Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 40: My name Sansho Fish Hanzo

   The rain seems to have never weakened. The gray clouds looked like someone had put a lid on the sky. The potholes on the ground, the ripples spreading on the raindrops, seemed to be chattering endlessly.

   Suddenly in the distant sky, a roaring unicorn appeared.

"That is......?!"

   The four people stopped their movements at the same time and turned to look at the sky. After a while, the thunder and lightning disappeared like a god. However, the four people's heart set off a stormy sea.

  Because of rain in the country of rain all year round, the sight will be blocked. It is conceivable that this is the ninjutsu light is too strong, even here, they can see very clearly. So, how amazing is the power of this ninjutsu.

   "What kind of thunder is this." Hanzo stared at the light with hot eyes.

   Immediately he turned his head to face the three ninjas in front of him, and said, "Which ninja among your three countries can use this kind of thunder escape?"

   The three ninjas in front of him also fell into deep thought.

   "Will it be Shumo?" Tsunade asked softly.

   "It won't be him. Let's not say that Shumao is now blocking the four-tailed man's strength and can't get out of his body. Moreover, his current most powerful Thunder Escape does not have such a strong momentum." Oshemaru shook his head.

   He knows Shu Mao's strength very well. Shumo's Thunder Dunn ninjutsu attainments are very high, but all of his Thunder Dunn is also related to swords. He is not so powerful.

   But who would it be? A few people at a time are also unbelievable sisters.

"It seems that you don't know. Are you a new powerhouse again? How lucky is your big countries, why are there always a steady stream of geniuses! How do you understand the pain of our small countries." Hanzo squinted his eyes. Long sigh.

   "Huh, pain? If you suffer, there won't be this war. I am a witness to the whole mission about the gold mine." Oshemaru retorted in a hoarse voice.

   "Young man, how can you be sure that the facts you see are facts? We all have the possibility of being used by others." Hanzo shook his head.

   "Use? Who has the power to play with the entire Ninja world like this? You won't tell me Uchiha Madara is still alive, right?" Tsunade mocked.

   "Too arrogant. Konoha taught you confidence, but didn't teach you what is polite." Hanzo waved his sickle.

   In an instant, the vigilance of Dashemaru and their hearts rose to the highest in an instant.

   Jiraiya made a quick seal with both hands.

   "Fire escape flame bomb."

   A fierce flame sprayed out in a spherical shape, and hit Hanzo directly.

   It's just that Hanzo waved the sickle in his hand, chakra surging around him, and cut the big flame bullet with a single knife.

   The flames of the big flame bomb dissipated to both sides, and the Sansho Fish Hanzo was unscathed.


   Hanzo suddenly disappeared from Osaimaru and the others.

   All three of them were surprised.

"So fast!!"

   Although Oshemaru and the others are not speed-type ninjas, they are powerful and fast. But compared with the man in front of him, there is still a big gap.


   Oshemaru roared, the snake's perception made him quickly perceive Hanzo's location. Tsunade turned abruptly without hesitation, and hit the back with a strange punch.

   Tsunade made a strange punch and blasted directly onto Hanzo's sickle.

   Hanzo only felt a huge force hit, and his body retreated several steps, stepping on a huge boulder.

   "The power is enough, but the speed is not good," Hanzo said lightly.

   "The art of shuriken shadow clone."

   While Hanzo was talking, Osaimaru threw out the shuriken directly. The number of shurikens immediately soared, and it hit Hanzo like a rainstorm in Ewha.

   Hanzo narrowed his eyes, and when he was about to evade with the instantaneous technique, he suddenly found that the boulder under his feet had turned into a swamp, his leg sank and he could not leave with the instantaneous technique.

   "The soil escapes the yellow spring marsh." Jilai also shouted loudly.

   "Good cooperation. Unfortunately, you almost hurt me."

   "Swordsmanship, flash."

   I saw the shuriken like a net of heaven and earth, completely blocked by the sickle of the sansho fish.

   At this moment, Tsunade appeared behind Sansho Yu Hanzo, and slammed a punch with a strange force in his hand.


   The mountain shook with a sound, and a dark behemoth suddenly stood up from the ground.

   Hanzo's psychic beast, Sansho fish!

   The Huangquan Marsh at the foot of Hanzo was directly knocked away by Sansho fish. At the same time, Tsunade didn't dodge in a hurry and was knocked into flight by this behemoth.

   "The art of messy lion hair." Jiraji also flicked his hair, and the white hair stretched out quickly, and Tsunade, who wanted to entangle the air, pulled it back.

   "The technique of water escape from the great waterfall." At the same time, Hanzo flipped his hands at high speed, and a huge wall of water rose into the air like a waterfall and crashed into the air.

   "Soil escape with multiple earth flow walls." Dashemaru uses the excavated escape to block the water escape.

   "Boom", the waterfall collided with the earth wall. After a stalemate for dozens of seconds, the soil turned into mud and water fell to the ground, and the sky was like a muddy rain.

   After the mud and dust dispersed, his vision gradually widened, and Hanzo put his sickle on his back and stood upright in the rain.

   "Be careful, his psychic beast is gone again!" Tsunade looked at Hanzo not far away, but the sansho fish at his feet didn't know where. Just now, Sansho fish suddenly emerged from the ground and gave Tsunade a blow.

   Suddenly, the ground under his feet began to vibrate, the three of them immediately jumped into the air, and a huge black shadow immediately followed out.

   I saw the Sanjiao fish with its mouth wide open, with purple smoke in its mouth like bad breath, and its dark yellow tongue swung in the air to the three of them.

   "Hidden Snake Hand!" Oshe Maru's right hand suddenly stretched more than ten meters, turning into a dark green snake, biting the big stone, and setting it hard with sharp fangs.

  As a result, Oshemaru borrowed its strength in the air, and used his left hand to send out a hidden snake hand. The two were rolled back by Tsunade and Jilai respectively, and the three were safe and sound.

   Sanjiao fish used its huge tail to sweep at the three of them when they saw it. Before the attack came, the waves of air around them rolled like tides.

   Seeing such an offensive ~www.readwn.com~ the three of them did not dare to use defensive ninjutsu. Jilaiya's hands were constantly dancing, quickly forming a seal, and the ground under her body moved slowly. In an instant, a long figure slammed into the sansho fish from the air.

   "The earth escapes the earth dragon bullet!"

   Sanjiao fish has a large tail and looks clumsy, but it is as agile as a snake. It abruptly stops the tail inertia. Although it is still sweeping, it changes to the top in one direction.

   Then instantly collided with the earth dragon, and with a loud noise, the earth dragon was broken up, and pieces of mud were scattered on the ground.

   Oshemaru moved his hands quickly, and afterimages changed in his hands. A dozen marks were completed in a blink of an eye, and his hands were folded forward.

   "Fengyun Qianmen Wind Blade!" Hundreds of wind blades were sent out from the hands of Oshemaru, and then attacked the Sansho fish.

  In an instant, Hanzo appeared in front of Sanshoyu.

   "A flash." Hanzo waved his sickle. There is a layer of wind attribute chakra attached to the sickle, and then the wind blade slowly disperses, such a powerful ninjutsu vanishes invisible.


   Sanjiao fish opened its big mouth and made a deafening loud noise, which made Dashewan and their eardrums aching.

   Is this the power of a demigod!



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