Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 42: Konoha 3 Shinobi!

The detonating charms on the ground were densely packed, like a huge whirlpool that would engulf Tsunade and Jira.

"Tian Shou Feet!"

Tsunade slammed on his foot, and the detonating charms originally wrapped around his feet were shattered by the shock. But the remaining detonating charms were wrapped around again like a poisonous snake.


Hanzo Yuiyin detonated his secret technique.

"Needle Jizo!" Jiraiya shouted loudly, and then desperately rushed to Tsunade, holding her in his arms. Then, the explosion sounded, deafening!

As the smoke rose, the rubble was scattered everywhere, and the rock made by Tsunade had long since disappeared, turned into fragments, and dissipated in the air.

After the smoke cleared, an object resembling a silkworm cocoon appeared. It turned out that at the same time as the explosion, Ji Lai also used his head to wrap the two of them. Looking at this ninjutsu, Hanzo felt a trace of regret, because his carefully planned attack failed.

When the cocoon slowly turned back to a soft head, Jiraiya also stood on the ground covered in scars, his legs seemed to have no strength to stand, so he had to be supported by Tsunade. It seemed that the explosion just now caused a lot of damage to Jilaida.

Tsunade was anxious for a while, and burns of this degree must be healed quickly. Jiraiya didn't care, his gaze remained on Hanzo to prevent Hanzo's sudden attack.

"Jiraiya, Tsunade!"

Hearing the explosion, Da She Wan shouted. Then, regardless of the frenzied consumption of Chakra, he directly used the method of injury for injury, broke through the barrier of Sanshoyu, and came to the two of them, and Sanshoyu also stopped the attack at Hanzo's sign.

"How are you two?!" Da She Wan asked eagerly. At this time, Ji Lai also had multiple wounds all over his body, which looked very serious.

"We got the detonation talisman under Hanzobu. If it weren't for Jiraji, we would have died just now." Tsunade said with some chagrin.

"...The gap is really not that big..." Jilai also reluctantly smiled at Oshemaru.

At this time he could already feel his body soft. In order to protect Tsunade, he completely carried the explosion. The blood is in direct contact with the poisonous gas in the air, and the detoxification pills previously taken are no longer enough to continue to resist this toxicity.

Hanzo jumped high, leaped up to the head of the Sanjiao fish, looking down at the three of them, with a compelling momentum.

"Now that your team has been injured so badly, what else can you do?"

Yeah, what else can I do?

Almost the three people who had exhausted their abilities, stood in front of the huge black sansho fish and looked upwards, while the man standing on the top still looked condescending.

They have reached their limit, but Hanzo never seems to be doing their best.

"Life and death are between your thoughts, do you want to hold on?"

"You should be very clear. Even if the three of you join forces, the gap between you and me cannot be made up. Give up and you can survive." Hanzo persuaded the three with great patience.

"Don't laugh! Konoha's ninja doesn't have the habit of surrendering on the battlefield. Even if I die, I will never admit defeat!" Jiraiya at the end of the crossbow did not have any intention of surrendering.

It is not that he is brave, but that he has a reason for absolutely not failing. His companions, disciples, and friends are all desperately fighting on the battlefield behind him. If he concedes defeat, what face is there to face those dead ninjas.

Although Oshemaru and Tsunade didn't speak, the expressions in their eyes showed their decision.

Never admit defeat!

The three directly looked at Hanzo, supported each other, and still refused to retreat.

Looking at the expressions of the three, at a certain moment, Hanzo suddenly closed his eyes. He is also very hesitant, whether to kill these three potential young people directly, or just let them go?

He was very unwilling not to kill. This approach is undoubtedly returning the tiger to the mountain, Konoha is already strong enough...

However, if you kill the three of Kiraiya Tsunade Osamaru, under Konoha's anger, even if Hanzo, Sain and Iwane are united, they will suffer heavy losses.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the shocking thunder reappears repeatedly in Hanzo's mind.

It's not that he looks down on the other two big countries. Judging from his years of cognition, it is mostly Konoha's ninja who can use this kind of thunder.

Hanzo had a faint feeling in his heart that Konoha had won the war. Even the coalition army is not Konoha's opponent. If three generations of Hokage's disciples are killed... then will the Rain Country still exist?

Thought of this...

Hanzo's original condensed killing intent also began to dissipate, "I haven't seen a junior like yours for a long time, and your strength has been recognized by me. You three, let's go..."


In Hanzo's words, Jiraya Tsunade's trio were stunned.

It's still an endless situation just now. Judging from the situation of this fight, most of them died under Hanzo. However, Hanzo's suddenly cherished their talents and let the three of them leave. This transformation is too weird.

Ji Lai was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No, we can't let you into the battlefield!"

"Don't worry, since I will let you three go, naturally I won't continue to join forces with Iwanin and Sanda. Of course, I won't enter the battlefield." Hanzo shook his head.

This was a situation that neither Jiraiya nor Tsunade had expected.

Oshemaru narrowed his eyes, looked at Hanzo and said, "You gave up entering the battlefield, isn't it just because of the three of us?"

He has never believed that Hanzo who can be the leader of Yunin Village is a good person without killing them. Even if there is a part of the reason for cherishing talents, it can never be that simple.

Hanzo folded his arms and looked down at the three of them, "It's very simple. Konoha should have won this battle. Then it won't be interesting for us to fight. Therefore, I will be merciful and let you live. Explain you like this. Are you satisfied?"

"We don't need your mercy, we can still fight!" Jilaiya was enraged by Hanzo's superior attitude.

"Stop talking, Jiraiya." Tsunade looked at Jiraiya's injury worriedly.

Hanzo didn't take care of him, and turned around to leave. But he suddenly turned around. The Dashewan trio immediately became vigilant.

"Don't be nervous, kids. You three survived in my hands. That's enough to be proud. Let me think about it..." Hanzo looked down at the three of them, "Well...from now on, I will Call you Konoha Sannin... as the price of your life. From now on, bear the name given to you by the demigod and live on."

Hanzo laughed, and then stomped the palm of his foot on the top of Sanjiao Yu's head. As if knowingly, it jumped directly from the top of the heads of the three people, and swept away.

"Konoha...Sannin?! What's this? Compared with my toad ninja, the taste is far worse!" Jiraiya vented his dissatisfaction loudly to the distant figure of Hanzo.

Tsunade smiled and said, "Well, my toad ninja! No matter what his purpose, at least we survived."

Upon hearing these words, Ji Lai also smiled.

The poisonous gas in the sky ~www.readwn.com~ also faded as Hanzo left.

"It seems that he really left." On seeing this, Oshemaru said, "Let's go, we still haven't finished this battle."

Ji Lai also heard this, and no longer entangled.

Immediately the three of them looked at each other and quickly turned back to the battlefield.

It's just that the three of them don't know that the name given by the demigod will accompany them throughout their lives. It is not so much honor as it is shackles, and it always reminds them of today's...shame.



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