Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 135 The battle beyond the shadows! (Finish)

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Perhaps this mountain had forests and trees before, and flocks of birds inhabited here. Whenever the sun is high in the sky and the warm sun shines on it, there will be larks singing here.

But now it has turned into a bald mountain. There is no grass on the top of the mountain, the earth is steaming, and the flames are thick, like a rising fire dragon, and it is like a red scarf that wraps the hill.

The complete sharp contrast is entirely due to the confrontation between the two silhouettes in the distance that seem like a god or devil, even if it is not deliberately targeted, the unintentional energy emitted is still a devastating disaster to the outside world.

"This is just a battle between B-levels, and how terrible is the higher level six?"

Before Naoto traversed, he had watched the Naruto movie. There were six Datongmushe people who could cut through the moon. It's hard to imagine how powerful it is...

While he was watching the battle while thinking wildly, the ninjas from Five Ninja Village arrived.

Katz turned around and looked to the rear. The ninjas stood at the forefront from Gokage, approaching step by step.

And Katz wearing a golden mask makes people unable to see the emotional fluctuations, but from the action point of view, there is no timidity at all. "Our purpose was not you from the beginning, so there is no need to fight between us? "

"It's not us?" Three generations of Tuying raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly. "When I came to the Five Shadows Conference to make trouble, I actually said that the purpose was not us? How dare you!"

"Hehe, I don't know that guy would be so direct." Katz shrugged. "You know, partners are equal. What he does is his business."

"Who are you guys?" Stopping the Dokage who still wanted to speak, Sarutobi Rizen lowered Hokage Hata and said in a deep voice.

In addition to the five great nations, there are many organizations in the Ninja World, and even they may not have all the information about all organizations.

For example, if Qiwuhai didn't take the initiative to expose it to their eyes, then they would probably never think of such a powerful organization in the Ninja World.

But the two people in front of me are different. Qiwuhai’s member power system is different from that of the Ninja World. Whether it is Feiying’s evil eyes or the burning fruit in Ace’s mouth, they are unprecedented in the Ninja world. Such existence wants to hide themselves. That’s easy.

But the companion of this person in front of him, in addition to being able to use the full body of Susano, even the Uchiha clan logo of the fire descent, used the furnace of perfection, you said that he is not a Uchiha clan, who would believe it?!

But Uchiha was not a small clan, it was Konoha's first noble clan. Everyone in the clan was registered. It was impossible for a powerful Uchiha clan to appear without being known.

Therefore, everyone present is eager to know their identity.

"Hehe, you will know it sooner or later, but not now."

"What nonsense with him? First, grab him, and then send it to the Intelligence Section to see if he can still be so tough."

The Five Shadows Conference has developed into this way, and the three generations of Shuiying have been stunned for a long time, and immediately shouted "Water escape·Water Dragon Bomb!"

Ninja is very different from reality. Here, when judging the talent of movies, strength is much more useful than political talent.

In other words, the shadow is actually the military leader of each country, and it does not matter if it is negligent in other aspects.

If it is the real world, facing an unknown enemy, there will rarely be a direct attack.But in the ninja world, you can do it directly. If the enemy is strong, then my skills are not as good as others. If the enemy is weak, then I have to teach you not to pretend to be X in the ninja world. .

After all, Ninja World is a place to rely on fists.

And seeing the three generations of Shui Ying directly start their hands, other shadows did not stop them, after all... what does your Shui Ying's hand have to do with Konoha, Yanyin, Sandyin and Yunyin?

It just so happens that you can use the three generations of water shadows to test the strength of the enemy. If the strength is strong, then everyone can sit down and talk about it. If the strength is weak... Then let you see the ninjas of our five major countries. It's hard!

Seeing the other four shadows who were indifferent to the old god, Shui Ying snorted in his heart.In addition to the fact that he was really angry, he also had other meanings.

A base in Qiwuhai has been exposed to their misty eyes, and to get on the line with such a mysterious force, it is natural to have a meeting ceremony.

And Katz in front of him, although there is a certain risk, in his heart it is undoubtedly worth it.Daily Novel www.daydayxs.com

Because there are ninjas from other countries behind him, even if they are invincible, they will come to the end, and there is no worries.

A water dragon suddenly appeared behind the three generations of Shui Ying, and the water dragon roared and rushed forward.

Although this is only a B-level ninjutsu, with his full strength, the power is naturally extraordinary.

Looking at the water dragon that struck, Katz just shook his hands, and then shouted, "Mu Dun·The Birth of the Tree World!"


The ground on the top of the mountain suddenly rolled, and then thick branches of trees emerged from it. In just a few seconds, a dense forest grew on this bare mountain...

"The reputation value from Sarutobi Hisaki +911."

"The reputation of Ohnoki from the two scales is +901."

"The reputation value from Osha Maru is +777."

"The reputation value from Luosha is +761."



How could they not be shocked, because this force has clearly been lost in the Ninja world for decades!

Blood Succession Limit·Wooden Escape!

Only the power of the first generation of Hokage!

Compared to the full body of Suzuo Nenghu, Mu Dun's power made them feel more terrified!

Because decades ago, the man known as the god of ninjas defeated the complete body of the prestigious Nine-tailed Susano with the power of Mu Dun.

this is……

Power beyond everything!

Although the wooden escape secret technique in front of us has not reached the level of the original Hokage in terms of specifications, who knows if the opponent has done their best?

A teammate who has mastered the secret technique of wood escape possessed by a strong man who has a complete body, is he at the same level as the opponent?

No one dares to bet...

If they have the courage to fight against the complete body, then if they face thousands of hands, it really makes people afraid to rise up...

Seeing them stop, Katz secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, the so-called blood inheritance boundary is generally passed on to future generations through blood, but its essence is the inheritance of genes.

For Perfect Creature Katz, the genetic field is not unstoppable, and he can even change his DNA at will and use his flesh and blood to make other creatures as long as he wants!

He had obtained his genetic information from Madara for a long time, and Madara got his flesh and blood from the first generation of Hokage and merged into his body. That is to say, through Ban’s genes, Katz also has Mu Dun secretary. And the power of writing round eyes.

Of course, his writing round eyes is just the most basic one, because the subsequent evolution is no longer the field involved in genes, but the mysterious chakra field...

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