Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 67: Guardian Ninja 12

The seven ninjas suddenly appeared in front of them, all dressed in the same way, with a "fire" waist cloth on their waists.

"Konoha's ninja... why are you here?" a black-haired ninja asked coldly.

At the same time, the other six people gradually surrounded them in a semicircle at the same time.

"Anbe got the news that Sand Shinobu colluded with the ninjas of the Fire Country and intended to murder the daimyo. By the order of Naruto-sama... come and investigate." Uchiha Tatsuno said casually while replying to Chakra.

The black-haired ninja showed an unnatural expression on his face, "We are Guardian Ninja 12, the daimyo's guard. Since this happened in the daimyo mansion, leave it to us, and you can go back."

"Really?" Uchiha Tatsumi smiled, "but I doubt it. By the way, you guys are not Sun Shinobu's associates?"

"What are you talking about! Do you want to die, kid?" A middle-aged man with a dark complexion stood up.

"Why, want to kill someone?" Uchiha Tatsu said with a look of disdain, "Or, can you bear Konoha's anger?"

When the ninja heard the word Konoha, he became a little hesitant. It was obvious that he was very afraid of Konoha.

"There is also the rat on the tree with its head and tail missing, come out too, I have already spotted your figure." Uchiha Tatsumi said toward a big tree.


A figure appeared on the branch, looking condescendingly at Uchiha.

"Being a man, don't be smart." A cold voice sounded, "Isn't it okay to hurry away, Konoha's kid?"

Uchiha Chen looked up and saw the man with white hair and a gloomy face.

It seems that this middle-aged ninja is the so-called Ryoma and the guardian ninja whom the daimyo trusts most.

"Moreover, we guard Ninja Twelve, and we have always kept the water from Konoha Well. This is the site of the Daming Mansion. Don't be nosy!"

"Really, there is such a thing? You guys who cooperate with enemy ninjas have the face to say such things?" Uchiha Tatsuno shook his head.

"It's really unexpected, it's ironic that the ninjas of the country of fire will one day cooperate with the ninjas of Sand Ninja Village for profit."

Hearing Uchiha Tatsumi's words, Ryoma's expression sank. He originally thought that by virtue of his reputation as a guardian of Shinobu, he could deceive Konoha's ninjas, and then took over Sunobu.

But listening to what the other party said, it seems that they have discovered the secret here, so in any case, these little ghosts can't be let go.

It's just that he is still getting scared. Does Konoha already know?

Uchiha Tatsuno clapped his hands and said, "I feel a lot more relieved when I see you cowering...but it's just that I can't calm the anger in my chest..."

"But it doesn't matter. Because I will kill you and declare your guilt to Konoha Village." Uchiha Tatsun said coldly.

"So are you ready for death... chopsticks..."

As soon as Uchiha Tatsu's words fell, a group of kunai suddenly shot from his hand at a ninja who was approaching him, and the huge breaking sound echoed in the air.

The ninja's long sword blocked, wanting that Kuwu to fly. In fact he thinks too much. Now that the Ninja World can pick up Kuwu at this rate of fire with bare hands, it is also a pervert like Raiking. He obviously doesn't belong to that class.

Sure enough, Kuwuwu was spinning, piercing the long knife directly, and then shot past his head without reducing the speed.

Bang, the whole head burst directly.

That ninja couldn't believe it until he died, but he gave away a blood so easily.

Uchiha Tatsuno was standing next to the man's corpse, and the gurgling blood stream wet the ground on which he was standing, and blood was splashing everywhere.

Such a **** picture also stimulated the remaining ninjas.

"How could it be so strong, it was just killed in an instant..." This thought emerged in their hearts at the same time.

"Is this the so-called Guardian Shinobi? But so." Uchiha Tatsuno shook his head.

In fact, this is really not their weakness. In the face of a middle-to-nothing kid, one's own side still has an advantage in numbers. In this case, few people are really careful.

Uchiha Tatsuno's words have not yet fallen, another ninja instantaneously behind Uchiha Tatsuo, Kunai stabs him in the back.


With a crisp snap of his fingers, the ninja felt a flower in front of him. The Uchiha Tatsumi who was still in front of him had disappeared and replaced the old face of the three generations of Hokage!

"Illusion? Damn it."

Then the sound of Kuwu scratching his neck, blood splashed all over. The ninja died in a deep sleep.

The instant two kills chilled the hearts of other ninjas who had despised.

"...Tell Beiyun to let the four of them prepare the technique immediately. We will lure the enemy over." Long Ma said hurriedly.

This can't help but Ruma is not afraid. In just a few minutes, two companions died in the hands of that kid, which made him feel a fear of being dominated.

Only that technique can make him feel at ease. After all, under that technique, no one can survive.

Then Ryoma waved his hand, and in an instant, countless shuriken kunai shot at Uchiha Tatsumi.

"Compared with me? You are really stupid too." Uchiha Tatsuro laughed.

He has rarely started to show off his shuriken now. After all, the opponents he faces now generally cannot solve it with shuriken~www.readwn.com~ However, this does not prevent the growth of his shuriken attribute level.

Uchiha Tatsuro crossed his hands and touched the strips of his left and right wrists respectively, and suddenly two black shurikens emerged from his fingertips.

Huh huh!

He threw it out without hesitation, and his arms began to wave quickly and repeatedly, and the flying shurikens changed from just a few to a dozen.

Immediately afterwards, his speed became faster and faster, his movements seemed to appear phantoms, and the shurikens changed from only a dozen to hundreds, instantly densely packed, flying directly like insects.

There are constant collisions between Kuwu Wu and Shuriken, Kuwu Wu and Kuwu Wu colliding with each other, sparks burst out from time to time in the sky due to the collision of weapons.

For a time, eight ninjas were suppressed by a kid like this.

After a while, countless shurikens were nailed densely on the ground and near Uchiha Tatsu's location, and the two sides stopped their movements.

"Are you ready to die?" Uchiha Chen's cold voice fell with endless killing intent, and at the same time he disappeared.

"Alert!" Ryoma shouted at the moment Uchiha Tatsuno disappeared.

The eight ninjas formed a circle in an instant, back to back, and looked around vigilantly.

Huh, Uchiha Tatsun appeared.

"Where," the black-haired ninja drank, but in an instant Uchiha Tatsuno disappeared again, but a kunai shot at them before disappearing.

Uchiha Tatsuta disappeared and then disappeared and reappeared extremely quickly, as if he had used the clone technique, attacking Guardian Ninja 12 at the same time from a dozen positions.

Ryoma felt frightened for a while, he murmured, "After the second generation of Hokage, will a new Ninja world first speed be born again?"


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