Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 49: Civilians of the Land of Fire

   This continued for several days, and the whole army finally reached the border of the Rain Country.

   The excitement has basically faded from Konoha Ninja's heart, leaving behind the calmness and calmness on the battlefield. They are happy only because the war that has lasted for many years is finally over, but their caution as a ninja will not change.

   In terms of investigation, because of the unique advantages of the Hyuga Ninja, they were sent out by Hyuga Sky to detect the safety of the road ahead while guarding the safety of the team. At the same time, in the sky, there are various Ninja Eagles patrolling.

   It can be said that in front of such a team that integrates reconnaissance and combat power, unless the sand hidden ninja's brain is convulsed, it will choose to launch an ambush on such an occasion.

   Uchiha Tatsu who discovered this, slowly relaxed, and while slowly following the team, while instructing Mizuno and Mikoto's various ninjutsu. After all, Oshemaru has completely handed over the first team to him, so he has the responsibility to improve the strength of his teammates.

   As a young master, the rope tree is also unwilling to be lonely. He was cool alone, standing on top of the carriage, looking into the distance.

   "After a while, I will enter the country of fire." The rope tree said excitedly. He could clearly see Oshemaru and Tsunade at the front of the team.

   "Very good, Rope Tree. Keep this posture. You stand so high and conspicuously, you can fully attract the attention of Shinobu." Uchiha Tatsu took out a handful of kunai gestures in the air.

   The rope tree touched his neck and immediately jumped out of the carriage.

   Soon the long queue completely crossed the boundary of the Rain Country. The entire sky was like being screwed on a faucet, and the rain disappeared without a trace.

   "This is the environment in which people should live." Uchiha Tatsumi squinted his eyes, feeling some hot sunshine. During the months in the country of rain, he felt like he was moldy, and his whole body was wet.

   But then again, the weather in this world of Ninja is really weird. It rains all year round in the country of rain, and it does not rain all year round in the country of wind. If there is a South-to-North Water Diversion project here, it should be very promising. Uchiha Tatsumi's thinking began to diverge again in an instant.

   Soon the team crossed the slightly flat road and began to walk along the artificially constructed long **** stone path to the top of the canyon.

   In this way, the team that was originally not fast, coupled with the drag of the ramp, slowed down.

   "Pay attention to the surrounding alert issues." Uchiha Tatsun reminded the three people around him.

   In such an uphill place, people’s vision is blocked, and their side is a convoy of food and supplies. It is also very necessary to pay more attention to safety.

   Not only the Uchiha Tatsu team’s alert level has increased, but there are too many other Konoha teams.

   "What's the situation?" Tsunade was far inferior to Oshemaru in investigation. Now she saw Oshemaru suddenly stop. Years of teammate experience told her that Oshemaru definitely discovered something.

"Just a few traps made by little bugs." Da She Maru grinned and sneered. After finishing the seal, he squatted down and pressed his palm to the ground. The dull sound came from the underground rocky path immediately, and it was already attributed to it soon. calm.

   "Tell the team behind that there is no problem. By the way, let the ninja help the civilians in the transport team and let them be faster."

  Oshe Maru does not guarantee that it will not be

   fight, but the meaning expressed is already obvious, and now it has encountered a trap that may be from the sand hidden ninja. There is no guarantee that what moths will come out next.

   "Uncle, let me help you." The ranks of ordinary people in front are a little better. Uchiha Tatsumi is responsible for the security of the material transportation team, which basically slows the progress of the entire team.

   "Thank you." The black-faced uncle was very embarrassed and gave Uchiha Tatsuo a position so that he could help him. Ninjas are much stronger than ordinary people because they have the bonus of Chakra.

   As the transporter pushed up little by little, after a while, the team whose overall speed had increased had already crossed the long ramp. Although the road ahead was a bit rugged, it was relatively smooth.

   But at the same time, something else seems to have appeared at the end of the field of vision.

   "There seems to be some people in the distance." Tsunade stared at it for a while, but after all, her vision was only the level of a ninja, so she couldn't see the small points in the distance.

   Within two minutes, the information of the front-line Hyuga Ninja had been passed back. The result was not the ninja of the Kingdom of Wind, but a dilapidated village with a group of begging civilians.

   "Well, I remember this village. It was there when we came two years ago, but it still exists now," Tsunade said, turning his head.

   "Well, let's go ahead." Oshemaru ordered to the rear of the team.

   About ten minutes later, the small dot at the end of the field of vision finally became a visible figure~www.readwn.com~ Because of the war, the village looked very dilapidated, and it seemed that the whole village was refugees.

   They are in ragged clothes and have a sad expression. The child's dry face is covered with dust and looks very pitiful.

   "Master Ninja." An old man who looked like a village chief knelt down in front of the Oshemaru, "I beg you to give us some charity."

  Oshemaru stopped, but did not speak, only watching these people quietly. The whole team began to commotion, after all, these civilians looked really pitiful.

   After a while, a ninja finally couldn't stand it anymore. He was going to send the ninja behind him to the food transport team to get some food and distribute it to these ordinary people.

   "I don't understand what kind of courage it is to make you appear in front of me in this posture." Oshemaru's eyes were very sharp.

   After finishing this sentence, he pierced into the heart of the old man in front of him with lightning speed.

   Then the next moment, the ordinary people who should have died turned into smoke and disappeared.

   In the next second, countless kunai shot at Konoha's troops as if they were dying.



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