Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 64: This is illusion?

I don't know when the sun has been blocked by clouds, covering the forest with a faint shadow, and the sound of birds in the distance is looming.

Uchihatatsu glanced over the water gate and saw that his arm was already burned at this time. And Mikoto looked tired, and it seemed that the battle just now was not easy.

"Are you all right, Mizumon?" Uchiha Tatsun asked.

"It's just a small injury, but be careful of the other side's burning, most of them are Muji." Water Gate shook his head.

Now he is really not Ye Cang's opponent. Ye Cang's various unprinted scorching escapes put Water Gate at a disadvantage in all aspects.

Captain Sand Shinobu, who had been punched by a strange force, was now covering his bleeding right arm. The two girls were standing beside him at this time, looking cautious.

As for the puppet master, lying on the ground, the puppets were scattered all over the place, but the corpse was in a mess, looking like a violent mess. Rope tree looked a little excited, it seemed to be his masterpiece.

"Writing round eyes, Lei Dun, Zhong Ren, young man." Captain Sha Ren said four words in a row.

"It's an honor to be able to meet Konoha Leiguang here." Captain Sand Shinobi narrowed his eyes and said.

The two girls were shocked when they heard it, and focused on Uchiha Tatsun.

As a one-tailed existence, most of the ninjas of Shayin knew this name.

The recognized Uchiha Tatsumi had no expression on his face, but he was already cursing in his heart: "Am I already so famous? The information is known by others. It seems that I will use other ninjutsu battles in the future. There is a writing wheel eye I am afraid that there is no ninjutsu copy?"

Kakashi is really very poor now. The only ninjutsu Chidori that he created in his life had long been stolen by Tatsu Uchiha, and now he wants to extend his little black claw to the name of Kakashi Copy Ninja.

Is there still a king? ?

But just as Uchiha Tatsumi was stunned, Captain Sand Shinobu continued, "It seems I guessed right? Young Konoha Ninja?"

He has already got the answer from this kid's reaction, although he can't be 100% sure that he is the Konoha Leiguang, but there is 80%.

"You who didn't follow the troops back to Konoha, but appearing here can explain a lot of problems." Captain Sand Shinobu whispered.

Before, he thought that maybe Konoha Ninja appeared here just by chance. Now he has no such thoughts.

Everyone knows that Konoha Leiguang is one of Konoha Sannin's disciples of Oshemaru, and the other party must know about Oshemaru here. Then we can be sure that Konoha has discovered the trade between Sand Shinobu and Fire Country.

Uchiha Tatsun didn't expect that he would let the other party analyze so many things by default. But this is the gap in experience, and has nothing to do with strength.

"I admit that this mission has failed. You can also go back to the business, we will end this way, and go back to our respective villages. What do you think, Konoha Leiguang?" Captain Sand Shinobu asked softly.

Just now, the two teams were still fighting, and in the blink of an eye, they resumed negotiations. This is indeed a great irony.

But as far as Captain Sand Shinobu is, he has been a Shinobu for many years, knowing when to do and what to do to minimize losses.

Now that Konoha had found out, killing the opponent now wouldn't help, and he didn't think he could easily solve the opponent. In this case, the most reasonable way is to leave with his subordinates.

This way, you can protect the safety of your subordinates, and you can quickly bring the news back to Shayin Village. If the village knows the information earlier, it can take the initiative. If you force a battle, your team is likely to be wiped out.

"We don't have any deep hatred, and there is no need to continue to cause more damage. If you insist on fighting with me, your subordinates may die. You don't want this to happen." Captain Sand Shinobu earnestly persuaded.

"But I need proof, otherwise the daimyo won't admit it." Uchihatatsu replied lightly.

"Really? But I need to remind you that I have a time appointment with Ryoma, one of the twelve guardians of Ninja. If the time is up and I don't make the appointment on time, they will definitely come out to find me. If they see Konoha Ninja, I’m sure I’m going to kill you. If we procrastinate like this, it’s no good for anyone, don’t you think?”

Uchiha Tatsuno was also taken aback. He hadn't planned to let Sand Shinobu. Now that the Guardian Ninja 12 is coming, it is even more necessary to solve them quickly.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Tatsuno would have to scrap with the other party. When the other party wanted to continue talking, he quickly raised his hand without warning. What he threw was not a shuriken, but a thunder-lighted chidori sharp spear in his palm stabs the opposite.

At this time, Shinobu was also in a state of high tension, always paying attention to the opponent's movements.


Before the attack arrived, Shinobu dodged in the left and right directions very flexibly.

After all, they had just felt the danger of Uchiha Tatsumi's thunder-dance move, and avoiding it was a matter of course~www.readwn.com~ One of the girls threw the kunai in her hand towards Uchiha Tatsumi.

Uchiha Chen didn't move at all. He kept his speed, but dodged the attack with just a slight tilt of his head. Kunai's attack method had limited effects.

"Be careful." Mikoto pulled out Kumamoto behind Uchiha Chen.

It turned out that the back and forth Kuwu shot from behind him.

Long-distance control of the chakra line? Puppetry?

So few thoughts popped up in Uchiha Tatsu's mind for an instant.

But at this time, the attack of the three members of the Shayin team also came at this time.

Captain Sand Shinobu was the fastest, rushing to Uchiha Tatsumi before the two teammates Ninjutsu arrived.

This time the other party has learned well, and is no longer fighting with his fists. The two played against each other three times in a row, and finally caught the sight of Uchiha Tatsuta who kicked the other's abdomen. While pulling the distance, Ye Cang's ninjutsu rushed over.

Under the control of Ye Cang, the six fireballs attacked Uchiha Tatsu respectively. The fireball began to swell the moment it approached, and Uchiha's Chidori directly cut the fireball, and then let them hit the trees behind him, and then made a hissing sound.

At this moment, another girl from Sand Shinobu finally arrived, and Jieyin with her hands flipped quickly.

Uchiha Tatsumi's actions immediately froze. I saw a tree quickly growing out of the soil. Then the tree grew bigger and bigger, and Uchiha Tatsuo's body was immediately entangled by the vines of the big tree, like an sm.

Mu Dun...Of course it is impossible.

Uchiha Tatsumi had a strange expression, "This is illusion? You actually used illusion on me?"

Sister, are you sure it's not here to be funny?

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