Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 130 Five Shadows Conference

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The Five Shadows Conference was held as scheduled. The Yunyin Village was naturally struggling for the position of Raiking, but in the entire Yunyin Village, except for the fourth generation of Raiking, no one was able to master the Lei Dun Chakra mode.

Theoretically speaking, since the second generation of Raikage developed the Lei Dun Chakra mode, everyone subconsciously believes that as Raikage, at least one must learn the Lei Dun Chakra mode.

But now is a special time after all, the Five Shadows Conference is just in front of you, no matter from which point of view, Yunyin Village cannot be attended by no one.

Therefore, the Daimyo of Thunder Country had to temporarily appoint Toshiro who had arrived at Konoha as a temporary Raikage, and asked Yunyin to agree to Qiwuhai's request to participate in the Five Shadows Conference.

The location of the Five Shadows Conference is on a mountain in Konoha. This mountain has a hole cut at a distance of one-tenth from the top of the mountain. From a distance, it looks like the mountain has opened. Like a huge mouth,

Gokage and their guards gathered in this huge mouth like never before. In addition to the three generations of Hokage, Konoha also has two fourth-generation Hokage pre-selectors, Hafeng Mizuno and Oshemaru, and they stand together. Behind the three generations of Hokage as a guard.

"Hokage, why haven't the people from Qiwuhai come?"

The five shadows gathered together and discussed for some time, mainly Konoha shared the information about the demons in his hands, including Dior, the temple of Lieduo and the small border town.

With regard to Raikage's disappearance, Konoha and Yunyin had a tacit understanding and did not mention it, after all, it was about the face of a Shinobu village.

Probably the matter has been discussed, the three generations of Shui Ying raised a question that everyone is concerned about.

In their hearts, Qiwuhai's mystery is no less than that of the Demon Race, or even worse.They knew the purpose of the demons was to resurrect the Holy Lord.

But what is the purpose of Qiwuhai?Why did they once contain the Eight Devil Energy?Why is it against the demons?

They all don’t know...

Therefore, they are extremely jealous of this organization.

Perhaps it is a good time to solve this doubt, and the Five Ninja Villages are naturally quite interested in this.

"We Konoha didn't have the method to contact Qiwuhai. We could only publish the invitation information, and attached the location and time." The third generation of Naruto also frowned, knowing that this is an invitation from the Five Great Ninja Villages. The Five Shadows Conference invited an organization outside of the Five Great Ninja Village, which seemed a little weird after thinking about it.

But the truth is so bizarre. Not only did this thing happen, the one invited hadn't arrived on time, it was simply...


"With the place and time attached, Hokage is not afraid that it will be a villain when it comes?" Three generations of Tuying two Libra Ohyemu raised their brows.

Their Yanyin Village was beaten by Konoha during the Third Ninja World War, especially in the battle of Shinsubi Bridge. They suffered heavy losses. Fifty Ninjas were easily killed by Hafeng Shuimen. Yu took a knife and stabbed him in the land of the earth, how could he not hate Konoha as an earth shadow?

"Evil guest? What kind of villain dare to come at this time?" Three generations of Hokage smiled, knowing that it is not an exaggeration to say that this is the safest place in the Ninja world. The peak fighting power of the entire Ninja world is gathered. Therefore, the three generations of Naruto can't think of any place safer than here, nor can they think of anyone who will pick things here.

But his smile quickly solidified on his face, because there are people who are not afraid of death!

"Huh, is this the Five Shadows today? It's really..."

Two people came, both of them wearing golden masks, except that one was wearing a black trench coat and the other was wearing a white trench coat.

The two figures suddenly appeared in front of them, making the five shadows a little weird.56 Novel www.56xiaoshuo.com

You know they are Five Shadows!The pinnacle of the Ninja world!When can you be so underestimated?!

"Weak..." The man in the black trench coat tilted his head, then made a disdainful voice.

"Huh, no matter who you are, there is only one dead end to trespass into the Five Shadows Conference!" The three generations of Hokage of the Earth Snake turned black. You should know that the Five Shadows Conference was held in Konoha, and at this moment, someone broke in casually. , Isn't this slap him in the face!

Hearing Hokage's order, Dashemaru and Mizuno shot at the same time, the fastest Mizumansha appeared behind the man in the black windbreaker, and the blue chakra shone into a spiral pill.

Seeing the man not dodge and avoid, Mizuman was slightly surprised. He didn't think that the other party didn't know the power of Helix Pill, but he didn't move. Is this self-confidence?Still stupid?


The result soon became known. The water gate's spiral pill burst with a bang, but there was no feeling of hitting the entity. A huge chakra burst out of the black man, instantly overwhelming the sky with infinite majesty. Spread out.

A golden chakra giant who didn't know how high instantly smashed the mountain above his head, and countless rubble fell from the top of his head.

To be able to use this level of Susao Nohu, only Madara can do it in the ninja world today.

It’s just that his Suzano was originally blue, but he has to know that he is already a dead person in the Ninja world, so naturally he will not release Suzano to let the world, especially the Kurozudaido, know that they know themselves. Still alive.

The so-called color is nothing more than the reflection of the light on the object, and the spot that has mastered ripple qigong has a power similar to sunlight, and it is not difficult to change the color reflected in the eyes of others.

The tall Suzuo Nenghu initially showed his power, so that the Five Shadows was in a panic, and one after another avoided the falling rubble.

Fortunately, those present at the moment were all masters, and no casualties were caused.

[Completely must be Sano!

But the third generation of Hokage who knew this power opened his mouth wide, almost unable to believe his eyes.

He didn't expect that when he was a little old, he could actually see Susano Nouga of this degree, which far surpassed the power of the two kaleidoscopes in the Uchiha clan today!

In front of this kind of power, what shadow, what tail beast, is nothing worth mentioning...

"No... impossible!"

Oh Yemu could hardly believe his eyes. This power of God, which seemed to be able to destroy the heavens and the earth, should have completely disappeared with the death of the one in the valley of the end!

Almost everyone present was deterred by this huge power, but the third generation of Naruto was after all the apprentices of the second generation of Naruto, and he had personally seen the battle of the first generation of Naruto, so he quickly noticed something wrong from this power.

"Everyone, calm down!" After passing through the gravel, Sun Slash stood on the ground still intact at the top of the mountain, looking at the huge golden Suzano and analyzing, "This thing looks terrible, but the Chakra that supports him is not It's not as terrifying as imagined, and it will not be easy for the enemy to use this trick!"

"Isn't it easy?"

Hearing the words of the three generations of Hokage, Uchiha Madara grinned with a sneer, and then controlled Susano Nokujiyin, coldly shouting, "Fire escape, extinguish the fire!"


The fire of burning the sky spewed out in an instant, and the bright and dazzling fire light instantly evaporated the water vapor in the air. The blazing flames spewed out with an unstoppable force, as if this The world has turned into Hell...

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