Konoha’s 50 Years

Vol 2 Chapter 76: Notification from within the clan

After coming out of Dashemaru's laboratory, the sky had completely dimmed. The surrounding forest is also full of mosquitoes and traces of wild animals.

Uchiha Tatsumi didn't stay in the slightest. He immediately walked towards the village, and after about ten minutes, he finally arrived at the place for dinner tonight.

This is the tavern where he and Da She Wan had dinner a year ago. Only at this time the bistro has been renovated and has become completely new, and the whole is much cleaner.

"Yeah, isn't this Lujiu?" Uchiha Tatsuno walked to the door and found Lujiu who was standing at the door watching.

"What a coincidence."

"Oh, it's Chen. It's a coincidence indeed." Lu Jiu held his head with a look of lovelessness.

"Then presumptuously ask, why are you here?" Uchiha Tatsumi showed a puzzled expression.

"Um... I heard there is a treat here tonight. Barbecue is free and free drinks." Lu Jiu was embarrassed and grabbed his dreadlocks.

After all, eating and drinking is not a good habit. But he couldn't bear to be taken care of by someone who wanted to treat him, so he had to come over. Otherwise, it would be too bad for the right face.

"Why, did you hear that too?" Lu Jiu approached and lowered his voice slightly.

Uchiha Tatsu felt that his chest was a little stuffy, and at the same time he felt a bad feeling.

"Barbecue is free and free drinks, who told you this?!" He grabbed Lu Jiu's hand and asked quickly.

"Rope tree, he told me. It is said that he also notified other classmates..."

After listening to Lujiu's words in a daze, Uchiha Tatsuno felt a black eye...

"Hey, Chen, what's the matter with you? When you wake up, come on! Someone passed out excitedly..."


"Chen, how are you doing?" Jiu Xinnai looked at the boy worriedly.

"It's ok, I can't die for the time being." Uchiha Tatsumi sat listlessly on the chair.

At this time, the whole hall was full of people and it seemed noisy. These are all classmates of Uchiha Tatsumi.

It is said that there are students from other classes who are coming here, with only one purpose, that is, to see the men who have dominated the ninja school many lists.

However, in Uchiha Tatsumi's view, they are all trying to eat and drink!

At his table, there were eight people, Kusina, Yusuki, and Lujiu trio.

"Chen, I really didn't mean it. I didn't know that so many people would come." Shengshu looked innocent.

"Then,'If you don't come, just don't give me the face of Qianshoushengshu', who said this!"

"It's a big deal, I just need to pay a little money." The rope tree took out his shriveled wallet, which contained only a fifty-two bill.

The problem is that even the cheapest Ile ramen is 60 taels!

Sensing Uchiha Tatsumi's gaze, Nazuki turned his head and smiled flatteringly at him.

——Unable to do things and have a face to be cute.

Uchiha Tatsuno sighed, then stood up. "Students, barbecue is free tonight, and free drinks, you are welcome!"

Gritted teeth,

Reluctantly smile!

"Oh, that's great." Ding Zuo cheered.

"Boss, bring me the most expensive barbecue."

A burst of cheers sounded in the tavern. You know, Uchiha Tatsuno originally just wanted to invite a few friends, after all, it was only here to sell alcohol to minors, but he did not expect to be pitted by the rope tree.

In fact, to be serious, Uchiha Tatsuo is indeed not a poor man, after all, the mirror left him a lot of legacy. In addition, he made a lot of merits on the battlefield, and each point of merit can be exchanged for five thousand taels. If you want to exchange it purely for money, Uchiha Tatsuno can probably change from Konoha to more than three million taels.

This is another benefit of going to the battlefield.

You must know that on the battlefield, every time you complete a B-level mission, the merit value you get is about ten to thirty. If converted into silver taels, it is about one hundred thousand taels to three hundred thousand taels.

And for the B-level tasks received in the village, the reward for a small team is only 50,000 to 150,000 taels, and Captain Shangnin still has to take the big head.

Therefore, the ninjas who survived the battlefield eventually became rich and very powerful without exception. After all, the merit value can be exchanged for silver taels, but also for the relatively popular three magic ninjutsu.

This is why Tsunade is a big fat sheep, but someone is always willing to lend her money. The casino is not worried that she can't afford it. To know that to complete an s-level task, it will cost a million in minutes.

So the question is, who has touched Naruto's legacy?

You know, Watergate has completed S-level missions 39 times. Jiuxinai has ready-made sealing techniques for his research, and Jilaida also has a large number of ninjutsu for free use, and Watergate does not lack ninjutsu at all. Since meritorious service cannot be exchanged for ninjutsu, how can you save millions of inheritance? But Naruto’s monthly pension is only one thousand taels. Where did the other money go? Could it be said that Konoha also has an inheritance tax?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Tatsumi showed pity in his eyes and looked at Mizumon, making Mizumon look bewildered.

At this moment, Mikoto turned sideways and said, "Chen, where did you go in the evening?"

Uchiha Tatsumi picked up a piece of meat skewers, and then replied, UU reading www.uukanshu. com "Go to see Mr. Oshemaru, what's wrong?"

"In the evening the security team sent someone to look for me."

"What? Why did they come to you?" Uchiha Tatsun frowned.

Since Uchihasan approached Uchiha Tatsumi four years ago, the attitude of the clan towards him has indeed improved a lot.

Of course Uchihasatsu knew this kind of favor. The old fox wanted him to serve as a bridge between the clan and the village, just like Zhishui and Weasel in the future.

If you follow the normal routine, it will take a few years before Uchihayama will use his influence to send Uchiha Tatsumi to Anbe.

You know, other big families have their own eyeliner in Anbu. But the Uchiha clan alone did not. Because the ninjas of the Uchiha clan, they all go directly to the security department after graduation.

This resulted in Uchiha's influence on Anbu being zero, just like a blind man. Therefore, Uchihasan has always tried every means to insert his hands into Anbe, but all of them were rejected by the third generation of Hokage.

Now with the identity of the son of the mirror and the apprentice of Oshamaru, it is enough to send Uchiha Tatsumi to Anbe. The third generation of Hokage has no reason to refuse.

It's just that this idea has not been implemented, the bridge work has not yet started, the second Ninja War broke out without warning, and Uchiha Tatsu was immediately taken to the battlefield by Oshemaru.

Therefore, Uchiha Tatsuno does not know what will happen to the old fox looking for Mikoto. Did he stare at Mikoto? Uchiha Tatsumi thought so.

It's just that Mikoto's answer quickly went beyond his expectation.

"The security team informed us that we will go to the Nanga Shrine in the clan area on the night of the 15th of this month to participate in the clan assembly.

"Where? Nanga Shrine?!"


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