Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 70: Candidates to protect the name

After Uchiha Tatsun detailed the task, he quickly left the office.

He had to leave, and the four people in the room kept staring at him, making him feel very stressed. Especially the three generations of Naruto Tobihiro, if it weren't for the presence of other people, Uchiha Tatsumi thought he would definitely rush over and beat himself up.

However, this is not to blame Sarutobi. He is now in utter horror. After all, the amount of information is too great. He said that he must take two quick-acting heart-saving pills to continue the meeting.

"What do you think about this matter?" After a while, he asked the others.

"If the daimyo knew this kind of thing, I would never believe it!" Shimura Danzo was the first to jump out, as always.

He said so with confidence. Sacrificing the interests of some people in the village in exchange for greater benefits, and then letting his men take the blame, and at the same time expressing that he did not know, he was the most proficient in this kind of thing.

So Danzo said that this little trick, I can see through it at a glance. The only difference is that this time the daimyo chose to sacrifice Konoha's interests in exchange for a sharp increase in personal wealth. As the victim of sacrifice, Danzo felt extremely angry.

Damn it! I do this kind of thing, so how can I become the object of being used by others! So he was very angry.

"But now is the most critical juncture of the war, is it okay to tear your face with the daimyo?" Mito Menyan pushed his glasses, "Sara Shinobu is a lesson from the past."

Yes, Sand Ninja Village is indeed a lesson from the past. Now, the three generations of Fengying have become the laughing stock of the entire Ninja world.

His disagreement with the daimyo caused the daimyo to withhold the funds of Sha Ninja Village, so that he can only take the Luo Sha boy to go shopping for gold in the desert, and he also called it to train ninjutsu.

So, if you want to become Fengying in Shayin, the most important thing is not hard power, but a unique skill in gold mining. This is a fine tradition handed down from the second generation.

"Men Yan, what you said makes sense. Right now we can't tear up our face with the daimyo." Sarutobi Rizen sighed.

As soon as he heard his breath, everyone in the audience knew that Sarutobi Hizen was ready to make the mud again. After all, the big name holds a huge amount of wealth in his hands. In peacetime, Konoha can rely on ninja missions to maintain its own operations, but a war must start with the support of the daimyo.

Danzo patted the table and continued his strong attitude, "It is because of the critical juncture that I have to warn the daimyo to let them converge! This is a war in the Ninja world. Every day is a huge burden on the village! We cannot be affected by the daimyo. He must be beaten to let him know who is sheltered in the country of fire."

Shimura Danzo's passionate saliva, the splashing Sarutobi all over his face, Sarutobi's face had no choice but to divert his attention.

"What do you think, Xiaochun?"

Sure enough, after such a change of sight, Sarutobi Hizaki felt much more comfortable.

"I also don't think I can continue to let it go." Xiaochun hesitated, "What we need now is to end the war with Shayen quickly, instead of falling into the quagmire of war."

Hearing these words, Danzo immediately put on a calm look, but he still couldn't hide the triumphant look on his face.

As the brain of a four-man team, generally Xiaochun will get most people's approval for everything he says.

"However, it is not suitable for a showdown with a big name now." Xiaochun just continued.

"Then you..." Sarutobi Rizen expressed hatred and doubt.

"We can't tear our face, that doesn't mean we can't monitor him. Don't daimyo write a letter asking the ninja to protect him? Then give him." Xiaochun said lightly, "not only that, we have to secretly facilitate the deal between daimyo and Shayin Village. "

"If something goes wrong, we will lie in wait for the two parties to trade."

"A good way, it's really the blackest belly of our team...Ah no! It's the strongest brain, the strongest brain." Sarutobi wiped the sweat from his head, and accidentally said it. In my heart.

But this method is really a good method. After the sands are wiped out, the grain will be packaged and sent to Konoha. This way several times, save the grain, and then sell it to the surrendered soil at a high price. Country, but also a small amount of extra money. Thinking of this, Sarutobi Rizen's mouth almost reached the back of his head.

"Then who will protect the daimyo?" Menyan Mito pushed his glasses, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

This candidate is not such a good choice. Protecting the daimyo seemed easy and seemed to be far away from the war, but it was actually very tiring.

After all, the assassination of the daimyo did not happen. Once there is a problem with the daimyo, the guardian ninja will bear a great responsibility. It can be said to be totally exhausting and thankless.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Sarutobi Rizen has been reluctant to send people to protect the daimyo. It would be nice to let the daimyo set up a guardian endurance by himself, he can rest assured that Sarutobi Rizen does not have to worry about it.

So this job looks very glamorous, but it's not easy to complete.

Since such a bad job, who should I leave it to?


The root?

The four looked at each other. Yes, after confirming the eyes, they all understood each other's inner thoughts.

That's right, the Security Department!

"Let the Uchiha clan go, this time the roots...don't fight for the credit." Danzo immediately humbled.

"Yeah, Uchiha has taken care of Konoha's guard work in an orderly manner. UU reading www.uukanshu.com, after all, can do too much work, now the opportunity is here." Mito Menyan had a look on the Uchiha clan's sake.

"Well, the daimyo asks famous people to protect him. Is there anyone more famous than Uchiha?" Zhuanbu Xiaochun said no.

"Well, what you said makes sense, then Uchiha's clan." Sarutobi Hitizan immediately said.

It was not once or twice that Uchiha asked Sarutobi Hizen to be on the battlefield. He has been jealous for a long time seeing the great achievements made by the Hyuga clan. Although the Ninja World War is full of death, it also has a lot of opportunities. As long as you make great achievements, you will gain a lot of prestige in an instant.

So if you want to become Hokage, you can't have prestige. Uchiha's son, Uchiha Tomitake, is still young, but he has the background of the Uchiha clan.

So just a little bit of credit, and then find a few dragons to promote in the village of Konoha, a new genius is born.

Therefore, Mount Uchiha has spoken to Sarutobi Hizen many times about this matter. The first big clan is about to go to the battlefield. Sarutobi Hizaki has no reason to stop him. Otherwise, what would the villagers think of him, and how would Uchiha think of him?

Of course, the Uchiha clan must go to the battlefield, but they cannot be allowed to make a particularly big contribution. This is an unwritten rule since the second generation of Hokage. Of course, only Konoha's senior officials knew.

However, right now, the elites of the Uchiha clan are sent to protect the daimyo, and Mt. Uchiha will definitely not give up an opportunity to have a good relationship with the daimyo.

"Go and call the head of the Uchiha clan.

"Sarutobi Rizen immediately ordered, and then picked up the smoking gun on the table, and then the curling blue smoke rose, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


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