Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 43: Iwa Shinobu's stranger

   On the battlefield at this moment, because of the departure of the tail beast, Chiyo also commanded Shinobu to slowly wriggle towards the edge. She wanted to take the opportunity to escape the war.

   I saw a black eagle hovering in the sky, making waves of hiss. The high-pitched voice can basically be heard by ninjas on the battlefield.

"this is?!"

   A ninja in black clothes raised his head in surprise. He is the second in command of Urenin Village, and the temporary commander on the battlefield when Hanzo is away. In an instant, he recognized the Shinobi that Hanzo used to transmit information.

   "The ninjas of the country of rain...retreat!" He hesitated for a moment, and even though he was unwilling, he gave such an order. As the second in command of the Rain Country, he is very afraid of Hanzo.

   Hearing this order, the ninjas of Urenin Village did not hesitate. After all, they had long wanted to leave this **** battlefield. The difference in strength between them and Konoha Ninja is too big. It feels like a regular army opponent of a miscellaneous army.

   Although Konoha's ninjas don't understand this kind of code, they also saw Yunin start to retreat.

   As far as the current situation is concerned, there are only two possibilities for the opponent to retreat suddenly.

   The first and greatest possibility is that Osamaru Tsunade Jiraji also lost the three of them, and even died in the hands of a demigod.

   Then Hanzo sent out this signal, so that the Urennins gradually drifted away from the battlefield, allowing him to support more quickly.

   There is another possibility that they have already won the Oshe Maru. In the case of losing, Hanzo issued a retreat command on the way to escape, while trying to preserve the vigorous combat effectiveness as much as possible, and then consider the long-term plan.

   It's just this possibility, as long as some reasonable people don't believe it. After all, that's a demigod. Rumors say that the three generations of Hokage are not his opponents. Jiraiya and the three of them are just disciples of Hokage. No matter how powerful it is, it won't reach that height.

   So even if they had the greatest confidence in them, most of Konoha's Shinobu felt that the three of them would be able to hold Hanzo's footsteps at best, and the heavy burden of victory in the wars of several major powers was still on them.

   But everyone still has a trace of luck in their hearts. After all, salted fish must have dreams too.

   Many people have been fighting in the Land of Rain for two years. Who doesn’t want to go home?

   Of course, Chiyo is not so optimistic about Tsunade and others. She wished that slug-playing chick died.

   Thinking of this, she couldn't help laughing. That's right, since Hanzo has freed his hand to signal, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Osamaru should be dead, right? If this is the case, it will be worth it even if the war is lost.

   However, her smile has not yet fully formed, it has solidified.

   Because three familiar voices came from one side of the battlefield at the same time.


   A burst of smoke cleared, and three huge psychic beasts appeared on the battlefield. On the head of each psychic beast stood a person, looking down the entire battlefield.

  Oshemaru's unique voice carried a trace of chakra in the entire battlefield.

   "Ninjas of Konoha, we won this war!"

   Hearing these words, the Konoha ninja below all showed a surprised but surprised expression. After a moment of silence, the noise and screams pierced the sky.

   Chiyo was shocked in his eyes. She looked at the three slightly embarrassed figures, and couldn't help getting angry.

  Looking at the appearance of the three, they must have gone through a bitter battle before, and in that state, it is impossible for Hanzo to kill them.

   Then there is only one answer.

   He didn't kill the three of Jilaiya.

   Hanzo, you bastard!

   The three of them jumped up from the psychic beast, and immediately stepped over the many ninjas, placing them in the center of the battlefield.

   "You three, are you okay?"

   Hi stood up to the sky and looked at the three people in front of him with bruises. He simply couldn't imagine how strong this Hanzo was to hurt these three people like this.

   But because he wanted to come back quickly, Tsunade just gave a simple treatment.

   "We are fine." Jilai also shook his head and said.

   Tsunade's gaze turned to Sand Shinobu on the edge of the battlefield, and finally fell on the small woman.

   Tsunade didn't speak, so he confronted Chiyo's eyes like this. There seemed to be sparks in their eyes.

   At this time, Yuren's troops were also assembled under the command of the black ninja.

   "Let them go." Dashemaru and the others began to order. There were only a few ninjas in the Rain Country, and killing them would be useless. What's more, Hanzo also released the three of them. Now that the other party has released goodwill, Konoha will naturally not embarrass these ninjas.

   After Yu Ren gradually walked away, Chiyo's twitching face also managed to return to calmness, and then he said in a deep voice.

   "Sara Shinobu troops continue to retreat!"

   "It is because of Hanzo to let Yunin go, which I can understand. But why do you want to let sand hide away?" Rope tree stood beside Uchiha Tatsumi.

   "Look at the position of Shinobu, most of them are on the edge of the battlefield. We don't have the chance to stay. Moreover, the main force of Shinobu is not there. We will have a battle with Shinobu sooner or later.

   So instead of splitting the troops and chasing these people, it is better to hit the troops and eat the Iwanin in front of them. After all, these are the main forces of Yanyin Village. As long as they are annihilated, the three generations of Tuying will have no chance to continue to wage war. "Uchiha Tatsun explained next to him.

   "Chiyo, you old lady, there is no end between us, I will definitely get it back in the future!" Tsunade looked at him like a bereavement dog Chiyo taunted.

   Chiyo looked back at Tsunade, snorted, and quickly exited the battlefield.

   When Sanda Ninja walked away and disappeared from sight, Konoha's ninjas breathed a sigh of relief.

   After all, if he continues to fight the sand and rock joint forces, Konoha will win and lose a lot.

   It's just that the expressions of Iwa Shinobu have all changed to gloom and panic. Kimura's face was also pale. As the commander of Iwayin ~www.readwn.com~, he originally thought he had designed the seamless siege of Konoha, but now it has evolved into this look. This time I might really die here!

   In the previous battle, they had already experienced the difficulties of Konoha's troops. Now everyone else is gone. They are not Konoha's opponents at all because of their strength.

   Not to mention that he is seriously injured now.

Kimura frowned and bit his scalp and said loudly, "We still have many ninjas. If we fight Konoha, we will suffer heavy losses. Look at this, let our Iwanin troops go today. I can guarantee that in the future, the land of the country No longer be an enemy of Konoha."

   But what he said is that Kimura himself didn't believe it.

   After the last Ninja war, are there few peace treaties signed by the five ninja nations? It's not like tearing it up.

   What's more, such verbal promises cannot be counted at all.

   Ji Lai also laughed, and said, "Well, if that's the case, you all lay down your weapons and surrender. We guarantee your safety."

   "So there is nothing to talk about?" Kimura gritted his teeth.

  Oshemaru shook his head, not talking nonsense with the other party.

   "Everyone in Konoha obeyed the order and wiped out Iwanin's troops, leaving none!"




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