Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 39: Uchiha's younger brother

   Sand Shinobu turned into two waves, one part rushed toward Renjuli, the other part rushed toward Uchiha Tatsumi.

   Seeing this situation, Hyuga Sky immediately commanded the seal squad to rush towards Shouhe.

  Hyuga's purpose is very simple. If Sain wants to kill Uchiha, she must be prepared to lose the tail beast. After all, the number of sand ninjas was already small, and thinking of attacking Konoha ninjas was too arrogant.

   Of course, Hyuga Sky didn't really want to **** Morizuru in Sand Shinobu's hands. He just couldn't let so many Shinobu rush to Uchiha Tatsumi's side. Otherwise, no matter how powerful the kid is, it is difficult to guarantee that he will be intact in this situation.

   Compared to killing that kid, Shinobu couldn't bear the consequences of losing Shouzuru.

The   tail beast is an important weight to maintain the balance of power in Ninja Village. No matter in war or peace, no Ninjamon can afford to lose the tail beast.

   Killing that kid did take revenge, and losing Shouhe is equivalent to losing Shayin's greatest deterrent, and they are still clearly distinguished.

   Seeing this, Eilao Zang suddenly appeared behind Chiyo.

   "Sister, Konoha's seal class is here!"

  Eilao Zang is really a little sad now. Seeing that Konoha was completely stunned now, they completely gave up fighting sand, rock, and rain, and instead wanted to control Shou crane.

   In case Konoha really desperately took away Morizuru. Then his political career is over, and he may lose his ninja career.

  Why didn't Ezang vacate his hands to rush into the battlefield when Konoha and Sand Shinobu had a huge difference in strength?

  Because Eilao Zang’s task is to watch, control, and recover the Shouhe in time when necessary and at all costs.

   This is his only mission on the battlefield. Three generations of Fengying couldn't really have no brains at all. He dared to put the guard crane on the battlefield, and he must be sure to retrieve it back.

   And this assurance is Eilao Zang, his task is to guard the crane himself, he is not responsible for other things at all. In a word, wars can be lost, but tail beasts cannot be lost.

   And now Konoha's target has become a tail beast. Now Yiwei Renzhuli does not have much self-protection ability. Chiyo, you still want to kill that kid, are you really my sister?

   That's why Eilao Zang reminded Chiyo.

   "Well then..." Chiyo hesitated for a while, but could only let go of this idea temporarily.

   "I brought the ninja to stop them, you immediately reclaim the Shou crane. After completing the task, you will leave the battlefield immediately, and then evacuate back to the village. You don't have to worry about the rest. You must protect the Shou crane." Chiyo ordered again.

   The most important thing at the moment is to reclaim the Shou crane before Konoha's seal class, so Eilao Zang didn't say a word of nonsense. After nodding, he quickly rushed towards Renjuli with a team of sand ninjas.

   After a frantic fight, under the leadership of Chiyo, Shinobu finally temporarily established a line of defense and blocked the force of the human column. When Eilao Zang rushed to Ren Zhuli, Ren Zhuli had become dying.

   Hai Laozang sighed, Ren Zhuli had been dead soon, and it seemed that he could only give up the other party. Thinking of this, he patted his hands on the ground!

   psychic art!

   A huge sand pot appeared next to Eilaozang, and then he began to direct his subordinates to arrange his own sealing style, and they were about to seal the Shou Crane in the sand pot again. Of course, this means that Ren Zhuli will die.

The twelve sand ninjas stood standing around Renzhuli. After finishing the operation, they almost imprinted at the same time, and then Shouhe’s huge sandy body flowed out from Renzhuli’s mouth, nose, and eyes like flowing water. , Quickly poured into the sand pot beside Eilaozang.

   Then Eilaozang buttoned the lid of the sand pot, and after pasting the last special paper technique, he made the last seal, and the paper technique disappeared into the sand pot.

   Hai Lao Zang immediately picked up the sand pot, and then began to evacuate the battlefield quickly!

Before    left, he glanced back at his sister, who was still in a fierce battle with Konoha's ninja.

   In any case, Sun Shinobu cost a huge price to liberate Shou Crane this time, and has failed. In fact, putting Shou Crane, a powerful but uncontrollable thing on the frontal battlefield, is not a good choice.

   But fortunately, Sand Shinobu also retains a lot of vitality. In this regard, it was Yan Yin that suffered the most.

   Anyway, Japan will be long, Konoha, wait and see!

   Hai Lao Zang let out a cruel word in his heart, and quickly began to run away.

  Eilao Zang's actions were of course not hidden from Konoha's eyes. After he left, dozens of Konoha ninjas chased after him. If he could retake Shouzuru, it would definitely be a huge blow to Sand Shinobu.

   However, this is basically impossible to do. Let alone the guards that Eilao Zang himself carries, he alone can eliminate Konoha's pursuit troops.

After    Shouzuru was taken away, the coalition forces that had collapsed reunited to resist Konoha's killing. The sand ninjas are also a little brash, their attacks can only be described as crazy.

   "Brother Shinnosuke, Morizuru has disappeared." Uchiha Tatsumi said to Shinnosuke while eliminating an enemy around him.

   "Yes, so these guys have become more unscrupulous, and they all rushed here." Shinnosuke was a little helpless.

   "Then we should drive away now." Uchiha Tatsun wiped the rain channel on his face. Without Shouhe at this time, he has become a target of public criticism.

   It's not that Uchiha Tatsu and Shinnosuke at this time have lost their fighting power. Even if Uchiha Tatsu doesn't need ninjutsu, he can still hold on for a while with physical skills.

But this kind of persistence is basically meaningless. There is a steady stream of Sand Ninja who has been around, killing a group, and more people will come to it~www.readwn.com~ Yes, in this world, there is indeed one The enemy was fifty, and then it was a ninja who fell in seconds. That's right, it was me.

   But Watergate is still a ten-year-old Shinobu, holding the corpse of his teammate at the edge of the battlefield, experiencing the transformation of his life.

   Of course, there are also vigorous ninjas that can be 10,000 enemies, and then still be able to fight. But the man who could fight against Xiaoba was also beaten for three days and three nights under the same wheel fight, and then was tragically consumed to death...

   So staying is not advisable.

   "Then how to escape?" Shinnosuke has transformed from Tsunade into Uchiha Tatsumi.

   Uchiha Tatsuno raised his chin and motioned for the all-colored Hyuga ninja running from a distance.

   "Tatsun, that's okay. I didn't expect you to have a relationship with the Hyuga clan." Shinnosuke patted Uchiha Tatsumi on the shoulder. He was thrown into Anbu since he was a child, and not many people knew him. So Shinnosuke didn't think that Hyuga was here to save him.

   After hearing Shinnosuke's words, the cold face of Hyuga Himeji suddenly appeared in Uchiha's mind. Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, shaking his severely soaked windbreaker.

   "Is Young Master Hyuga, who is my little brother, should I tell you?"



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