Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 38: Uchiha Tatsumi

Ninja News

An interview with the hero Uchiha Tatsunobu of Konoha Hidden Village:

In recent days, in addition to the real-time situation of the Ninja World War, the Ninja Circle was also screened by a Ninja named Uchiha Tatsuno.

This ninja is certified as "Ninja War Hero" and "the founder of electroshock therapy."

The following is the interview content,

Ninja: Did you have to use this ninjutsu? "

Uchiha Tatsuno: At present, if there is no such ninjutsu, I can say that I have no better move.

Ninja: There may be ninjas who think that Shouzuru disappeared because they couldn't bear the physical pain, and they think this is a punishment.

Uchiha Tatsuno: This is a matter of Nin Yun and Yun, depending on how you understand it.

Reporter: There are ninjas who do not want to reveal their names. They think that the direct use of electric shocks on such a cute Maori will have a negative impact on Maori's education. Are you sure about this?

Uchiha Tatsuno: I think that such a tiny Thunder Dunge would not be possible.

Ninja: This is your personal opinion.

Uchiha Tatsuno: Of course my personal opinion.

Ninja: But when we interviewed Shouhe, it showed melancholy eyes and told us that in the past few seconds, it had only experienced a catastrophe. What do you think? "

Uchiha Tatsuno: Pretending to be struck by lightning.

The above content is the interview conducted by Uchiha Tatsumi. Uchiha Tatsumi during the interview was smiling from beginning to end, and we will continue to follow up and report on it.

The second feature originally scheduled to be published:

[The legendary Sannin? Secrets that we and demigods can't tell! 】

The periodical publication was postponed for some reason.


Let us return to the battlefield again.

The sound of the explosion of thunder is like a mourning song on the battlefield, and it is also like the funeral of Sand Shinobu. After the unicorn, Shouhe turned into a pile of sand.

Everyone stared at the ground without blinking.

The Lei Dun just now really has a sense of shape and power, so one minute after Morizuru disappeared, no one moved, even the ninja who had rushed halfway stopped and watched the scene blankly.

Who can tell them what is going on in this world?

Why was the tyrannical tail beast directly exploded? Who said that the tail beast is invincible? Who said it would sweep the battlefield?

It's all right now, even the scum is gone.

For many ninjas, today is a special day. Because they saw the legendary tail beast for the first time, and then watched the electric shock therapy of the magnetic explosive infantry Uchiha Tatsu for free.

But did Uchiha Tatsuro really kill Morizuru? Of course not. Alien creatures like this are more tenacious in their vitality, and they can't die under an S-level thunder.

So Shouhe used his body to block most of the injuries the first time Lei Dun fell. If it enters Renzhuli's body, then Renzhuli will definitely die properly, and the same thing will temporarily disappear. So Shouhe chose to fight against the entire Thunder Dunge.

Although Shouhe was not dead, Lei Dun also shattered its body. In this case, Renzhuli had also regained consciousness.

Sure enough, under the pile of sand, a person stretched out his hand. It's just that that arm, under the influence of Lei Dun, has become green smoke.

At this time, it can be reflected that the **** is still tender and crisp.

When everything was silent on this battlefield, two orders from Chiyo came from Sand Shinobu's ears:

"Recycle Shouhe! Then,"

"Destroy that kid!!!"

Gritting teeth.

These two orders were given, on the one hand, because in the entire battlefield, the highest strength guarding the crane's human pillar power had already lost the fighting ability. Not only that, but at this time, Sand Shinobu even faced the danger of losing Shou Crane.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the strength of a single person has become a waste. Taking advantage of this opportunity, now grabbing back to his own village, what if the war is lost?

Moreover, for various reasons, the number of ninjas on the battlefield is now at a disadvantage.

Under this circumstance, it is inevitable for the allies to fall back.

On the other hand, Uchiha Tatsun was in front of others, and lay down their national strategic deterrent weapons.

The scene of the violent beating of the tail beast looks very shocking, as if Uchiha Tatsumi is quite awesome, so it is inevitable to be targeted.

Moreover, that Lei Dun just now reminded Chiyo of the mountain that once shrouded the world of ninja-the **** of ninja.

Such a threatening goal definitely cannot allow him to grow up successfully. Now, let him be destroyed.

For this purpose, Chiyo changed the combat target decisively. The first priority was to stop the loss and recover Shouhe, and the second priority was to kill the kid.

As for victory, it was no longer her consideration.

Originally, the strength of the two sides was basically equal, but the momentum of the trilateral coalition forces had been completely contained at this time. After all, the scene just now was quite a boost for Konoha's ninja.

Now that they have become the weaker side and the coalition forces fall apart again, it is only a matter of time before they lose the war.

Because of Chiyo's order, the originally quiet battlefield has also become chaotic, and Shinobu rushes towards Shahai almost subconsciously.

In order to achieve the goal of retrieving the tail beast, the sand ninjas only rushed here, which led to their undefended chances behind them.

Therefore, the exchange of casualties between the two sides was reversed.

"Chiyo, this war is destined to be our Konoha victory. Shouzuru can't beat even a kid, it's the shame of the tail beast! Hahahaha." A few tens of meters away, Hyuga said to Chiyo in a tone of mockery. .

Because of the forbidden technique, Hyuga Sky couldn't use his eyes. At this time, he was guarded by a group of Hyuga tribesmen, but these were all separated. When he spoke, his face was pale, and although the blood from his eyes had been wiped off, he was still working hard to restrain the pain in his eyes.

Quite hard to restrain.

But at this time, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. It is inevitable that Konoha Ninja suffered heavy casualties because of Morizuru's attack.

But the tail beast has disappeared, and Sand Shinobu's last trump card is gone. As long as the war continues, Konoha will surely achieve the final victory in this war.

It’s just that no one thought that the person who played the key role at this time was actually a Nakanin~www.readwn.com~Uchiha Tatsu’s role on the battlefield in this minute, not to mention turning the tide, but also having to be alone. Up.

Although Hyuga Sky was shocked by that kid's combat power, it was a good thing after all. At this time, he couldn't care too much. The more powerful his ninja on the battlefield, the more his hope of victory would increase.

So he also issued an order.

There are only nine short words.

"Protect him!"

"at all costs"

In other words, save private soldier Uchiha Tatsumi.


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