Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 69: Homecoming in the morning mist

"... Chen."

"What's wrong, Pratunam?"

"...How long can we stay here?"

"Fifteen days of mission time, you can stay for another five days."


"What's wrong, do you want to go back?"

"...No! I just want to ask if Master Naruto can delay the mission time for us."

"such as..."

"...Half a year."


At this time, Chen and Watergate are discussing the number of days to extend the mission. There are large cumulonimbus clouds floating in the transparent sky, which makes the weather a little bit cold. However, the heat permeating the air dissipated the remaining coldness.

"Today's weather is perfect for hot springs."

Uchiha Tatsu took a long sigh of relief and slid down a little into the hot spring pool.

"Yes." Watergate closed his eyes and continued to enjoy the corrupt life of the Da Ming Palace.

No wonder, Teacher Jilaiya was unwilling to go back to the village. Watergate didn't understand it before. Now, he finally understood the teacher a little bit.

This choice is really painful!

At this time, most of the rope tree on the right was sunk in the water, lying on the edge of the pool with his hands, and fell asleep in a daze. As soon as he turned over, the water splashed in all directions and made a splashing sound.

"...Number one... technician... give me another spa... full body..."

Rope tree muttered in dreams.

Suddenly, a series of bubbles popped out from under his body. The rope tree, which was still in a daze, was immediately awakened.

Seeing the bubbles, he yelled directly at Uchiha Tatsumi, "The water is boiling, go out quickly."


"Wind Escape Breakthrough"

In desperation, Uchiha Tatsu could only use ninjutsu to disperse the smell.

"You still have a face to smile?" Chen grabbed the yellow hair of the rope tree.

"Are you going to kill me and Pratunam so you can inherit our legacy?"

"...This is no way. Who told me to eat so many radishes at noon." The rope tree covered his nose, and he couldn't bear the smell.

Because of the rope tree, the hot spring cannot continue to soak. After all, no one can stand the death bombing that occurs every few minutes.

At this time, it was already the third day Uchiha Tatsu and the others completed their mission. The four of them settled down in the Daming Mansion.

At this point, guarding the twelve forbearance, only one person remained. Seven of them were killed by Uchiha Tatsumi, and four guardian ninjutsu died directly in the aftermath of the collision of S-rank ninjutsu.

However, Uchiha Tatsuno did not find Ryoma's body nearby. Therefore, it is very likely that the other party saw that the situation was not good and went away three thousand miles away.

As for the two little ghosts Galuro and Yekura, they also ran away while Uchihatatsu and Shun Shino were fighting.

Due to the earthquake, the Daming Mansion was affected. It is said that the daimyo broke his leg unfortunately when he was helping his subordinates.

And the whole Ninja world also began to circulate, the news that three generations of Raikage assassinated the daimyo of the Fire Country. Because of the disappearance of Guardian Shinobi, the daimyo has a very big sense of crisis. So he could only send a guard to Konoha overnight for help.

In the letter, the daimyo strongly urged Sarutobi Rizu to send the hero Konoha Leiguang, a hero who made great achievements in the war, to protect him personally and investigate the disappearance of the guardian Ninji.

After all, who makes the other party famous? The daimyo said that his guard may not be good, but the reputation must be big enough. Unfortunately, this reasonable request was unreasonably rejected by the three generations of Hokage.

For a while, the entire Ninja World undercurrent surging.

As the instigator of this incident, all the members of the first group under the banner of hunting down the dragon horse shamelessly lived a feudal and corrupt life in the Daming Mansion.

It's a pity that Oshe Maru has sent messages repeatedly in the past few days asking them to return to Konoha immediately. In desperation, the group of four finally started to return to Konoha Yin Village.

Two days later, Konoha hidden village. The village in the early morning was still shrouded in a layer of mist.

During the war, due to various reasons, the business district of the village seemed very depressed, and Konoha was enveloped in a tense atmosphere. This depressing and breathless situation lasted for almost two years.

However, this atmosphere disappeared the moment the frontline news came back to the village.

The country of rain surrendered!

The demigod is asking for peace!

We are victorious!

This news spread throughout the village within a very short time. For Konoha's civilians, this news was naturally worthy of joy, but it was not enough to make everyone excited.

After all, this is a battle between the entire Shinobi world. Although it involves the interests of the big powers behind them, for the people, they just want to live in peace and stability.

However, with the return of the troops, the village finally began to recover some of the excitement of the past. After all, these ninjas who made great achievements are Konoha's main consumers.

At this time, Tsunade was walking along the long street, constantly greeting the merchants he knew and did not know. She had already adapted to the identity of the Konoha hero.

However, how should I say, it feels pretty good. Even the gloomy Dashewan began to smile all day long, looking like her mouth was closed from ear to ear.

After walking for a long time, she finally came to the gate.

"Tsunade-sensei~www.readwn.com~ why are you here?"

Somewhere in the corner, a slightly surprised voice came out, and in the shadows, a red-haired girl came out.

Since the troops came back, Kushina will come to Konoha's door to wait every morning.

"I'll find you to perform the task." Tsunade smiled.

"Task, what task?" The little fox Kushina was also startled. She has stayed in the village for so long and has never heard that she can go out to perform tasks.

"Didn't you always think of the village? I have discussed with the three-generation old man, and now I will take you there."

"... Hurry up and promise her! Hurry up." Kyuubi grabbed the cage and shouted, "I have been in this broken village for decades, and I have never gone out... Woo."

Kyuubi cried pitifully, but the little fox Kushina obviously ignored it.

Kushina hesitated and said, "Sister Tsunade, can you postpone it for a few days?"

"Oh? Didn't you go to the Naruto office many times and ask to go to the battlefield? Why are you hesitating now?" Tsuna said, "Oh...I see, are you waiting for that kid?"

"No...no. I'm waiting for Mikoto!" Kushina's face turned red, like a tomato.

Tsunade looked at her and laughed and said, "Haha, I was joking. Oshamaru said that they will be back today, so I will remind you. But I didn't expect that the famous blood red pepper will also become So shy."

Jiuxinai's face was even more ruddy: "Nothing."

She spoke quickly with a strange ending. It's just that her voice hasn't fallen yet, and a wave of steps came from outside the gate.

In the thin morning mist, four figures gradually appeared.


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