Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 131 Madara's Battle

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Although facing such a terrifying flame, the people present were some of the best ninjas in the village, and they made a decision in no time.

The three generations of Hokage and the three ninjas from Wuyin Village used the water wall for defense, and the fire and water merged instantly, stirring up a cloud of mist.

Uchiha Madara is naturally superb, but the fierce fire extinguishment used in the original book makes it impossible to know how many people can stand it together.

But at this moment, his opponents are not weak. The Hokage and Water Shadow, who bear the name of the shadow, plus the two guards of the misty village who are good at using water escape, and the water escape used by the joint force, stubbornly hold the sky Yan stood in the back!

"Dust Escape·Primary Realm Stripping Technique!"

The main attacker is naturally the three generations of Tuying who have mastered the elimination of blood succession, two Libra Big Yemu.

A semi-transparent enchantment appeared in his hand, deformed into a cube under the control of Ohnoki, and launched towards the huge Susano.

"Small bugs."

Magic·Here is not the art!

In the original book, Madara has used illusion techniques only a handful of times, but this does not mean that he is not proficient in illusions.

As the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, he is proficient in all the arts of the Uchiha clan, and no one can match his illusion skills.

He didn't use illusions, purely because the battle with the Five Shadows was relying on the immortality of the reincarnated body and the infinite chakra to play with them.

If you really want to end the battle, just use the complete body Susanoh from the beginning.

And at this moment, he was not the body that was reincarnated from the dirty soil, and the flesh and blood body could not hold the dust of the wild wood, so naturally he could no longer choose the strategy of the dirty soil.

Unknowingly that he had been hit by the illusion, Oh Yemu deviated from its original position at the moment when he released the technique of dust escape and original world stripping, and suddenly the translucent block barrier bombarded the mountain, and the rocks rolled and the smoke filled.

"Don't mess around, Dokage!"

Sarutobi gritted his teeth and instantly came to the side of Ohnoki, and patted him on the shoulder to help him relieve the illusion.

"A boring battle..." The tall Suzano looked at the tiny ants below with contempt, and then came Madan's pitiful voice, "For a moment... it's over..."

Suzuo Noho, who was completely body, drew out the golden long knife, it seemed that he just swiped it slightly...


The huge air pressure was instantly compressed, and then turned into a sword gas that could cut the world open enough, just a simple action, which split the mountain in half.

The huge chakra entwined with sword aura, and set off an oven-like vortex storm between the sky and the earth. The force tore the sky and the earth. The surrounding mountains burst one after another, shattered, and finally suddenly Suddenly fell into silence...


"Li Tian!"

Someone shouted the names of their friends and guards. They were affected by the mighty power that could destroy the world because they had no time to escape, and they turned into meat sauce almost instantly.

However, at this moment, they have no extra emotion to give to their dead deceased!

The chaotic atmosphere rubbed a deadly high temperature at this moment, making people feel as if their bodies were flowing hot blood like lava, but in the heat, their hearts were as cold as falling into a bottomless deep sea. .

Too...too strong...

In front of this Suzuo Nohu, the five shadows' combined attack is as immature as a child hand in hand...

Who is he?

Being able to use Susano is undoubtedly the power of the Uchiha clan, but is there really such a powerful ninja among the Uchiha clan today?Destiny book www.yyshu8.com


The contradiction between Konoha’s Naruto I and Uchiha is more or less understood in the entire ninja world. If there is such a powerful ninja among the Uchiha clan, then it’s not the turn of Sarutobi to be this one. Naruto?

"Everyone, maybe we have to kill our lives too!"

The three generations of Hokage witnessed this destructive power erupting in Konoha, and they were angry and fortunate. The anger was the destruction of Konoha by this force. Fortunately, the location of the Five Shadows Conference was the mountains on the edge of Konoha. Among them, the place is sparsely populated, and there are ninjas around, which will not cause too many casualties.

If this power broke out in the center of Konoha, Rizhan could hardly imagine how many innocent lives would be ruined by this knife!

"Psychic·Ape King·Ape Demon!"

Angrily, he immediately summoned his psychic beast. After a burst of smoke, Saruma stood in front of Sarutobi with his arms around his chest, looking at the tall and complete body Susano, and said in surprise, "This time the enemy looks like Not ordinary?"

"Such a powerful Nenghu, I'm afraid it is rarely seen even in the history of the Ninja world." Sarutobi Hizumi responded, "Transform into a golden hoop!

"Dust Escape·Primary Realm Stripping Technique!"

"Water Escape·Water Turbulence!"

"Melting Escape·Greystone Sealing Technique!"

"Magnetic Escape·Aventurine Spear!"

"Dayu spiral pill!"



Seeing that Gokage and the guards prepared their own methods, Madara Uchiha shook his head

"This stage is not reserved for you to dance!"

With a sudden roar, Madara stretched out a hand, and then a huge gouyu appeared in Susano's hand, and it increased to as many as fourteen in an instant, each of which contained unimaginable energy. At this moment No one can imagine how terrifying this connection would be...

"If you don't do anything, they will be dead."

Madara muttered to himself in an indifferent tone. This time he was really murderous. If that one didn’t make a move, the power of these fourteen Yasaka Goyu combinations would be enough to make the people in front of him. The ninja suffered a big loss.

Gaara and Onoki were able to withstand the attack of these fourteen Yasaka Goyus when they joined forces. The big reason was that Madara did not use the full body at the time, and the state of reincarnating from the filthy soil was far less than the self before his death.

Especially when Madara wanted to fight seriously, he would never have the mistakes in the original book.


Rumbling rumbling...

Circles of shock waves spread out like ripples on the surface of the water, flying off the sandy soil with terrifying impact, penetrating the air...

Uchiha Madara stepped back more than ten steps, and there was a smear of blood at the corner of his mouth!

Drying it without a trace, Madara looked up, and after the rolling yellow sand, the bodies of the ninjas had each retreated ten meters away. These ninjas almost covered nearly half of the strong in the ninja world, but actually...

With a single blow, let all the Ninja world retreat!

Uchiha Madara personally confirmed the word powerful...

"You finally came."

One person is against the other army, but this person is not indulged in this power at all. He just turned his head to look at the other side, there is no shadow, no one’s strength, but there is a presence that can attract Madara’s eyes...

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