Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 134 The battle beyond the shadow (2)

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In less than one-tenth of a second, [Kakashi] broke through from the center of the energy burst, and then reached Ma's side at the limit of his nerve reaction, and slammed a punch.


Although it was a mortal body, it was a mere punch, but it staggered the mighty Suzuoneng like a demon god, and then it hit the storm like a continuous blow!

A punch is faster than a punch, and a punch is stronger than a punch!


Although Madara in Susanoh was not directly injured, he was the only one who could personally see his Chakra under the punch of [Kakashi], like a fluttering in the storm, and the waves were surging. A lone boat in the ocean may be swallowed by the sea at any time.

Madara could barely breathe with a feeling of oppression as if about to suffocate.

But he is Madara Uchiha!How could it be defeated like this?!

In the countless punches that struck in an instant, Susao twisted his body forcibly, and the sword that was enough to cut through the mountains and threatened the world slashed from the bottom up, and the surrounding air was squeezed out with a loud sound. Burst like the wailing of the world...

The golden blade was mixed with endless killing intent, and Uchiha Madara's serious pupils were full of devastating violence!

The enemy is not a weak person who can be used to play, but an opponent who is enough to make himself serious and vigilant is standing opposite!

In return for this vigilance, Ban must of course go all out!


Dodged dangerously and dangerously from the edge of the blade, [Kakashi] had not had time to fight back, but found that half of the sword had forcibly stopped its movement, and drew at him in an extremely unscientific trajectory.

A sword swung, the sky fell, the ground cracked

"Burst flash!"

Facing the oncoming blade, [Kakashi] stopped dodge, instead concentrating the energy of the whole body. The substantial energy was condensed to a shocking level!

He used his hands to guide the energy out, the huge energy was condensed and compressed, and finally he was completely grasped in his hands, and then he used these hands to carry Suzuo Nohu's slash!


The energy on both sides instantly dyed the sky golden, and the slender aftermath seemed to cut the world in general, turning everything wherever it went into the most basic particles.

There was another burst, the golden chakra blade burst in an instant, and then a golden air column shot straight into the sky, not knowing how many clouds penetrated, and turned the surrounding sky hundreds of meters into a void, golden The clouds form a circle with a diameter of hundreds of meters, and the middle seems to form a channel that penetrates the world and space...

"Hahahahahaha!" Madara laughed exaggeratedly, "It can destroy the complete body, I agree with you!"

"So are you..." [Kakashi] stood by the golden airflow column, and said with deep conviction, "With such power, you are by no means an unknown person."

"Ha..." Ban shook his head, "Don't snoop on information beyond the limit of your ability, or you will lose your life."

"Intimidation without power as a guarantee, just makes people think you are bluffing."

"Is there any power to guarantee, but you need to use your blood to witness!"

In a moment of language confrontation, the two again set off a war!8090 Chinese www.8090zw.com


"Everyone is okay?"

After escaping from the limit of the battlefield's reach, the third generation of Hokage exhaled a long breath. The attack that seemed to tear the world apart just now made all of them frightened. Although it is not impossible to resist, they always have to pay. Some price.

"Fortunately, this bone finally didn't die on it." Three generations of Tukage knocked on his back. "I said Naruto, you Konoha still have such a master?"

He said this obviously to be ironic, after all, the expert who used Susao Nohu did not show mercy to Konoha.

With a little thought, you can also conclude that the person is not Konoha Ninja.

After all, if Konoha really has a ninja who can open up a full body, then there is no need to fight the third ninja world war. Everyone will surrender Konoha.

Shui Ying’s yin and yang strange aura said, "Tukage is joking again. If he is from Konoha, will the Five Shadows Conference still be held?"

The three generations of Hokage's face turned black, and he could only pretend not to hear, but there was also a sigh in his heart, so he wanted to unite Five Ninja Village?

The new hatred and old hatred between them, even if the sea of ​​Ninja World is exhausted, it can’t be washed away...

"Let's not talk about it. Since we made the decision at the beginning, should we go to the mountain over there and meet the white-robed man?"

Fortunately, the fourth generation of Fengying Luosha stopped the topic in time. He turned to look at Katz, who was standing upright on the mountain, still standing still despite the violent wind and air current. This guy is so courageous."

What he was talking about was the fact. After all, although Katz’s place was standing high, it was closer to the battlefield than they were. It was within the range of the shock wave. If you dare to eat melons in such a devastating battle, you need to It's more than courage.

This guy is equally confident in his own strength!

"If Wuying stopped here, wouldn't it be a laughingstock?" Acting Raikage Tudai set off first, followed by two guards by his side.

As soon as the others saw that the weakest of the Five Shadows had been on the scene, they would follow up with what they were afraid of.

"Mizumi, when there is something wrong and something cannot be done, you will use the technique of the Thunder God to leave with the Oshe Maru."

In the rush, Sarutobi Ri cut to the side of Water Gate, whispered

"Hokage-sama!" Haofengmizumen was taken aback, and then shocked, "What are you talking about? Even in the worst case, I will transfer you and Osamaru-sama."

Water Gate is very confident of his speed, and the first speed in the Ninja World is by no means unfounded.

In order to support this speed, his reflex nerves and dynamic vision can be said to have been trained to the limit of human beings. Unless the speed of the enemy can exceed the speed of Thunder God, it is impossible for him to react!

"I am Hokage... how can I escape in front of the enemy?" The third generation of Hokage straightened up. "Especially in the land of Konoha, I will never escape!"

Since the division of the Five Ninja Villages, Konoha has never seen such a situation where he was beaten to his hometown. Sarutobi Hachi thought he would never encounter it in his life, or when he encountered such a thing. I'm afraid it is the end of life.

But today, shortly after the end of the Third Ninja World War, someone broke into Konoha and was still in the Five Shadows Conference!

This is undoubtedly a great shame!

How could he, Hokage III and Sarutobi Hitoshi, escape in front of the enemy?!

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