Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 75: Human experiment

In terms of pure physical skills, the current Uchiha Tatsu is definitely not Osha Maru's opponent. Leaving aside the difference in strength, Oshamaru is ten years older than Uchiha Tatsuta in terms of age alone.

After such a long time, even ordinary people can become Shinobu, not to mention a genius who has been evaluated by the three generations of Hokage as a once-in-decade genius.

But Uchiha Tatsumi didn't blow it, otherwise, how could it take only three months to complete the span from the lower to the upper?

Those who can survive countless fights to the end are either the strong or the children of the plane. Or else, if Uchiha Tatsuo turned on the system to hang up!

So after Oshemaru used a unique slanted head kill, Uchiha Tatsu didn't stop, and Kuna directly stabs Oshemaru's face!

However, Oshemaru escaped the blow by a strange volley. Uchihatatsu then used his right foot as a support point, and swept the whipping leg towards the Oshemaru in the air.

Oshamaru laughed, and then his body quickly landed. This movement that completely ignored the inertia of the body caused Uchiha Tatsu's attack to quickly reach the empty space.

Shao Lun Yan noticed the movements of Da She Wan in advance, he did not stop at all, and once again plunged into the close distance of Da She Wan.

At this time, Oshemaru is already an adult, while Uchiha Tatsu's body is just beginning to grow. Fighting at close range is undoubtedly a small body that can take advantage.

In an instant, Uchiha Tatsuro completed a five-stroke combo. At the same time, he held Kuwu with his backhand and directly pierced it out, and Kuwu did not reflect any light. But it is more dangerous than any move.

After Dashewan framed a five-stroke attack, Kuwu had already cut through the air, making a sharp piercing sound, and slashed towards Dashe's waist!


The sound of the collision between kunai and kunai quickly spread. At the last moment, a kunai slipped through Osaimaru's sleeve, blocking Uchiha Tatsu's inevitable sword, but at the same time, Osaimaru Also shocked by the violent impact, he took two steps back.

The battle situation was reversed in an instant. Just now, Ochihamaru had the upper hand, but only a few seconds later, Uchiha Tatsuki forced Ochiharu away, and Uchihadatsu, who had no reason to let such an advantage, pounced again. .

A few more bangs of gold and iron sounded. Under the guidance of Da She Wan consciously or unconsciously, in a few minutes of battle, he showed almost every result of the fusion of joint softening and auto body surgery.

Although Uchiha Tatsu has been being pushed back, but he did not show any signs of defeat. On the contrary, five or six minutes of such a dragged battle passed.

It was not until a shadow avatar outside the court warned that the two sides stopped the fight.

"Is it all right?"

"Well, it's almost there." Da She Wan nodded.

This kind of battle that doesn't require much chakra can only be counted as a warm-up, whether it is for Uchiha Tatsu or Osha Maru.

Da She Maru took the recorded data from the shadow clone and looked at it carefully for a while. The idle Uchiha Tatsu looked at the scrolls on the training ground.

"The softening of the joints should only reach this point."

Uchiha Tatsun suddenly heard such a sigh behind him. Just from the sound, I can't tell if the Oshemaru is telling a fact... or it is unwilling!

After a while, Da She Wan finally raised her head, and then tentatively asked, "Chen, what do you think of human experiments?"

Human experimentation is definitely a taboo term in Konoha. I don't know when it started, but the mention of this word gives people an evil feeling.

In fact, Konoha has a fine tradition of human experimentation. The second generation of Hokage, who has the title of Ninja Great Invention, is the originator of this aspect.

Among other things, just to reincarnate from the filthy land of the forbidden technique, you need to summon the soul from the pure land. This kind of ninjutsu is inseparable from human experiments.

Don’t you need a living person to study the soul? Don't you need sacrifices to summon souls? From any aspect, a large number of human experiments must be carried out.

There is also the second generation of Hokage's understanding of Shalunyan so thoroughly, even far beyond the Uchiha clan.

"A special kind of chakra will appear in the head of an eye-opener."

The second generation of Hokage who came to such a detailed conclusion, if he did not use the Uchiha clan as an experiment, how could he research it?

Therefore, the second generation of Hokage is the first person in Konoha's human experiment.

Everything else is scum!

But if you look back at Dashewan?

Bereavement since childhood, lonely. However, he was talented and smart, hardworking and studious.

But after witnessing the death of his parents and companions one by one, the kind-hearted Oshemaru felt fragile and short-lived.

Therefore, out of the desire for knowledge and immortality, Dashewan used scientific concepts and hard work spirits to work steadily and hard. Under extremely difficult conditions, he built a simple laboratory to study the mysteries of the human body.

The helpless scientific pioneer Oshe Maru's research was too advanced, which angered the conservative Konoha etiquette and was not tolerated by the teacher and the entire village. They obstructed the experiment in every possible way, and finally expelled Oshe Maru from the village.

They are also conducting human experiments, so why is the gap in being such a big one?

But ~www.readwn.com~ human experiments are really important.

It should be understood that without human experiments, the transplantation of inter-column cells would not be perfected. So Sasuke was stabbed to death by Lord Madara a long time ago, so where is the chance to save the Ninja world with the eyes of reincarnation?

There is also the software transformation of Dashemaru. If it can be scaled up, it will greatly improve Konoha's overall strength. At least for the Nara clan, with shadow imitation, this is at least a low-profile version of the dead division's blood.

However, the three generations of Hokage can't see these. He only thinks that human experiments are cruel. Isn't it cruel to die so many people in the Ninja world?

Therefore, as long as the human experiment is not done on the villagers in his own village, Uchiha Tatsuh looks no big deal. Not to mention the existence of clones.

"I think human experimentation is very important, and it will greatly help Konoha's strength improvement. Only the third generation of Hokage will definitely oppose it. Unless..." Uchiha Tatsumi considered it and continued, "Unless, teacher you Can become the fourth generation of Naruto."

Uchiha Tatsun felt like he was like a Naruto dealer now, and all his suggestions for others were to make them become Naruto. It seems that becoming Hokage can solve all problems.


Da She Wan's eyes flickered after listening. If he can become Hokage, then no one can stop him. Otherwise, his fate will only be the same as that of his young friend, Bei Liuhu!

If he can't become Hokage, then the person who sits in this position must also be someone who is not opposed to human experiments and who is close to him!

"Otherwise, how can you learn all the ninjutsu and master all the truths in the world?!"


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