Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 63: Devil's pace

Uchiha Tatsune bent down and moved quickly.

When Captain Na Shinobu saw Konoha's little ghosts, instead of flinching, he rushed over. He didn't understand.

Why do you dare to rush over with one middle ninja and three lower ninjas? Why do you tell me?

However, he quickly understood. Because the opponent's speed is too fast.

This was his first reaction.

However, Uchiha Tatsumi could be faster.

When he was more than ten meters away from him, the Chakra under Uchiha Tatsu's feet broke out instantly, and his movement speed also soared in an instant.

This is the advantage of Raidun Chakra's cell activation. Uchiha Tatsu's attack rhythm changed instantly, and the enemy could react effectively in time.

Then the illusion of writing round eyes was directly thrown out, aiming at the puppet master in his twenties.

Facing Uchiha Tatsu's sudden killing, he had no way to stop the illusion. After Uchiha Chen got close to the opponent's side, his leaning body leaped up, and Kuma was about to insert it on the opponent's head, while Captain Sand Shinobu slammed his subordinates hard.

Then Captain Shayin quickly flipped his hands, and the complicated seal was completed in no time, "Feng Dun Lian Kong Dayu."

Under the guidance of a large number of chakras, the huge gust of wind quickly completed the gathering, and after crashing into many big trees, they rushed towards Uchiha Tatsun's direction!

Does the wind escape?

Uchiha Tatsumi, who had anticipated the opponent's attack method, had already prepared.

The destructive power of the A-level wind escape training Kong Dayu, to some extent, can already be close to natural disasters. So Uchiha Tatsuno jumped up directly. After Feng Dun crashed into the big tree at Uchiha Tatsu's feet, he rushed towards him in the sky unabated.

It's just that the wind escaped as if hitting an afterimage, and when I looked over, Uchiha Tatsuno had disappeared from the air.

Instantaneous surgery!

Uchi Ha Tatsu who jumped down from a height, holding Kunai in his right hand, at the moment of landing, his left leg suddenly kicked the ground. At the same time, Lei Dun erupted from the periphery of his body. After completing the second stage of acceleration in an instant, it was like a one. Like an arrow from the string, the ninja who rushed towards Sa Yin led the team.

As for his three subordinates, they have already handed in with Mikoto, Mizumon, and Rope Tree.

"Good come, haha, good come!"

Na Shinobu bulged up the muscles on his body and rushed forward without evasiveness, slamming a fist against Uchiha Tatsumi's fist.

This punch, speed, strength, and hardness, all three.

If you want to divide the physical skills into the rigid boxing and the soft boxing, then Sand Shinobi uses the unquestioned boxing. Compared with the soft boxing, which is full of toughness and elegant body movements in battle, the boxing is simple and simple. Violent, what you want is the effect of "smashing your head."

Quick and accurate, this is the most accurate description of Uchiha Tatsumi's attack on the opponent.

Uchiha Tatsuno is not a ninja of the power system. His body did not have the long, overloaded, and oppressive exercises that Emperor Kai had done, so in the face of this type of attack, his physical skills were insufficient.

The other party obviously thought the same way, but for insurance, Captain Sand Shinobu's arm continued to be covered with a layer of soil-like armor.

According to Sand Shinobu's estimation, his fist, full of strength and protected by the earthen armor, should be a stress-free thing to fight Uchiha Tatsumi's fist. Uchiha Tatsumi used kunai, not necessarily Can pierce the soil to escape.

But Uchiha Tatsuno doesn't need to be pierced, why does he have a strange power fist to pierce.

This was the first time he had encountered someone punching himself. Perhaps the Shang Ninja Art is bold, and seeing a ninja my age will subconsciously contempt it?

In the unbelievable look in Captain Sand Shinobu's eyes, Uchiha Tatsumi's fist was at his. Then the earth escaped like glass, instantly torn apart.

A strong force came, and he felt like he was hitting the wall. Then the body was like a kite with a broken wire, which was directly knocked into the air. When the blood spurted far away, he felt the sharp pain in his arm.

The Uchiha Tatsu who succeeded in one blow did not hesitate, and turned to face the puppet master.

"Thousands of birds."

In an instant, the elongated thunder dodge cut on the chakra line between the puppet and the puppet master, interrupting the connection between the two, thus alleviating the fighting pressure on the rope tree.

Uchiha Tatsun’s movement speed soared again, and then he slid close to the enemy’s side, and at the same time, his body jumped high, and his right foot with great momentum and strength kicked the puppet master’s neck fiercely. .

The puppet master's unstoppable body was smashed into the ground with a single blow, and then it bounced off the ground again.

The cushion of the mud couldn't take off Uchiha's power at all.

After this blow, the enemy was immortal and had no ability to fight back, so Uchiha Tatsun continued to kill other ninjas.

After all, there is a rope tree behind the puppet master~www.readwn.com~ Although the rope tree does not have the momentum of Uchiha Tatsumi driving Thunder Dunn, he starts more.

The enemy was still floating in the air due to the rebounding force. He just arrived, so he made another kick at the enemy's head.

Then there was another kick.

One step two steps, one step two steps.

Friction, friction

This is the pace of the devil,

This is the pace of the devil!

Finally, under the ravages of the rope tree, the puppet master was dead and couldn't die anymore.

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