuga glanced, and when the puppet was waving, he jumped directly into the air.

   Then at this moment, another puppet next to Chiyo had already rushed out, and countless steel cables stretched out across the puppet's body and shot towards the sky in the sky, almost sealing his whereabouts in midair.

   "Bagua empty palm."

   The palm of his hand in mid-air directly pushed out, and the Chakra gas cannon shot in an instant, breaking up all the steel ropes that came to him.

  At the same time, his figure fell.

   However, he hasn't completely landed yet. The previous combination of puppets has already turned around, and the eight-blade chakra knife is rotating high, as if even the air is being cut.


   Hi drew out Kuwu Wu to the sky and took the blow alive, but Kuwu was directly interrupted.

   At the same time, he was also directly sent out. There was a faint pain in the chest.

   At this moment, another puppet appeared in front of him again. The puppet wielded two wide knives and slashed at him.

   "Gossip and broken steel palm!"

   Chakra's wrapped arm hits directly, and fights with it. Although the opponent is a puppet, his flexibility is not bad at all.

   Chiyo's fingers flicked, and the puppet who was fighting with him was also recovered. Hyuga pursued the sky, but the four-bladed chakra knife sneaked over from behind.

   just now because he was in the air, he couldn't avoid it at all. And now, this white-eyed 360-degree field of vision made him aware of it in advance, so he can still avoid it by using instantaneous technique.

   saw him disappear and then appeared to the side.

   But at the moment he landed, a puppet's arm stretched several meters, shot at him.

   Just as Hyuga was about to raise his hand to resist, the joints of the arm actually grew spikes, and the spikes grew wildly, as if to trap him in it.

   "Bagua palm returns to the sky."

   Chakra gushes from the acupuncture, the huge hemispherical chakra blocks the spikes. After all the spikes were cut off, Hyuga Sky suddenly retreated several meters.

   "Your puppet's ability to control has improved than before..."

   Sun lightly sighed to the sky, each of these puppets has different abilities, but there is a tactical connection between each other, and it is very difficult to be able to cope with two or three rounds.

   Under their tide-like offensive, any strong man might reveal flaws, and then fall completely passive.

   "Of course. I said earlier that I will dig out your white eyes and put it on my puppet."

   Chiyo snorted coldly. She didn't expect that Hyuga Sky, who was in her forties, was still so strong. Generally speaking, the strength of ninjas of this age is beginning to decline.

   To Chiyo's words, Patriarch Hyuga only chuckled.

   Maybe after a few years, he really is not Chiyo's opponent. After all, the puppet master is different from the general ninja, and his strength is reflected in the puppet and manipulation ability.

   Chiyo's fingers tremble, and the ten people who were scattered around her again.

   "Next, I will show you a baby, this trick is specially prepared for Konoha."

   Hearing this, Hyuga Sky was also taken aback.

   Chiyo's fingers trembled slightly, and the three puppets of ten people protruded, and their mouths were wide open, but no mechanism appeared.

   There seemed to be three switches in the mouths of the three puppets, with the words "Buddha", "Dharma" and "Monk" written on them.

   A strong sense of crisis arose spontaneously. This is the feeling developed from countless fights.

  Hi looked at the puppet in the sky, and in the white-eyed vision, the puppet's belly contained a powerful chakra, which was about to spray out.

this is? !

   "...The Three Treasures of Shinobi Suction!"

   Immediately, the two puppets stood side by side, while the third puppet stepped on the shoulders of the two puppets, and the three puppets opened their mouths at the same time.

   suddenly violent wind burst out, and in an instant, it turned into three huge storms.

   I saw that the storm stirred the falling rain water, whizzing towards the sky in the three directions from the left, middle and right.

   "Can a puppet use this level of ninjutsu?"

  Hyuga Sky was surprised to see this scene. As far as he knew, Chiyo, as a puppet master, was very good at physical attacks.

   is also because of this, so there will be countless organs on the puppet, and most of the physical tools played by the puppet are painted with poison.

   But he has never heard of or seen before, that Chiyo puppets can perform such a large-scale ninjutsu.

   It seems that this ninjutsu was developed by Chiyo. It really deserves to be the number one puppet master in the Ninja world, and he can do this.

   Hi to the sky turned and ran without hesitation. The wind escape of this indiscriminate attack is already s-level, and he can't resist it.

   No wonder there were few Sand Shinobu near their fight, and Hyuga still had some doubts before the sky. It turned out that Chiyo was hitting the idea of ​​bringing Konoha, Iwanin and Yu no Ninja together.

   What a cruel woman!

   Thinking of this, Hyuga Sky couldn't help but speed up again. Just a whistling sound came from behind. Hearing this gust of wind, he can't wait to crush him to pieces.

   The speed of the sun toward the sky is getting faster and faster, but the wind is like a **** of death, clinging to it, pressing harder every step of the way. In an instant, the gust of wind rushed past and flooded the sky.

   The intense storm directly uprooted trees and vegetation in a radius of more than ten meters, and then in the puppet formation, all of them were turned into debris.


   However, this is not over yet. After a short while, these three wind escapes were actually involved in each other and attracted together, and finally merged into a bigger wind escape.

   This wind forms a whirlpool, attracting everything around it. The strong suction power even attracted the thick soil.

   In the midst of the wind and the sky, he couldn't even stand steady, so he inserted Kunai into the ground and forcibly stabilized his figure.

   For an instant, Chakra spurted from the acupuncture path, spread out from the sky, and resisted the wind.

   However, when the chakras that came back to the sky spewed out and touched the wind, they were cut open by countless wind blades and then disappeared.

  Wind escape is the sharpest among the five chakra properties, which can directly cut chakras.

   "What a terrible wind escape!"

   Uchiha Tatsumi, who was fighting Iwanobu, couldn't help but be speechless. Worthy of being a character who has experienced three wars in the Ninja world.

   Uchiha Tatsu has always thought that Chiyo is not that strong, but now I know that it was a big mistake.

   No wonder Chiyo was able to use these ten puppets to capture a city, this kind of strength is no longer the ordinary ninja can resist.

   More importantly, even Chiyo has this kind of strength, so what kind of combat power are the shadows of other villages?


   At this time in the storm, Chakra, which the Hyuga sky used to resist the wind, began to weaken, and his whole body was shaking violently.

   The position where he is located is the strongest position of wind pressure, and the sharp wind blade can directly tear the steel in half.

   It is impossible to escape the wind pressure and rush out. The only way is to temporarily stop the wind pressure, or completely destroy...

   Hi raised his head to the sky, and the sight in front of him was shocking: hundreds of ninjas were struggling in the wind and rain; rocks and debris were up and down in the storm; the formation of puppets was like the cold grip of death.

   Death breeds fear, and fear breeds madness.

   At this time, Hyuga Sky knew what he had to do, otherwise the entire battlefield would be defeated immediately.

   At this moment, an extremely flaming light appeared on his body. Chakra instantly released from the acupuncture points in the body.

  Wrapped by Chakra, he rose up into the sky, and in the end it was abruptly cut through the wind to escape, condensing a giant ball more than ten meters.

   "Boom boom!"

   Under the action of the strong wind, the chakra pellets rapidly rotated in the wind, and then the chakra expanded like a beam of light.

"Back to the days?!"

   Chiyo looked at this scene a little surprised. However, the aura on Hyuga Sky's body became more and more terrifying. This is by no means the power that Huitian should have.

   And the ninjas outside Fengdan also felt a strong sense of danger, and all the ninjas used the technique of instantaneous to escape as much as possible.


   Finally, the rotation in the storm reached its extreme.

  In an instant, Hyuga turned around, raised his arms, bent his fingers to clasp his shoulders, and then stood upright, and a loud voice burst out from his throat.

   "Soft boxing, false **** air strike!"

   In an instant, there was a dry noise in the air, as if hundreds of fists were waving forward at the same time.

   The crimson air, which was dyed by friction, raged out among the mountains.

   The wind and vortex that originally covered the ground were all destroyed. In this area, the rain stopped for a short time without falling.

   "What a terrible destructive power!"

   All the forbearances who withdrew from the battle circle had lingering fears. If they had been concentrated by that kind of destructive power just now, they would have died on the spot.

   The fierce battle that was originally violent was temporarily stopped. The ninjas on both sides looked towards the devastated place, and the leaders of the two sides were all in it.

   When the clouds and mist that obscured the line of sight dissipated, the figures of Hyuga Sky and Chiyo were also revealed.

   At this time, Chiyo's body, surrounded by ten people near Song, seemed to become a barrier, protecting her in the center. But at this time, the barrier has become fragmented.

   After countless battles, the ten people of Jinsong who are all intact, have a large degree of damage, and it seems that they have temporarily lost their combat effectiveness!

   Chiyo looked at the sky in front of him with shock.

  Hyuga Sky is also in bad condition. He was completely ragged, his hands had turned red, and his body had a slight crack spreading.

   Two traces of blood flowed directly from his white eyes!

   As one of the oldest ethnic groups in the world, today it finally revealed its heritage.

The   Hyuga clan can survive thousands of years, so naturally they have their own cards.

   They are different from the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes of the Uchiha clan, and the Mudun of the Senshou clan~www.readwn.com~ The Hyuga clan has inherited some advanced forbidden techniques.

   It is said that these forbidden techniques were handed down by the ancestor of Chakra. And it can only be used with a white eye.

  Because of these forbidden techniques, the Hyuga clan was even more prosperous than Uchiha and Senju at the most glorious time.

   It is a pity that these forbidden techniques were lost due to various reasons. Only this incomplete physical skill remains.

   Although the power of this physical technique is huge, it is also expensive. After this time, it is still unknown whether Hyuga Sky's white eyes can be used again.

   But this time, he finally won.


   At this time, in a corner of the battlefield, a black figure was watching such a battle.

   "Is this mother's eighty sacred air strikes?" Although the power was too weak, he still recognized this physical skill.

   "Damn it, using mother's physical skills, Hyuga is damn...Hayi and Hamura's descendants are all damned!"

   The black shadow cursed for a while, and finally got a little tired, and dived back underground again.



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