Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 41: Life and death crisis

   Seeing Hanzo slash the wind away, all three of them felt a little weak. Their various cooperations are useless in front of this man.

   "Are you going to give up?" Hanzo squinted at the three ninjas in front of him.

   For a time, Hanzo did not take the initiative to attack. If it was before, he would still think of quickly solving these three ninjas, and then cut into the battlefield.

   But that Lei Dun just made Hanzo change his mind.

   can use that kind of thunder, no matter which ninja in the village, then it can play a key role in the battlefield.

   In other words, the situation on the battlefield should be clear now. At this time, Hanzo enters the battlefield again, so it will not help.

   That being the case, he would simply not enter the battlefield. He didn't want to form an alliance. And on the battlefield, there are not many ninjas in the Kingdom of Rain, and the main forces are Sandy Hide and Rocky Hide. Just let them bite the dog.

   Hanzo thought so in his heart, so he didn't rush to do it. It's just that Hanzo didn't know that Shayin's gangsters had the same idea. So from the beginning to the end, the only true honest person in the tripartite alliance was Iwa Shinobu.

   As for why this happened, ninth historians also have different opinions. After all, the three generations of Tuying are well-known old men and women, and they rarely get shamed by others.

Finally, more than a hundred years later, those tomb robbers, ah no, it was the archaeologists who accidentally found a diary when they were excavating the Seventy-two Suspicious Mounds established by the Three Generations of Tuying, and everyone understood why the Three Generations of Tuying Society He is such a straight boy.

The diary of    records that three generations of Tukage came to Konoha when he was a child and was beaten up by a strange uncle.

   Since then, three generations of Tuying have hated Konoha. So vowed to defeat Konoha at all costs.

   As for why three generations of Tuying set up so many suspicious graves, it is still an unsolved mystery. But everyone guessed that this is also related to Konoha.


  Speaking of which, Oshamaru and Jiraiya also heard Hanzo's mocking words. They are actually still twenty-year-olds.

   Therefore, the energetic of them immediately formed a seal on their hands, and the incomparable tacit understanding was revealed again, and there were afterimages of both hands.

   "Fire escape fire dragon flame bomb, fire escape dragon fire art!!" Two ninjutsu in the air entangled and rushed to Hanzo with great momentum.

   Hanzo looked at the fire dragon rushing towards him, and began to seal, "Water Escape·Water Break!"

   The fire dragon and Shui Dun collided with each other, sending out a thick mist, covering the battlefield. In the thick fog, the three people of Oshemaru immediately became horns.

   The sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from my ear. I saw hundreds of kunwu emanating from the thick fog, and kunwu shrouded the three of them, not giving them any room to dodge.

  Oshemaru and Jiraiya pulled out their own kunai and shielded Tsunade, the sound of "ding-ding" kept. At this moment, Hanzo waved his long chain sickle from the thick fog to Jiraiya's lower abdomen. Jilai was also hurriedly trying to resist this attack with kunai.

   "A flash." Hanzo groaned, with a layer of wind chakra attached to the sickle, and the cutting speed suddenly increased, as fast as lightning.

  Oshemaru kicked Jiraiya fiercely.


   Even though Oshemaru had already moved, he was still a step slower. A cut was made in the ninja suit under his arm, and the kunai in his hand had been cut in half by a sickle, and the cut looked abnormally smooth.

   Hanzo also flashed past Jiraiya, and Jiraiya couldn’t help but took a breath. If it wasn’t for Oshemaru to perceive it in advance, I’m afraid...

   "Chain and sickle cut in two steps!!" Hanzo flashed over, and the long chain flew, the sickle that had passed Jilai's chest flashed a strange arc in the air, and once again struck at the back of Jilaiya's neck.

   "The hidden shadow has many snake hands." At the moment of life and death, Oshemaru's ninjutsu entangled Hanzo's body accurately.

   Jiraiya also tried to tilt his head, causing Hanzo's sickle to pass over his shoulder, avoiding the fatal blow.

   However, the blood flowing from the wound of Jiraiya was slightly black. It was obvious that Hanzo had smeared poison on the sickle. Although Hanzomi didn't directly hit the key point of Jiraiya, he was not disappointed, and turned around and prepared to leave Jiraiya here.

   "Oshemaru, you go and hold him, I'll see Ji Laiya's injury."

Tsunade saw this scene and quickly said to Oshemaru, and came to Jiraiya's side, and in an instant, he took Jiraiya far away, and used medical chakra to slowly draw out the blood venom from Jiraiya’s wound. .

   And after hearing Tsunade's words, Oshamaru hurriedly fought with Hanzo. Da She Maru uses her own poisonous snake to pester Hanzo crazy. For a while, Hanzo couldn't get rid of Oshawan.

   "There are more snake hands hidden!" Oshe Maru issued a ninjutsu.

"Flash!" The sword light flashed across, and Oshemaru's ninjutsu group of snakes broke in half, but Oshemaru grasped the moment after the move was used up, and the free left hand used the hidden snake hand to attack Hanzo On Hanzo's face, Hanzo's sickle couldn't respond, so he could only avoid the attack by turning sideways.

  Oshemaru saw this scene and laughed, "Snakes explode!"

   After a muffled sound, the group of snakes transformed into the left hand suddenly exploded, and the purple-black blood with poisonous blood scattered into the air and Hanzo's body and face.

   It was just that Hanzo slammed the sickle forward in his handle. The sickle turned like a windmill, at extremely fast speed, and his eyes could only see the chain, as if there was no blade, he rushed straight towards the Oshemaru.

   But Oshemaru escaped Hanzo's sudden attack with a soil substitute. Immediately, there was a trace of doubt in Dashewan's eyes. Why did the venom sprayed by the self-detonating snake have no effect?

   Seeing Dashewan's eyes, Hanzo said indifferently: "Because of the venom sac of the Sansho fish, I am already invaded by a hundred venom, so your venom is ineffective!"

   "Damn it!!" Even Oshemaru couldn't help but cursed at this time. But even so, Dashemaru can only bite the bullet and use sensitivity to fight with the continued Hanzo tour.

   But Hanzo didn't want to delay. He made a seal with one hand, and the sansho fish lurking underground came out again and joined Hanzo to attack the Dashemaru.

   Sanjiao fish has a huge stature, but its flexible tail makes Oshemaru a headache. After a negligence in Oshemaru, Hanzo took the opportunity to disappear instantly.

   Hanzo uses Sansho fish to entangle with Oshomaru, while he rushes to Jiraiya and Tsunade. Hanzo rushed to the two of Jiraiya, first out of kunai, and then began to seal with both hands.

   "Water escape water dragon bullet"

  Due to the climate and geographical location, the power of the water dragon bomb technique has increased a lot. But Hanzo's attack had not yet been completed, and Hanzo was shaking his hand again, and dozens of detonating symbols followed.

   At this time, Jiraiya's injury has been stabilized by Tsunade. Although the toxin has not been completely eliminated, it is no longer a problem for Jiraiya to condense Chakra at this time.

   Ji Lai also quickly settled, and his long white hair began to stand upside down, becoming like a hedgehog, hard as iron, and Ji Lai also lowered his forehead slightly.

   "Ninja needle hell."

   The hair that was hard as iron was shot out, colliding with the sky full of kunai.

Jilaiya’s white hair and the sky’s misery offset each other~www.readwn.com~ and Jilaiya’s hands continued to release the seal, "The Art of Fire Escape Dragon!" A fire dragon spit out from Zilaiya’s mouth. It looks very scary, but after all, climate and geography are not dominant.

   In such a situation, Huo Dun would definitely not be able to counteract Shui Dun, and Jiraiya obviously knew it, so he had to let Tsunade do the final defense.

   I saw Tsunade condensed the Chakra in his hands, then hammered the ground hard, the earth trembled, and huge rocks rose from the ground, guarding them in front of the two, forming a strong defense for them.

   The fire dragon collided with the water dragon, forming a mist. Sure enough, the fire dragon disappeared, and the water dragon continued to fly towards the two.

   But after being suppressed by the fire dragon, most of the power of the water dragon has now disappeared. This power can't cause a penetration effect on the rock at all, so the power of the detonation talisman is just a violent vibration, but the rock is still intact.

   It’s just that Hanzo had already thought about this situation. He immediately formed a few strange knots on his hands, which was obviously a secret technique of Hanzo.

   Tsunade and Jiraiya's feet sank. The ground instantly turned into a series of detonation charms, densely packed, and people couldn't tell how many, fifty? hundred? Even more.

   "Fire escape detonation symbol!"



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