Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 122 Overwhelming!

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Manipulating gravitation is indeed a very powerful ability, as long as it is carefully developed, it is almost a force sufficient to master the world.

But ability is ability, and how much it can play depends on the strength of the controller.

It doesn't mean that it is enough to have a useful ability, just like the super power of dumplings, and it will be flat when you encounter Saiyans.

With his current strength, the time that can be suspended for one second is already the limit, and it is like Uchi Tsubasa used a kaleidoscope, and it will be backlashed.

However, he himself is a vampire with strong self-healing ability, so this backlash is nothing to him, as long as he has energy to supplement it.

Seeing that immeasurable energy burst out from not far away, Dior could only keep away from this area by causing gusts to constantly urge the wreckage under his feet, because once the terrifying energy spreads, he can heal itself. He is probably too capable.

And what about Jiraiya and JOJO, who is bearing the impact on the front?

The answer will be revealed soon

After the bright light dissipated, on the turbulent sea, only half of the ship’s hull had disappeared, replaced by a red barrier tens of meters long, like a passage, but in this terrifying impact Under the force, it is already broken and unprepared.

The red wall, which seemed to be a biological structure, had broken a large hole in several places, revealing a blood-soaked Jiraiya in the hole. At this moment, the immortal Shima and the immortal Shensaku on his shoulders were gone. His The fairy mode has also exited, and the whole body is in a weak state.

In the explosion just now, he and the two immortals used the strongest defensive ninjutsu to form a three-layer enchantment, and then channeled out the intestines of the big toad Iwajuku to defend. This is already his best. Strong means, but still broken by the terrifying destructive power. The impact of that moment made his face immortal mode unable to maintain. The two immortals who were working with him to defend together returned to Miaomu Mountain helplessly, and he was also The terrifying explosion hit the stomach of Iwaju Big Toad.

"I'm sorry old man..."

He coughed out another mouthful of blood, then stroked the stomach of Iwajuku Big Toad, looking at the shocking wound.

Iwasu Big Toad was originally an enchantment spirit technique he used to trap people, and his defensive power was amazing. He has encountered people who can break through this strongest enchantment technique since his debut, but he still doesn't exist.

But today, not only did someone defeat his immortal skill in the immortal mode, but also destroyed this absolute defense, which naturally shocked him.

Although Miaomushan possesses incomparable immortality skills, it may take a while to heal this kind of injury, so he feels very guilty for Iwaju Big Toad in his heart.

But at this moment, he can only bury this guilt deep in his heart, because there are more important things that need him to do!

"JOJO, is it okay?"

He looked at JOJO who was lying on the other side of his stomach, walked over and helped him up.

"no problem……"

The situation of JOJO does not look optimistic. After all, even with multiple layers of protection, the shock wave without solid nature still caused them huge damage.

It's just that the physical quality of the two of them is far beyond that of ordinary people, so they can still have a certain amount of extra energy under this terrifying impact.

With Jiraiya's support, JOJO stood up with difficulty, but looking at his frail appearance, it was as if he would fall to the ground in the next second.

Rather than standing physically, it was the unparalleled firm spirit that supported him to continue fighting.

"Hahahahahahahahaha...!" 12 Novel Network www.12shuo.com

Dior's laughter came from a distance, and then he was standing in the sky out of thin air, looking down at the two of them and laughing wildly. The laughter was very presumptuous, as if victory was already in his hands!

"Let us cut this cause and effect completely!"

Dior folded his hands together, and then spread it to both sides, a bright red flame continuously extended upward under his control, until it seemed to penetrate the sky before it stopped.

He crossed the top of his head with his hands, and then slammed down the sword of flame, which he didn't know how long it was!

"Water Escape·Water Front Wall!"

"Water Escape·Water Turbulence!"

Jilai also endured the pain with JOJO, used the water escape forcibly, attacked and defended, but they were seriously injured, even under the joint force, they were still easily broken by the flame sword, and they watched the flame. Cut it down...

JOJO forcefully pushed Zi Lai away, and then he backed back under the force of the interaction. Suddenly, the sword of flame swept over where they were just now, cutting this dilapidated gastrointestinal barrier in half. ...


Under these damages, Jilai was finally unable to maintain the existence of psychic art, or that the Iwaju Big Toad had reached its limit, turning into a white mist and summoning his stomach and intestines back to Miaomu Mountain.

The two of them without the force of the gastrointestinal passages can only stand forcibly in the horrible vortex, and the extremely terrifying water current impacts, making them feel great pressure.

If just standing on the sea is nothing to them, but at this moment they are forcibly standing in the whirlpool, how can this be compared?

"Leave here first! JOJO, do you still have the strength?"

"Don't worry, no problem! Just inject the ripples into my clothes." He took off his generous coat, then threw it out forcefully, and he jumped up and stepped on it. Above.

Unimaginable things happened. It was an ordinary piece of clothing, but under the influence of ripples, it seemed to be harder than a wooden board. Even if an adult like JOJO stood on it, it still didn't deform.

He stepped on it like this, and then moved quickly against the turbulent sea in the waves that appeared from time to time.

"It's really a...magic ninjutsu..." Jilai also looked at this scene stunnedly, and let go of his heart.

His Chakra is still quite abundant, there is no problem rushing out of this section of the sea, but if he takes JOJO with him, I am afraid it will be a lot of trouble. At this moment, he has the ability to escape here.

"Don't leave so easily."

Dior just hovered in the sky, commanding the celestial phenomena like a real god. Under his control, a few electric currents flashed through the dark clouds in the sky, and then, under the condensation, it turned into a thick thunder, just like a god. The trial is the same.

"Huh, don't underestimate me!"

After Jilaiya took the initiative to break, looking at the thunder that blasted, he knotted his hands, and then spit out a wind group, which was bombarded with the lightning.

"Fire Escape·The Art of Phoenix Fire!"

He spit out a few fireballs into the sky again, and exploded around Dior under the cover of the stormy area.

Only hearing the rumbling explosion, Jilai withdrew towards the calm sea in the distance without looking back...

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