Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 126 Shadow and Shadow

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Although Konoha Village is said to be a village, it is actually a large area. After decades of expansion, it has an area the size of a city state.

Judging from the diameter of one of its driving ranges, all of which are ten kilometers in diameter, it can be known that Konoha is by no means a village in the conventional sense.

"Kakashi! Take up the challenge!"

Kakashi walked on the street, and behind him came a familiar and helpless voice. He tilted his head casually, and then Kay, wearing a green tights, passed through the gap and fell to the ground. .

"I'm not free, and don't you want to take the Zhongnin exam?"

Kai’s strength has actually surpassed Xia Ren, but in the third Ninja World War, he was always on the front line with his father, until Matt Dai opened the Eight Gate Dunjia Array, and the fog hidden in the future will attack the Seven People. After repelling, he was able to return to the village.

But later, because Naruto I was going to send Xiaren and Nakanin and Uchiha to fight for the devilish energy, Kai's Nakanin promotion ceremony was deliberately pushed back, which happened to be delayed to the upcoming Nakanin exam.

"It is precisely because of taking the Zhongnin exam that I have to start a youthful duel against my old enemy, Kakashi!"

Kay stood up all of a sudden and said passionately

"That's really hard work for you..." Kakashi put a blind eye, passed Kai who was immersed in his own world, and slowly walked forward.

"The water shadow in Wuyin Village is also coming soon. I have to rush to meet the scene in advance."

When the shadow of a village came to Konoha, a diplomatic issue that would cause war if it was not handled well, Konoha should naturally not be negligent.

"Oh? Another shadow came so soon, it seems that the Five Shadows Conference is about to be held!"

Kai looked surprised. At the same time, the gas was still hot, because after the Five Shadows Conference was held, it was the Zhongnin exam, and then he would represent Konoha's facade to participate in this exam!


"The ninja in your village is really surprising."

Four generations of Fengying looked at the picture in the telescope technique, and the fourth generation of Fengying said with emotion, "Compared with Konoha, we Sha Ren loses a spirit of hard work."

"Wherever, Sunnin can conquer the boundless desert. We Konoha also admire this."

The business talked about each other for a while, and the three generations of Hokage turned off the telescope technique. As allies after the war, the relationship between Sand Shinobu and Konoha is naturally not comparable to other Shinobu villages, but it is not too good to say.

The so-called allies in the ninja world are originally enemies with backstabs.

Sand Shinobu arrived at Konoha this morning, but it was not long before the two shadows met.

"I heard Raikage is missing?"

When the greeting was almost over, Feng Ying coughed twice, and said to the point.

It is normal for the Five Ninja Villages to dispatch spies to each other, and it is also something that everyone has tacitly understood.

Therefore, although Lei Ying has not been missing for a long time, and it is the demons who did it, through Yunyin's series of reactions, it is not difficult for the fourth generation of Fengying to guess the fact that Lei Ying is missing.

"En." Three generations of Hokage expressed affirmation, and then said, "According to the news we got, it is the demons who are doing the work, and they are also the orthodox demon warriors." Ziwei novel www.ziweixs.com

This was what he heard from Shisui, and according to the once controlled Inahuo, those two were considered big figures in the demons.

"Sure enough." Four generations of Fengying were not too surprised. At the same time, he thought more. You must know that their Sand Shinobi only disappeared for three generations of Fengying not long ago. They were still confused and didn't know where to target. What? Now it seems very likely that like Raiking, he was caught by the demons.

In fact, thinking about it, you can understand that in today's ninja world, who can let one of the five shadow gods disappear unconsciously?

Only Mozu can do it!

His vague gaze did not escape the eyes of the third generation of Hokage. He probably understood what he was thinking, so he replied

"We Konoha have no clue about the disappearance of the former Fukage." He sighed, "The threat of the demons is already in front of us."

"It is for this reason that we have to hold the Five Shadows Conference." Four generations of Fengying nodded, and then said, "As for Qiwuhai's participation in this resolution, Shinobu has no opinion. After all, they are also a great help. ."

"We Konoha have no objections, but if one of the Five Great Ninja Villages expresses its opposition, then the Five Shadows Conference cannot be held. Since Sunabashi Village has no objections, then only Lei is still opposed to it. The country is hidden in the village."

"Huh, even Lei Ying lost it, and what are you talking about against?" Feng Ying snorted coldly. Although there is a huge Konoha between them and Thunder Country as a buffer, Tu Ying can reach thousands of miles away. Shui Ying died in battle together, and the contradiction between them and Lei Zhiguo was nothing beyond imagination.

Ri Zhan didn’t continue, but changed the topic

"Hehe, I heard that Wuyin has a new action, I don't know what Fengying thinks?"

Not long ago, he received that Wuyin had sent someone to an island in the ocean, and after investigation, that island is likely to be a temporary residence in Qiwu Sea.

Among the Five Ninja Villages, they were the first to have private contact with Qiwuhai, which had to be remembered by the three generations of Hokage.

Contacting Qiwuhai privately, this is what they all want to do. Konoha and Qiwuhai have also cooperated once. If they hadn't joined forces at the beginning, I'm afraid they would all die in that remote town.

Also at the border of Lietuo Kingdom, Fuyue also joined forces with Qiwuhai member Feiying to fight against blood-sucking beasts. It can be said that Konoha is the Ninja Village that has the most contact with Qiwuhai among the five great nations.

But these few contacts were too short. Either the other party walked in a hurry, or his side left hastily, resulting in little communication between the two parties.

Four generations of Fengying squinted and didn't make a statement, but replied, "Shuiying is coming soon, why don't we ask?"

"This is not in a hurry, can it be placed in the Five Shadows Conference or after it?" The third generation of Hokage laughed and said, "Shui Ying is here, and the boats and cars are tired. I don't want to talk about it anymore."

The fourth generation Fengying was about to reply, but after hearing the door, there was a knock on the door.

The two of them suddenly raised their brows, especially the third generation of Hokage, but now when he talks with Fengying, he strictly orders not to be disturbed by others.

Who on earth has the guts to slap Feng Ying in the face?

"come in."

But Feng Ying was right by her side, and Sarutobi had no trouble, so she had to let the people outside the door come in.

However, after the door was pushed open, the person who appeared in their eyes surprised both of them...

Jilai stood desperately behind the door, with a weird mask in his hand, but this was not what surprised the two shadows the most.

They were surprised that the face of Jilaiya at this moment has returned to how many years ago! At this moment, it seems that he is only in his twenties!

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