Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 65: Feng Chaohuang

Tree-binding kill is definitely an extremely powerful illusion. The caster turns into a big tree behind the opponent, using the branches to restrain the opponent's actions.

So when the girl who used the illusion technique found that Konoha Leiguang really did not respond, she thought that her illusion technique had worked. But when a triumphant smile appeared on her face, the other party suddenly moved.

In an instant, Uchiha Tatsu disappeared into the vine, and then the afterimages slowly gathered in the air. He put his hands on his chest and looked down at Sister Sharen, while the Shalunyan quickly rotated, making him look very ghostly.

"You're still the first person to use illusion on me. Should I praise you for being bold, or should I say that you are arrogant?" Uchiha Tatsumi smiled.

"It's a pity that the mere illusion is not as good as me."


Hearing Uchiha Tatsumi's ridicule, the face of Sara Shinobu turned red. She knew now that she was being teased. But even the illusion that his teacher praised was useless in front of the opponent.

Is this the power of writing round eyes?

She wanted to take out Kunai, rushed to fight the opponent for three hundred rounds, and then stepped on the opponent's hateful face with her legs in pantyhose.

But this can only be a delusion, because her body has been tightly bound by the vine and cannot move.

Obviously, her illusion was bounced back by the opponent, and she couldn't solve it yet! This is really an eternal shame for a ninja.

"Galuro... are you okay, Galluro?!"

Ye Cang hurriedly called his teammate's name, but the opponent's eyes were dull. She doesn't know where this expression is, her friend has already been illusioned.

Then, the Sarah named Galluruo fell to the ground with a cry of Kuwudang in his hand, and the whole person passed out like a heavy blow.


Uchiha Tatsuno just heard Ye Cang call the other party's name...it seems to be...Galuro? !

Why is this name so familiar? Uchiha Tatsumi was also taken aback. He carefully looked at the other's appearance, with short, sandy-yellow hair, shoulder-to-shoulder, and wearing a black forbearance suit. He still looked cute. It's just that she is now like a sheep mad, her mouth is constantly spitting out, which is a bit destructive to her image.

But think about it carefully, this girl is indeed somewhat similar to Temari.

Oh, I see.

That is to say, Uchiha Tatsun just broke my Gaara's mom in the illusion space just now? !

Okay, let's change a word that is not so evil... It's a fight. No one knew what he did anyway.

But what's the big deal? Some time ago, didn't Uchiha Tatsu also beat my Gaara dad, Luo Sha, to Fatty? He also chopped off the arm that others used to vent puberty hormones.

Thinking about it carefully, Uchiha Tatsu recently dismembered Gaara's little pet, Shou Crane, with Thunder Dunn.

What a crime!

It seems that this feud seems to have been raged, and there is a trend of unending development.

Captain Sand Shinobu saw that one of his subordinates fell, and immediately rushed up.

When approaching Uchiha Tatsun's body, with his right foot as the support and fulcrum, the left foot exerted force, while the upper body was rotating in the same direction, and the kicking skills with the gang wind instantly hit Uchiha Tatsun's head.

Uchiha Tatsuo's hands immediately crossed his chest, while Ray Dun gathered in his arms.

This is just a localization of the Chidori Stream, covering the thunder escape on the arms to increase the defense power of both hands. This will not cause chakra waste, and when the two sides are in contact, it can also cause some paralysis to the other party.

It’s just the feeling from the arm, this kick is not as heavy as Uchiha Tatsu’s imagination.

However, Uchiha Tatsui secretly shouted badly.

Originally Captain Sand Shinobu attacked from right to left, but he felt that the opponent's power was from bottom to top.

In other words, the moment Captain Sand Shino attacked, he would rather lose part of the attack's power, but also forcibly change the direction of the attack.

So it was too late now, at this time Uchiha Tatsuno had been kicked into the air.

"I'm going to kill you bastard!"

At this time, Ye Cang's yelling voice came over. She broke through the defense line formed by the water gate and Mikoto and jumped up.

Uchiha Tatsun felt a little bad, it seemed that the other party had planned to cooperate for a long time.


"Zhao Dun Feng Chaohuang!"

Ye Cang jumped into the air, surrounded by dozens of huge fireballs created by Zhuo Dun. This girl didn't rush over just now, just to prepare for this move, otherwise, how could those dozens of fireballs form so quickly.

Seeing Ye Cang waved his hand fiercely, the fireball was like a meteorite falling from the sky, rushing towards Uchi Ha Tatsu who was still in the air, he could feel the power of the searing escape from such a distance.

This trick is very similar to Emperor Kai's Chao Peacock. However, Emperor Kai's Chao Peacock is to rapidly improve physical functions, using countless fists to rub against the air to produce flames.

And this move, Feng Chaohuang, was a flame formed by Ye Cang's searing escape, perhaps even better in power.

The fireball came straight, the flames dyed the sky red, as bright as the sunrise, as dazzling as a phoenix tail feather!

"Rope tree!" Uchihatatsu who was still in the air yelled ~www.readwn.com~Shui Dun·Water Front Wall. "

The rope tree violently sprayed out a wall of water like waves from the mouth, and the wall of water was defended by drawing a circle.

However, the B-level ninjutsu of the Water Front Wall obviously couldn't resist dozens of fireballs formed by the opponent, so the water wall was smashed through in an instant.

"Water Escape·The Art of Water Bullets."

The rope tree also knew this, so he began to make continuous seals. Now all the chakras in his body are gushing out. The Chakra of the Thousand Hands Clan is huge, and the rope tree has never tried to exhaust the chakra, but now he finally realizes it.

I saw a large number of chakras poured into ninjutsu, like a missile shooting, and countless water cannons fired from the hands of the rope tree scattered in all directions, attacking the sky.

Within the limit of a few meters away from Uchiha Tatsumi, the water and fire burst out at the same time!

Fire and water collide!

Uchiha Chen's face could feel the scorching heat of Huo Dun, but in the next moment, he was wetted by the rain and then returned to a dry state.

Immediately afterwards, he breathed a little bit, and there was a faint feeling of suffocation. It turned out to evaporate instantly under the high temperature of Huo Dun, and the scorching steam quickly spread, and the heavy degree began to cause the originally clear sky to start to gather dark clouds.

"It's hot."

Uchiha Tatsu shook his arm, and then his body fell quickly, free from the scorching steam.

When he fell to the ground, he quickly stabilized his body. His sight instantly turned into a vast expanse of whiteness. With his eyes, he couldn't confirm the enemy's location.

But fortunately, he has a great confession, so he can clearly detect where the enemy is. So without hesitation, Uchiha Tatsuro immediately broke into the mist!


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