Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 68: 2 s-level ninjutsu collision

More than a dozen kunai were shot at the guardian Shinobu by Uchiha Tatsu from the blind spot.

"Water escape·Water curtain tent!" A person quickly sealed his hands. When Kuwufei shot over, a water curtain rose, blocking Uchihatatsu's attack.


There was a flash of fire from Kuwushang, and the detonating talisman stuck on it exploded.

This explosion seemed to be the beginning, with more than a dozen Kunai explosions continuously, disrupting the protective formation formed by Guardian Ninja.

One of the ninjas leaped quickly, preparing to leave the range of the detonation talisman exploding, but before he could stabilize his figure, Uchiha Tatsuno had appeared behind him and hit him in the chest with a punch.

There was still a look of horror on his face. The ninja didn't even scream, but was beaten with a punch.

In the next moment, more than ten shurikens attacked Uchiha Tatsumi.

But his body looked like an afterimage, and the shuriken passed directly through the afterimage, stinging on another companion's body. The ninja stabbed by the shuriken shook, then fell weakly.

"Be careful, his speed is very fast!" Ryoma shouted angrily when he saw this.

Beneath him, Uchiha Chen disappeared again, this time beside the ninja on the far left.

What surprised him was that this ninja turned around to stab him at the moment Uchiha Tatsuno appeared.

"Pong," sparks flashed, and Uchiha Tatsuno held the opponent's attack in his hand, "So, you are a perception ninja. No wonder you can predict my position."

After saying this, Uchiha Tatsuno has disappeared before him without waiting for the other party to attack again.

Shooting a shot to change positions is the key to group picking, otherwise it is easy to get caught in the opponent's cooperation.

Sure enough, at the moment he disappeared, a wind blade shot from a distance. After the crash, the dust flooded the place where Uchiha Tatsun was.

"Shui Dun·Shui Yan Nayuan"

Seeing Chen at such a fast speed, a ninja quickly formed a seal, spraying a sticky liquid like sugar candy to the ground, trying to block him from moving.

Seeing this situation, Chen also put his hands on the ground.

"Chidori style two."

A large amount of electric current drove into the ground, and thunder escaped through the ground and quickly flowed to each other. The ninja was hit by Chidori before he found out what was going on, and fell to the ground.

Uchiha Tatsumi's figure flashed again, rushing to a ninja, and Ling Yu dashed towards the opponent's throat.

It's just that the opponent also held Kunai to block his blow, and with the help of Uchiha Tatsumi's strength, he quickly retreated.

When he backed away, the two companions beside him stabbed from both sides holding Kuwu Sei.

The three immediately formed an angle, and blocked Uchiha Tatsumi's way of pursuing the previous ninja.

"Tian Shou's feet."

While Uchihas Chen's illusion technique was thrown out, his right leg slammed toward the ground fiercely, and under the impact of the strange force, the two were directly shaken out.

Bang, the two of them broke several big trees, and their bodies stopped, standing on a branch to stabilize their figure.

Uchiha Tatsuno gave them no time to rest, and once again a stream of light was drawn out of his body, appearing in front of the opponent, and Kuwu cut it across a semicircle.

The two retreated quickly, and the branches under their feet were swiped by Chen Chen without any hindrance.

"Fire escape Garuda."

A ninja shouted, and at the same time his hands were sealed, Chakra quickly rushed to his chest, and a fire-dragon-shaped flame shot at Uchiha.

At the same time, the companions around him formed a seal of Feng Dun, "Wind Dun has a big breakthrough." A whirlwind whirled and shot towards the fire dragon.

The whirlwind and the flame were intertwined, and the flame suddenly exploded about twice as powerful as before.

"Soil Escape·Multiple Earth Arrays"

Uchiha Tatsuo quickly completed the seal, and the earthen wall stood in front of him. There was a flash of fire, and the explosion sounded loudly. All the trees were quickly annihilated as they strolled around, and the small wind blade violently cut to the soil with the explosion as the center. Seeing this situation, Uchiha Tatsumi could only retreat quickly.

"I have been waiting for you!"

I saw a ninja appearing on Chen's way back.

Bang! Uchiha Tatsun’s body hit the opponent, and the sharp long knife slashed at Tatsun’s chest.

It's just that the long knife stopped not far from the chest.

"Lend your hands for a use." Chen whispered in the opponent's ear.

He grabbed the opponent's left hand with his right hand, and then put his hands together and quickly began to seal.

"Art fire escape **** fireball"

A large number of chakras gathered in Uchiha Tatsumi's mouth, and then a huge fireball was deliberately filled by the chakras and sprayed towards the other ninjas that came.

At the same time, Uchiha Chen stretched out his hand and picked up the long knife from the opponent's right hand, and slowly pierced it into the opponent's chest, then hit the heart, and the ninja who had been hit by the illusion fell directly on the ground. The rain made a bang on the long knife.

Uchiha Tatsu's murderous tactics put tremendous pressure on the guardians. After all, this kid's killing methods are too rich.

In a short period of time, various abilities such as Shuriken, illusion, physique, instantaneous, thunder escape, and fire escape were all used by Uchiha Tatsumi. This also fully reflects his omnipotence, it seems that there is no shortcoming.

Under Uchiha Tatsumi's efficient killing, there are only the last three of the eight guardians present.

Could it be that this little devil started practicing after hitting his mother's belly? Long Ma cursed inwardly.


Ryoma yelled and left first, and the other two followed him and ran away. Ryoma had to leave and didn't leave. They all died without waiting for the completion of the ninjutsu.

Seeing Uchiha Tatsun trying to follow, ob's water gate reminded loudly, "Tatsun, beware of traps!"

Guardian Ninja Twelve, all staff twelve. Now leaving the three people, there are still five people lying on the ground. Think about it with your thighs and know that the other four people are going to set up traps. Watching his friend slaughter Shangren like a dog slaughter, it is indeed very pleasing to the eye, but Water Gate does not want Chen to take risks.

After all, the water in the Ninja World was deep, and no one knew what the opponent's hole card was. So never let go of your guard.

"I know, you clean the battlefield, and I will come as soon as I go." Uchiha Tatsumi said to Mizumon with a smile.

It's not Uchiha Tatsu's style to kill and leave behind troubles. Since he is immortal, it is better to kill them all, so as not to leave him with any danger in the future. Even if the opponent has a back hand, he also has it.

After speaking, Uchiha Chen jumped up high and directly chased the opponent.


Three minutes later, the Kunai in Uchiha Tatsumi's hand was pulled out of a ninja's chest. With this person lying down, Ryoma was the only three people who had just escaped.

Throwing away the blood-stained kunai in his hand, Uchiha Tatsun turned his last look at Ryoma, "Why, don't you run away?"

"Escape? I don't need to escape, because you will die here. Little devil, although I don't know who you are, it is too dangerous for me to keep a ninja like you..." Ryoma changed his decayed state.

"I will tell the daimyo that you and the other guardian Shinobu have been ambushed by Sand Shinobu. Even if someone suspects me, if there is a daimyo guarding me, Konoha will not take me anymore." Ryoma laughed.

"So sorry, please die here!"

"Is that so confident?"

Uchiha Tatsumi's tone was very puzzled, as if he was saying what can you do with these rotten sweet potatoes?

"It seems that the fight just now didn't make you sober. Although I don't want to say that, but the thing is like this: you chickens, you don't know anything about my horror..."

Uchiha Tatsuno shook his head.

"You will let you see why I am so confident. Enjoy the feast." Longma laughed, and then turned into a pool of water. It turned out that he was just a water body.

At this time, the remaining four guardian Shinobu finally appeared in Uchiha Tatsu's vision. The four of them stood in four directions and surrounded Uchiha Tatsumi.

Suddenly an electric arc appeared on the bodies of the four people, and then it became stronger in an instant. All four of them were full of thunder and lightning, and they reached the peak in a moment.

"Swish Swish"

Four arc-shaped electric currents were emitted from the bodies of the four of them, and flew into the air at the same time, converging into a huge lightning ball.

Then this huge lightning ball immediately compressed, condensed, and slowly shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, until it was finally compressed into a small sphere with a diameter of one meter. As you can see, the stout thunder and lightning strikes from the sphere from time to time.

Seeing this situation, Uchiha Tatsuta also had to admit that the opponent's hole card was indeed hard enough. Longma does have confident capital.

This ninjutsu takes a long time to prepare, so these four people ambush here early. Although the price was painful, there were only five of the twelve ninjas left, but it was worth the price to be able to kill this kid.

But is it really so smooth?

Uchiha Tatsumi knew that there was a trap here, but was he really stupid to follow him?

You must know that Ye Cang's move, under the impact of the water bombs of Feng Chaohuang and Shengshu, caused a lot of steam to rise, which changed the weather.

At this time, it has turned into a thunderstorm.

In this kind of weather, Shinobu will tell you: Don't fight Konoha Leiguang! Otherwise you will be struck by lightning!

So Uchiha Tatsuno started to move. He lowered his body, then leaped towards the sky.

At this time, the rain has not stopped and the wind has not stopped, and the sky is even darker than before.

Uchiha Tatsumi spread out his right palm naturally, then stretched his right arm straight to the sky.

Raidun·Thousand Birds Sharp Gun!

Thunder light pierced the sky.

In the sky, the low voice of thunder and the dark flash of thunder suddenly disappeared.

No, not disappeared, but gathered together.

Although this description is a bit inaccurate, after all, it is daylight, but in fact the sky at this moment is indeed as bright as daylight.

Behind Uchiha Tatsumi was quiet, there was no sound, and there seemed to be no danger—if there was no one hanging from the clouds and covering the entire sky behind him, the one that had just gathered on Uchiha Tatsu’s palm, carrying The words of thunder light that absolutely destroys the breath.

Ryoma was actually a little stunned at this moment, he involuntarily muttered to himself:

"Is this... a god..."

The arrogant head of Qilin pierced through the clouds and looked down at the sentient beings. While Uchihatatsu waved his hand, he rushed down from the sky.


Hit the ground!

"Lei Dun Profound Yi Lei Meng Lei Ren"

The four guardian ninjas didn't care about other things at this time, so they could only bite the bullet to fight.

Two s-level thunders just appeared in the eyes of the world, and then collided.

In an instant, the electric current is like flowing water pouring from a kettle onto the mirror surface, with the initial point as the center, expanding outwards in a ring shape.

After a roar, the two techniques seemed to have been detonated, and the crackling electric current that could irritate human ears thousands of times more than Chidori Stream sounded instantly!

And with the expansion of Lei Dun's ring, the super thick thunder light began to scurry below, and where the thunder light "flowed", the ground was quickly cracked and destroyed!

Of course, Uchiha Tatsumi in the air was also affected by Lei Dun.

This kind of power is not something his small body can stop. Therefore, his body was annihilated and disappeared in the Thunder Dune in an instant.

Okay... Actually it turned into a cloud of smoke.

That's right, it was only a shadow clone who used the unicorn. This ninjutsu only needs Uchiha Tatsu to change the lightning form, and then use Chidori to draw it down, and the shadow clone can complete such a task.

This is why Uchiha Tatsumi is willing to come. A person like him who is afraid of death, knowing that there are traps, how could he let his body take risks.


Because of the collision of two S-level thunders, ~www.readwn.com~, there was a violent explosion sound, which was felt by the Daming Mansion not far from here.

"Earthquake...an earthquake, come and **** the driver." The daimyo, who was rubbing mahjong just now, got under the table and called out loudly with the drake.

"Help, guard Shinobi, come and take care of you. Ryoma, where are you dead?"

"Oh, my mahjong. This **** earthquake, my big four is gone..."

At this time, Konoha hidden village.


"Come in." Sarutobi Sun looked at the Hokage Rock outside the window with a sad face.

"Hokage-sama, I have checked it out. The violent Chakra fluctuation just now came from the southeast." An Anbe ninja half kneeled before the table.

"Southeast? Where exactly?"

"Not far from the Daming Mansion."

"What?" Sarutobi Rizen almost broke his beard.

"Sun Slash, I suspect that Leiyin Village started on the daimyo. That Chakra fluctuation is obviously Thunder Dunnjutsu, and only Leiyin Village has such a ninjutsu." In the backlight, Shimura Danzou's face was dark Tao.

"I suggest to declare war on Thunder Country immediately before taking revenge!"

"Ahem, look again, look again." Sarutobi Rizuan was a little embarrassed.

He suddenly remembered that Dashemaru seemed to have told him that he had secretly sent the kid Uchiha Tatsumi to perform a mission at the Daming Mansion. He had forgotten how many days in a row.

And Sarutobi Hisaki remembers Uchiha Tatsumi used a super-powerful Thunder Dune in the Land of Rain, and the Anbe intelligence all wrote it.

Could it be that this kid did it?

Sarutobi Hizen swears secretly: If it was really him, Sarutobi Hizen would starve to death, and if I jumped from Hokage Rock, I would never let him perform tasks above level B.

I swear!

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