Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 125: Three Generations with Headaches

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Qiwuhai's position in Naoto’s mind is to benchmark against the demons in terms of strength, and their leader must naturally be a B-level character card, but Naoto has no extra money after exchanging Dr. Kenos and Big Demon King Piccolo. The reputation value can be exchanged for the next B-level character card.

Of course, with his current prestige value of more than 60,000, if it is a few major things, then it is completely possible to earn 100,000 prestige.

But he put all his hopes on the next battle, and at least he had to harvest 100,000 reputation points.

Therefore, in the absence of righteous masters now, he can only ask Piccolo to temporarily act as the face of Qiwuhai.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to go as the main body, it is best to hide your whole body.


"What?!" The third generation of Hokage was shocked. He looked at Shishui in front of him and even stood up uncontrollably, "Raiking was taken away!?"

"Yes... that guy... is too strong, I am not his opponent."

Although it was very frustrating to say, Tambali's performance at the time was really too strong. Although the four generations of Raikage at that time had been exhausted, the power that burst out at that moment was still not underestimated.

But that level of power is just dragging Tambali for some time...

Shishui thought that although he was fast, it was definitely not as good as the fourth generation of Raikage; Suzuo Nenghu's defensive power was strong, but it was not much stronger than Raikage’s well-tempered flesh and Thunder Dunn’s armor. In terms of attack power, he can only surpass him with confidence in illusion.

From this point of view, apart from using the kaleidoscope pupil technique to surprise him, he is definitely not Tambari's opponent.

"There is such a thing..."

Three generations of Hokage slowly sat down, and then sighed

Although the fourth generation of Raikage did not fight him much, he and the third generation of Raikage are old opponents. Even he has to admit that Yunyin Village was trained by the ninjutsu school of Lei Dun Chakra to exercise his body. Elite ninjas are quite powerful.

The three generations of Raikage at the time, known as the strongest spear and the strongest shield, few people in the entire Ninja World were his opponents.

Although the four generations of Raikage did not show the talents that surpassed his father, how could he stand out from the crowds of Yunyin?

"Master Hokage, after this incident, Yunyin Village will definitely support the convening of the Five Shadows Conference, so that his previous proposal against Qiwuhai's participation may also be withdrawn." Fuyue, who came with Shisui, said at this time.

Shishui and the others returned to Konoha last night. When they first came, Fu Yue was surprised and happy. What was shocked was that Dao Huo and Tie Huo were actually converted into vampires. What was happy was that the three of them were safe and sound and could use Shih. Water's pupil technique restored their will to normal.

Inahuo and Tiehuo were originally the elites of the Uchiha clan. Their strength reached Shangnin early. At this time, they were transformed into vampires. Although Naoto took back the energy of Suzuki living in them, they still made them more powerful. Go further.

But Shishui...

In such a short period of time, Naoto used the Kaleidoscope pupil technique many times in a row. Such a burden is too strong. Tomitake, who also opened the kaleidoscope, naturally understands what pupil power means to a Uchiha who opened the kaleidoscope, so He strictly ordered Shisui not to open the kaleidoscope without his permission, and even prevented him from using other gods to help Uchiha iron fire return to normal.

"Well, but I still have to wait until Yunyin Village sends someone to notify." The third generation of Hokage still saved some face for Yunyin Village. After all, even if Raiking is lost, Yunyin Village is still very powerful.

"Well, if it's okay, I'll go back with Zhishui first."

"Cultivation well, the battle between us and the demons is not far away, and we will rely on you then."

"Hokage-sama, please rest assured, Uchiha will always be Konoha's Uchiha."

Futake naturally understands that in recent three generations of Hokage have been conveying goodwill to their Uchiha clan.Go to listen to the book network www.7tingshu.com

Under the current situation of the enemy, all internal contradictions can be slowed down.

This is what the Naruto series and their Uchiha series think.

Not long after Fuyue left with Shishui, Oshemaru walked in from the door and looked at the haggard-faced three generations of Hokage, Oshemaru closed the door.

"Could something happen again?"


Three generations of Hokage rubbed his temples, and then told Dashemaru the news he had previously received from Shishui

After listening to the words, Dashemaru frowned. He originally came here to ask about Jilaiya. Seeing the sad face of the three generations of Hokage, he thought something had happened to Jilaiya, but he did not expect it to be Yun. Hidden things.

"The fourth generation of Raikage is not weak, even after a fight, it is not without combat effectiveness. The opponent can achieve this level, which is enough to prove that the strength is not below you."

As for the strength of the three generations of Hokage, Da She Maru couldn't be clearer.

Just look at his title, the god of ninja, this is a title that only three generations can get decades after the original Naruto.

Hanzo is only known as a demigod, and it is enough for the small force of Yunin Village to stand on the big stage of Ninja World.

The three generations of Hokage, known as gods, not only mastered the changes in the nature and form of the five attributes of Chakra Escape, but also mastered almost all the conventional ninjutsu and forbidden skills of Konoha, not just ninjutsu, his physical skills It is also very powerful to a terrible degree.

In the original book, a year later, he possessed the ability to beat the nine tails out of Konoha with a stick. You must know that the nine tails were completely complete, not the one that was split in half later.

Even if you look at the hundreds of years of Ninja history that can suppress the complete Kyuubi, only Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara, standing above all ninjas and standing at the top of the sky, can do it.

The three generations of Hokage can beat it back, almost the peak that the non-six bloodlines and non-nine tails can reach.

Although it is also at the shadow level, the third generation of Hokage has the ability to easily defeat itself.

Dashemaru is very clear about this, otherwise he would not cooperate with Danzo to suppress his experiments.

"A wave has not settled and another wave has risen, and there has been no news since then..."

Sarutobi Hizen put his Hokage Hat on the table, and this was what bothered him most.

No matter how shocking the news from Shishui was, it was ultimately a matter of other villages, and Jiraiya was from Konoha, and he was also his apprentice to Sarutobi!

Ever since Jilaiya set out, he would still pass news to Konoha through spiritism every day, but since yesterday, Jilaiya has never passed any news.

He sent someone to investigate the news, but only got the news that Jilai also went out on a boat with the ninja named Jonathan Josda, and disappeared in a shipwreck...

Isn't this... nonsense?!

Jiraiya is one of Konoha's strongest ninjas anyway. He said he was missing because of a shipwreck?

Unless you say that the shipwreck caused by the second generation of Naruto is almost the same!

"This idiot knows something is wrong!"

Da She Wan coldly snorted, "If he is really killed by a shipwreck, then there is no need to save him. Let him drown in the sea!"

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