Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 74: Tilt head brother big snake pill

Obviously, a little bit in Dashewan's mouth doesn't really mean a little bit. Of course, in his understanding, maybe this is a little bit.

In short, doing experiments is a waste of work, maybe this is the reason why Dashemaru took the path of crime. After all, there is no material, so you must commit a crime, so is it not logical to become a leader to steal Che Guevara?

However, your pinhole is really too big, right? The pain is real. Uchiha Tatsuno looked at Oshemaru with a grin, but it was obvious that the other party had no idea of ​​preparing two eggs for him.

It seems that blood donation is free, and blood transfusion requires money.

However, Da She Maru's action in the next second gave him a sudden shock. After Da She Wan had preserved his blood, he took off his white coat... and coat.

"Teacher, meat compensation...isn't this necessary?" Uchiha Tatsuno said in a daze. If Da She Wan had changed his body, he might... also mind!

He is not a rope tree, not a good bite. It seems that the rumors of Dashemaru and Jiraiya are not groundless.


Da She Wan was a little helpless, his apprentice was good at everything, but his thinking was a little jumpy.

"Come on, come and fight me."

Uchiha Tatsun was surprised again, for this kind of thing, there is no need to use strong. He always thought that Jilai was also attacking, and it seemed that the rumors were not reliable.

Seeing Uchiha's strange eyes, Osamaru shook his head, "Don't get me wrong. I just want to test the effect of softening my joints. I can't find other good opponents for a while, so I will use you to test it.

Fighting is the best way to get to know each other. If you fight a fight, it might give me more inspiration. "

Da She Maru said seriously. However, he really just wanted to experiment, but now he has an urge to beat someone.

However, Uchiha Tatsu obviously didn't know the idea of ​​Osha Maru. He thought about it a little bit, and felt that what Dashemaru said was really reasonable, so he nodded and agreed.

If his memory is not wrong, Da She Wan's so-called joint softening experiment should be the embryonic form of software transformation in the future. The current Dashewan may not have thought so long, maybe he has already thought about it! But due to the three generations of Hokage, he did not go to experiment in that area.

You know, forbidden techniques such as software modification must use a living human body for experimentation. For the future Dashewan, it is a daily existence like drinking water and eating, but for him now, it is a taboo, just full of temptation.

Under the leadership of Dashemaru, the two quickly walked to the back of the laboratory.

This is a small training ground, which is generally used for exercise or data recording.

"Because it only records physical data, although writing round eyes can be used, it is forbidden to use illusions and extremely destructive moves." Oshemaru said hoarsely.

"Of course, I can only use physique." After Oshamaru finished speaking, he took out a handful of kunai from the ninja bag at the back of his waist, and Uchiha Tatsu who looked like this.

"Come on, let me see your recent progress, teacher."

The Osamaru body in the field nodded towards Uchiha Tatsumi, while the two shadow clones outside the field were closely watching the battle that was about to begin in the field.

The battle data they are going to record is extremely useful to Ono Shemaru and the purpose of this battle.

Just, do you really need to be so serious? The look that seemed to be watching a restricted-level movie made Uchiha Tatsuo a little creepy.

He sighed, the blood-red Gouyu was spinning quickly, and then the whole person was almost pulled into a long shadow, and he rushed towards Dashewan in an instant. The speed was so fast that a dust belt was pulled out under his feet and behind him, but he couldn't see the specific figure.

This is still in the case that he didn't use the thunder attribute chakra to stimulate the body's cells, and the speed was already the same as the peak speed when he first entered the battlefield of the Kingdom of Rain.

The fighting over the past few months has made Uchiha Tatsumi made considerable progress.


In the next moment, a huge symphony of gold and iron screamed, and a wave of air quickly spread out around Uchiha Tatsu and Oshemaru.

Since Dashemaru didn't use ninjutsu, Chen didn't even use his own Thunder Dunn.

Kuwu was held tightly by Chen, and the weapons in their hands collided dozens of times in the next time.

In the end, with a violent shattering sound, the hand of Kumo in Oshemaru's left hand suddenly burst open.

The eyelids inside Orochi jumped. This fighting style was really similar to Tsunade. The blessing of strange power made the opponent's physical skills soar.

But you must know that although Tsunade's power is very strong, his speed is actually very average. However, Uchiha Tatsuno has no flaws in this regard. He is agile like a speed ninja!

With both strength and speed, Da She Maru can only think of three generations of Raikage.

In a very short period of time, there was no time for him to continue thinking. The next moment, Da Shemaru threw away the kunai in his hand without hesitation, and made a fist with one hand to directly attack Uchiha Tatsu's ribs.

Slightly turned sideways to get a punch from the Oshe Maru. As soon as he was about to continue his attack, Oshe Maru's physical skill Erlian directly followed ~www.readwn.com~ and raised his backhand and hit the human chin with the heel of his palm.

If you are hit, you will not only be knocked into the air, but also enter a relatively long dizzy state. It is not impossible to concuss a person directly with too much force, even if it is a ninja.

Seeing this, Uchiha Tatsuno thrust his backhand in, aiming at the palm of Oshemaru, without any intention of keeping his hand.

Da She Wan's strength is at least above the level of quasi-shadow now. Then let the water go. Is he going to the party with a bruised nose and swollen face today?

Seeing that a single blow could not be achieved, Oshemaru jumped up instantly. During the jump, the speed of his right hand did not decrease, and he hit Uchiha Tatsu at an extremely strange angle.

Of course it's weird. It can even be said that that kind of distorted movement is not something that humans can make.

Uchihadatsu leaned his head to avoid it, and at the same time grabbed it with both hands, and instantly clasped Oshemaru's wrist, stopping his jumping momentum.

At the same time, Uchiha Chen followed again, and hit Oshemaru's abdomen with a knee bump.

According to the previous fighting style of Oshemaru, at this time he would obviously raise his leg and sweep. It's just that he didn't choose to do this this time.

With the wrist clasped by Uchiha Tatsu as a support point, Oshemaru's body turned over ninety degrees strangely, avoiding his knee bump in an almost impossible manner.

Uchiha Tatsuno immediately threw out his kunai. However, he was shocked in the next second.

Because Dashemaru's neck bends, he avoids Kuunai at an angle of 90 degrees with an inconsistent movement.

This kind of horrible picture is exactly the same as the Japanese Titou Sister Uchiha Tatsumi saw on the Internet in his previous life!


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