Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 121 World!

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!This is a place where the brilliance cannot shine, at the other end of the ocean, at the source of the mist, a pillar of fire that is as high as several tens of meters has been erected abruptly. It is a high temperature far beyond the boiling point of rain, and the raindrops on the sky are instantly evaporation.

Between the sky and the earth, the fog seems to be connected as a whole, wriggling like a monster. This flaming ship is shrouded in it, and a chakra that disturbs the world spreads from it. The sea and sky are in the sight of ordinary people. It seems to be distorted and fluctuates sharply.

This frightening and uneasy scene seemed a little insignificant in the confrontation between the three of them. In front of them, the scene like the end of the world seemed to be extremely small and not worth mentioning.

In the center of the sky, a holy blue wind pillar appeared, which merged with the fire pillar from top to bottom, and instantly penetrated the hull and reached the surface of the ocean.


Like the slope of a mountain torrent, the sound of the collapse of the mountain resounded across the sky, creating a vortex with a diameter of more than 300 meters on the sea!

The broken hull of the ship moved quickly along the sea surface in the whirlpool, causing violent vibrations, and the dead people still on the ship were thrown out.

However, the three of them are like a tough rock, letting it beat by the wind and rain, letting it shake the mountain and stand still...

Faced with the scenes created by Dior that resembled a natural disaster, Ji Lai's expression remained unchanged. He just made a seal with his hands, and then invited the Immortal Shensuo and Immortals Shima from Miaomu Mountain.

"It's this kind of thing when you kid call us. I know why Wentai kid doesn't like you anymore." Shima fairy stood on Jilaiya's shoulder, and said to Shen Zuoxian who was standing on the other side. Dad, you should teach Xiao Zilai to enter the fairy mode by himself!"

"Well... it depends on Xiao Zilai's own meaning." Shen Zuo Xianren replied

"Compared with the two immortals, I am still far behind."

Through the natural energies of the two immortals, Zi Lai also entered the immortal mode. In this state, it seemed that the heaven and the earth were held in his hands. A powerful energy gushed out of his body, making him want to vent involuntarily. Get out.

"Xianfa·Water Escape·The Art of Big Waterfall!"

Under the action of Jiraiya’s Xianshu Chakra, there seemed to be an invisible light pointing upwards to the world.Suddenly, the entire surface of the sea stopped flowing, and the vortex seemed to freeze, but in the next moment a huge wave surged out. It was a tsunami that used the inertia of tens of thousands of tons of sea water!

The water escape ninjutsu used on this kind of sea, let alone people, even the modern aircraft carrier fleet will tremble in the face of this terrifying force.

"Feng Lei is ordered, the sky is the wall!"

Dior used the third demon aura in his body, the power of the demon aura of the sky, that was enough to make people fly and change the weather.

In an instant, the original drizzle turned into a torrential rain. The thick raindrops swayed violently from the sky. In an instant, lightning and thunder, squally showers, and dark sky, as if the world became a behemoth. Everything below was swallowed.

The Pillar of Wind and Fire, which seemed to connect the sky and the earth, was constantly being tempered by the thunder. Under this terrifying power, one could hardly believe that his eyes were made by creatures.

"Dior really got stronger again!"

Jilai also raised a twelve-point vigilance. Compared with the battle with him at the beginning, the current Dior can be said to be different from before. This is a completely different dimension, the gap between heaven and earth.

If the previous Dior just made him feel a little bit awkward, then the current Dior just made him jealous!

This is definitely a master at the same level as him!

"JOJO, I'll contain him, and you will make the final blow!"

Compared with ripples, his many methods are not as lethal to Dior. Although natural energy has the characteristics of a trace of sunlight, it is not a specialization like ripples. I don’t know how much effect it has on Dior who has certain sunlight resistance. .Xuefu Novel www.xuefu168.com

Therefore, it is undoubtedly the best arrangement for Jojo, who is not too strong, but has the power like a vampire killer, to make up the knife.

"Don't you want to hurt Master Dior!"

Although trembling in this natural disaster-like scene, the two corpses transformed by Dior are still extremely loyal to Dior.

However, Dior, who was gathering the three powers of wind, thunder and fire, just glanced at them casually and said, "Who let you intervene in my battle?"

"This... Lord Dior!"

The two of them were about to reply, but they suddenly felt their bodies swell, and then with a bang, their bodies burst open. Even with the vitality of a corpse, they would definitely be dead in this scenario.

"The legendary degree from Jiraiya +693."

Although he knew Dior's cruel temperament, but with his own eyes, he simply killed his subordinates, and Jilaiya was still in shock.

"Xianfa·Wind Escape·Strong Wind Breaks!"

In order to strengthen the destructive power of the tsunami, Shen Zuo Xianren used the wind escape to assist, making the power of the sky tsunami even more terrifying.

Although this action may seem long, it is only an instant on this battlefield.

At this moment, there is a terrifying tsunami on one side, and a huge wall of fire on the other side, which is full of wind and thunder, which makes people feel a strong sense of shock at first glance.


The two parties finally collided!

The power that destroys the world is clashing between the world and the world, and the world is quiet!

"I am the strongest!" Dior desperately maintained the Skyfire Bulwark. He still somewhat underestimated the strength of Jiraiya in the fairy mode. He is not weak in his own right, coupled with the assistance of the two immortals, even let the fusion With four devilish energy, he was a little hard to resist.

"Speaking of which you may not understand, but now I have the ability to manipulate gravitation, that is, the geometric manifestation of time and space curvature!"

Dior grinned and said, "Through the acceleration caused by gravity, I can even manipulate mass and energy, and affect time and space! In other words, I am the strongest in the world who is not affected by the force of time!"

He stretched out a hand, and then as if giving an order to the world, said


In an instant, in Dior’s eyes, it was whistling, the whirlpool suddenly stopped at this moment, the whistling wind stopped, and the raindrops falling from the sky stopped, as if under this mighty force, even the world had lost its response. Some judgments lead to not knowing what to do...

In this still world, Dior jumped up, jumped onto the other half of the broken hull, then spit out a mouthful of blood, and then the world resumed action under inertia.


The sky-fire barrier and the tsunami finally reached the limit. Only a bang, the brightest light was born from it, and it shot to all directions, and then only a loud bang was heard. The area was in the four powers of wind, thunder, water, and fire. Under the effect...

Complete destruction!

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