Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 32: Chasing goal

   On the battlefield, because of the battle between Hyuga Sky and Chiyo, the space left by the ninjas was also instantly filled.

The use of   s-level ninjutsu also made the atmosphere on the battlefield even more intense. Thousands of ninjas began to fight more intensely.

   At their feet, perhaps the companion who just lost his life, but at this moment, no one has time to be sad.

   Their only idea is to kill the enemy in front of them.

   Uchiha Tatsumi is doing the same thing. He is like a drop of water in the ocean, extremely small.

   But no one dares to underestimate this ten-year-old Uchiha boy.

   This is true whether it is the ninja of Konoha on his side or the ninja of the enemy country.

   At this moment, he seems to be incarnation of a murderous god, taking away the enemy's life with that extremely headache illusion and instantaneous body.

   He doesn't seem to be a Zhongnin at all...Even, it is much stronger than many Shangren. Many ninjas were hit by illusions in a flash, and they lost their lives forever.

   The blood-colored eyes, the powerful thunders, and the windbreaker soaked in the blood of the enemy, when these are combined, they give people an incomparable beauty.

   The art of killing.

   Even Uchiha Tatsu didn't know that, invisibly, many Konoha's ninjas became his fans. This has nothing to do with age, only with strength.


   successively killed several Shimonin water gates on the edge of the battlefield, and also vaguely captured Uchiha Tatsumi's figure in the silhouette. After seeing the powerful strength of his friend, he was also shocked.

   Mizumon and Uchiha Tatsun have played the most times, but he never knew how high his strength is, and finally realized today.

   At this time, in addition to sighing, Watergate wanted to catch up. He quietly told himself that one day, he will have enough strength to fight side by side with the other side.

   The rope tree not far away near Uchiha Tatsumi, at this time, is also relying on his hand to escape, is entangled with a Yan Yin Zhongren, and has already gained the upper hand.

   And Mikoto was always behind Uchiha Tatsu, helping him withstand the interference of other ninjas. With her own writing wheel eyes, she can see through most of the movements of Zhong Ren and Xia Ren.

   "Uchiha kid, don't be too arrogant!"

   Seeing that Mikoto was so powerful, several ninjas besieged him. For a while, Mikoto, who was already at ease, was immediately suppressed. Even so, she continued to insist.

   Shan Gouyu's writing wheel's eye is spinning faster and faster.

   squeezed the writing wheel, Mikoto finally clearly caught the opponent’s attack.

   For an instant, taking advantage of his short stature, he dodges directly. Then, Kuunai stabbed a ninja in the belly.

   However, when her Kuwuwu is less than two inches from the ninja's abdomen, the other party also reacted. He immediately rotated the blade in his hand and cut it flatly.

   Mikoto, who has a writing wheel eye, saw this movement in advance, and quickly dodged to avoid the blow.

   At this time, another ninja fist directly at Mikoto. At this critical moment, Mikoto did not evade the offensive that was about to fall at all.

   She and the enemy ninja stared at each other, and in an instant, the movement in the opponent's hand stopped. Then, Kurumi shot directly at the opponent's chest.

   Everyone is fighting hard.

   As for Uchiha Tatsu at this moment, seeing Mikoto solve the opponent, he also focused on the enemy in front of him.

   He knows very well that being free from outside interference in battle is also the key to victory.

   In addition, due to his previous breakthroughs and the successive beheadings on the battlefield, his physical strength and Chakra have been exhausted.

   As for his illusion, the ninjas near this battlefield are also prepared. They don't want to be easily killed by Uchiha Tatsu because of the illusion.

   "The Art of Earth Escape·Rock Fist!"

   The broken rocks under Uchiha Tatsumi's feet were all floating in the air, condensing in front of his opponent. In an instant, it condensed into a giant rock fist half the size of a person, and then slammed straight towards him.

   Uchiha Tatsu saw this, but without any evasion, the strange force punch was directly shot, and the huge stone was instantly broken into pieces.


   Sand Shinobu rushed forward, and the dazzling long sword slashed, to cut Uchiha Tatsumi under the sword.


   Just when he was about to approach Uchiha Tatsumi, the earthen seal had already been connected, and a wall of earth that just could only cover Uchiha Tatsumi's figure stood up.

   But such a wall of soil can't stop a Shinobu for too long.

   After seeing Uchiha Tatsumi's seal, in a flash, the thunder escape reached the level of chidori singing.

   Then Uchiha Tatsuno didn't hesitate, raised his right hand and smashed it against the dirt wall!


   The earth flow wall that Uchiha Tatsu deliberately stood up was instantly penetrated by Chidori.

   The rubble splashed all over, and Uchiha Tatsuno stepped on his right leg, and it slammed into the abdomen of the enemy nation Shinobu.

At the moment when    was hit, Nasuna was stunned, because in the battle he had experienced, he had never seen a caster actively destroy his defensive ninjutsu.

   The enemy Kokushang Shinobu spewed out a mouthful of blood, and then seemed to lose strength, and the long knife in his hand fell to the ground. His abdomen had been directly penetrated by Lei Dun.


   Uchiha Tatsu took out kunai, and kunai shot at the head of that sand.

   However, at this moment ~www.readwn.com~ a bunch of sand rises from the ground, flying away from nothing. And the sand quickly expanded, forming a sand wall in front of the ninja in Nasha Ninja Village.

   Then, a larger sand stream rushed towards Uchiha Tatsumi.

   Uchiha Tatsun jumped up and escaped the impact of the sand waves.

   "Snake Shadow Snake Hand!"

   At the moment Uchiha Tatsu jumped up high, the four gray snakes in his hand flew out like ropes, shooting at Mikoto and other Konoha ninjas.

  Four grey snakes wrapped around their waists, Uchiha Tatsun pulled them out of the sand.

   "You leave here!"

   After Uchiha Tatsu pulled Mikoto and the others out, he quickly let them leave. This kind of large-scale ninjutsu can easily get them affected.

   "Don't leave if you come!"

   One person drank it high, stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air, a bunch of sand shot at Uchiha's leg like a rope.

   Uchiha Tatsun was instantly wrapped in sand.

   "Desert funeral!"

   The man gave a soft drink, and the sand that wrapped Uchiha Tatsuo suddenly shrank.




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