Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 50: Sudden battle

   Looking at the dense kunai, Konoha's troops, who had already prepared, immediately ninjas formed an earthen formation.

   Oshemaru shook his body, crossed the high wall, rushed towards the enemy, and at the same time, his hands quickly formed seals.

   "The soil escapes the rock sharp gun."

   When the rock and soil turned into sharp spears and drilled out of the ground, the puppets that Shayin had arranged long ago also jumped out of the hidden underground.

   Not only the front team where Oshemaru is located, but the center, the rear, and the tail where Konoha White Tooth is located, were all attacked by a different number of sands.

   "The art of fire escape from the phoenix fire!" Uchiha Chen jumped up, and dozens of head-sized fireballs revolved like meteors hitting the ninjas in Sand Ninja Village.

   Boom boom boom, caught off guard, the fireball exploded among the ninjas in Sand Ninja Village, and waves of fire exploded among the crowd.

Behind    Uchiha Tatsun, Mizuno and Rope Tree also jumped up and rushed towards the ninjas in Sanin Village. Similarly, the other Konoha ninjas rushed towards the enemy after a brief panic!

   For a moment, the screen seemed to stop, and there was a small open space between the Konoha Village Ninja and the Sand Ninja, each lined up in a neat formation to rush towards each other.

   Uchiha Tatsun collided with Kumu and Sain, a captain of Shinnin. He moved the Kuwuwu in his hands, and similarly, the Captain Shayin on the opposite side waved the Kuwuwu in his hands, and sparks shot between the two.

   A ninja from Sand Ninja village jumped up, grabbing kunai with both hands, trying to stab Uchiha Tatsu who was fighting from behind.

   A glimpse of Uchiha Tatsu, the illusion immediately invaded the person's body. The man stood still in place. Uchiha Tatsumi glanced at a gap, rolled over and kicked towards the captain of Shanin village.

  嘭, Captain Sha Yin crossed his chest and blocked his foot, then backed up a few steps. After pushing the opponent away, Uchiha Chen jumped up, and Kunai slid across the neck of the sand Shinobu who pounced on him.

   "At this age, this kind of strength... Could it be that you are Konoha Leiguang?" The man gave a soft voice, not caring about the death of his subordinates.

   "It's really good luck. In our Sand Ninja Village, it was warned that anyone who encounters Konoha's thunder can immediately give up the mission without being punished——"

   "What, there is such a thing?" Uchiha Tatsuno was taken aback, isn't this the treatment of Mizumon in the future? Is there such a good thing? Then you said it earlier. Uchiha Tatsun was a little excited.

   This day finally arrived, Uchiha Tatsu could not help but scream up to the sky. He finally got to the point where he would directly report his name in the future, and he could run wild in the Ninja World.

   "Yes, there is such a thing. All Sand Ninja must give up the task immediately, and then at all costs-kill Konoha Leiguang!" The man mocked in a cold tone.

   "...Yes, that kid over there is Konoha Leiguang." Uchiha Tatsumi was a little embarrassed, and raised his hand to the rope tree that was fighting bravely.

   "Oh?" The Captain Sand Shinobu was also taken aback.

   Then a snap of his fingers echoed in the air, and Captain Sand Shinobu's eyes became a bit dull.

   "The art of the fireball fireball!" A large fireball with a diameter of two meters shot out from in front of Uchiha Tatsu, and burned at the captain of Shanin Village at an angle.

   But without waiting for him to check the results of his ninjutsu, a ninja in the sky slashed towards Uchiha Tatsumi with a knife in both hands.

   He didn't want to take advantage of the situation, hooked the ninja's long sword forward, rolled over and kicked the ninja who sneaked on him.

  After solving this ninja, before he could take a breath, more than ten kunai in the sky shot at Uchiha.

   "Shark Shadow Snake Hand!" From Uchiha Tatsu's cuff, six pythons sprang out and turned into a shield in front of him. Kuwu was nailed to the released python, but it was not nailed in. The python's skin sags in elastically, and Kuunai bounces away.

   As soon as Uchiha Tatsu landed, Chakra burst under his feet, rushing towards the rope tree like a streamer.

   Big brother from Sand Ninja Village, you are too straightforward. Uchiha Tatsuno secretly scolded ~www.readwn.com~ and saw a piece of rubble suddenly rise in the sky.

   "Earth escape the blasting stone!" The fist-sized stone smashed into the rope tree on the other side that was fighting the enemy like a bullet.

   Rope Tree’s opponent saw the attack from the captain of Sharen Village in his peripheral light, and jumped up, pulling away from him.

   At the same time, two kunai shoot at the rope tree to attract each other's attention. And at this time, the rope tree was facing the captain of Sha Ren Village, and he did not see the opponent's offensive at all.

   "Water escapes the water wall." Just as the stone hit the rope tree, a layer of water appeared behind him, blocking all the stones that were shot over.

   Uchiha Tatsuro crossed the rope tree like a bolt of lightning, slashing the ninja he was fighting against in half.

   "I'll deal with him." Uchihatatsu said to the rope tree.

   "Yeah. It's really too careless for a while. Thanks." Nopeki didn't notice Uchiha Tatsumi's abnormality at all. There is nothing but moving in his eyes. The opponent can be on this battlefield, taking his safety into consideration, which is really touching.

   After Rope Tree left, Uchiha Tatsu frowned and looked around. "We must hurry up and kill the other party. If this continues, we will fall into decline."

   Such a fierce battle, for those Konoha Shinobu, the situation seems bad.



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