Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 152: Wait, your name is 0 Ming?

"The dead black cat should really thank me. It can get so much money just by thinking about it. It's a sure-fire business. I'm sorry for my hard work, but only 60%..."

The white-haired ninja took the samples sent a few days ago, and was both heartbroken and proud.

The publishing house replied four days ago, saying in the letter that his book was selling well, especially the promotional slogan "adapting from personal experience" is absolutely perfect, and sales of this sentence at least increased several times.

It's just a pity.

Due to the interference of the black cat, he had to change the blond hair to black hair. He felt that the blond hair would be more beautiful, but fortunately, it was retained.

Tong Yan**...

Hey hey hey.

He was very excited when he thought of the appearance and configuration, and wished that the characters in the book would become real people and appear in front of him——

Although this character Jirai also subconsciously used Tsunade as a template, but in fact, in his opinion, it is slightly different.

The characters in the book are naturally more idealistic.

Big, sweet-looking, very gentle, non-violent, apart from a little similar in appearance, the essence is not the same thing at all, but some people don't think so.

"Sir Tsunade, where are we going!"

Little Mute has never seen Tsunade so emotionally fluctuated. The key is...

What is this book about?

Before the casino lost everything, he didn't even see Tsunade's fists, but after reading three or four pages of a novel, he smashed the booth in a rage. This is too outrageous.

"Beat people and make money."

Tsunade said with a gloomy face, running forward.

Beating people to make money?

Jiraiya-sama wants to finish.

Mute has been able to make up the picture in his brain, and Lord Jiraiya was beaten to the point of death and sent to the hospital, and then he had to offer the money from the novel with trembling hands...

Tsk, it's so sad.

However, the only person who can make adults really angry is Jiraiya-sama.

Tsunade was angry.

It's okay to use the character design to suggest that you can change it to black hair, although the method is a bit clumsy, but you can understand it, but what does it mean to change to bathe in a river and have a childish face.

Can't afford to go to a hot spring shop?

Looking down on my body when I was young?

She wouldn't be the granddaughter of Senju Hashima if she didn't beat this lecher to death. From now on, her name will be read backwards, no, she will change the same name as Jiraiya's book heroine.

Poor Mute still doesn't know what's going on, but she wanted to ask Tsunade to read the book, but considering Tsunade's state of wanting to kill at the moment...

I want to live!

Mute held back her curiosity and followed behind Tsunade humbly. Thanks to her good health, she followed Tsunade everywhere to hide from debt all these years, otherwise she might not be able to catch up with Tsunade's speed.

Since Tsunade has been hiding her debts outside all this time, and she has deliberately avoided places where there are ninjas, she doesn't know Konoha's current situation, let alone that Jiraiya has gone to the front line.

It wasn't until I met a few ninjas who were going to the front line in the middle that I learned that Jirai was also on the northern front.

She hesitated for a while, but she still rushed to the front line, and threw Mute to these Konoha ninjas and asked them to help with it—Mute speed was too slow.

It's good to have outside. Qianming and Kakashi are in a mountain near Konoha, and they are not far from the road to the north line, so Tsunade first sensed this when they passed by.


"This is the former training ground. Who is training now?"

In the end, curiosity prevailed.

Anyway, it's not far away...

Tsunade came to Qianming's side, and it didn't take long for him to reach this mountain col. This was the training ground in the past, but at that time it was just some basic training such as ordinary tree climbing, water treading, and mountain climbing.

Not like now.

'What kind of ninja tool is that, why haven't I seen it before? ’


It should have the ability to counterattack, otherwise Kakashi's skills won't be so careful, it's a bit interesting...

If at the beginning, Tsunade was just curious to take a look, now she is really curious and wants to know the specific training situation here.

But just as she was thinking about it, Kakashi was knocked out without incident.

After practicing more than a dozen times, he has been able to be beaten out quite decently.

"The counterattack effect is so good?"

Tsunade widened his eyes and suddenly became interested.

This thing should be an accumulation of strength. The greater the strength, the higher the strength of the counterattack. It is a very interesting toy...

"Can you lend me a play?"


When Obito heard the voice, he immediately opened his writing wheel and stood in front of Kakashi, looking seriously at the direction of the voice. Although the other party was a woman, among ninjas, he couldn't despise him because he was a woman.

"Little devil, your eyes are very good, but you can't stop me with your strength. Besides... I'm just curious about this toy, so I just wanted to try it."

Tsunade came out from where he was hiding, his blond hair was very eye-catching.

Maybe Obito had never met Tsunade, but Kakashi had. He didn't care about the pain the moment he saw Tsunade, but wiped his eyes in disbelief, and then he was speechless in surprise.

At this moment, Tsunade suddenly sensed a chakra fluctuation, and then a black cat instantly appeared in the space.

"Meow! What are you going to do to my team...?"

Qian Ming felt that there was a strong threat here, so he didn't care about other people using Flying Thunder God to come here.

Originally thought it was the enemy, but when I looked closely, there were two mountains with blond hair.

Very familiar!

Isn't this Tsunade?

Why did she come? Did she confess to me too!

That unscrupulous guy, when he divided the money, he knew that I was just offering an idea, but he was so ineffective when he took the blame, really...

"Tsunate-sama, why are you here!!"

Tsunade has been away from Konoha for many years. During this time, Konoha has been looking for him, but there has been no news. I didn't expect Tsunade to appear by himself.

This is really...

Kakashi didn't know whether it was better to say surprise or shock, but for Qianming, it was definitely a shock. Just looking at Kamizame's beautiful eyes, he couldn't help his limbs tremble.

No, something must be done.

It took a deep breath and planned to defend it, but at this moment Tsunade smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's okay to go to the front line to find Jiraiya. I just noticed that someone here is training to come and have a look."

Looking for Jiraiya?


That being said, she came here before she found Jirai, so it's all right.

Qianming breathed a sigh of relief.

If Jirai also sued first, the situation would definitely be against him, and now at least he has a chance to explain first, how could he still not win if he has the first mover.

"By the way, can this tumbler lend me a try?"


"Can't you?"

"No, please do it."

Qianming really wanted to refuse, because he knew very well how terrifying Tsunade's fist was. If he punched it, the tumbler would turn into powder and melt into the ground, but after thinking about it, if Tsunade broke things first, she might feel a little guilty.

It's better for a tumbler to be beaten to death than to be beaten to death himself.

Thinking of this, the black cat immediately lost any thought of rejection.

"Very good, then I'll try it."

Tsunade took a leap and walked to the front of the tumbler.

She wanted to use all her strength, but she was afraid of scaring the two children and that funny ninja cat, so she reduced her strength to about 30%.

One punch...


This time ~www.readwn.com~ the tumbler failed to bounce back, because its head was smashed into the ground, and the whole tumbler couldn't be pulled out.

'What a horrible woman! ’

Obito and Kakashi couldn't help but swallow their saliva, but Qianming was most afraid. He knew that this punch was definitely not full force, so the problem came.

If he hit him with all his strength, he would probably die directly.

Thinking of this, Qian Ming had to admire Jiraiya. Even if he was hit with all his strength, he almost died. This is the strength of Sannin.

Tsunade turned his head and smiled awkwardly. He scratched his head and said, "So there is still an upper limit..."

"Qianming, can this still be used?"

Obito was a little worried, but also a little happy. After all, if it broke, he wouldn't have to be beaten again.


"Wait, your name is Qianming?"

What the hell?

Obito, I can't kill you! !

Qian Ming immediately felt bad and cursed in his heart, then he nodded his head daringly, and let out a cute cat meow.

"Qianming... Well, Kakashi, is there another special Joinin named Qianming in the village?"

Tsunade's mind flashed the scene of the black cat's appearance just now, and he already had some guesses, so his face gradually became less good.


Qianming's mind turned sharply, and he quickly came up with a solution. Before Kakashi could say anything, he said, "If you are looking for a special Joinin named Qianming, it should be me!"

"Hehehe, it's really you!"


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