Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 137 The Restarted Five Shadows Conference (recommendation ticket required)

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters![Kakashi] The arrival of Kakashi just saw Katz's departure, frowned, and said to the Gokage who had approached, "That person... just felt a little weird..."

"Weird?" Sarutobi was taken aback. He thought in his heart that [Kakashi] had many comments on the man before, but the strange description was never among them.

But he wasn't the only one who felt stunned. Three generations of Tuying and two Libra Ohnoki touched his chin and said, "Weird? What does this mean?"


[Kakashi] rubbed his eyebrows, as if he was organizing words, and finally his eyes lit up, "Yes, that's the feeling! The feeling that the previous person gave me is very similar to the one who fought me before!"

"Similar? How is it possible?" Oshemaru's pupils shrunk slightly. "One Uchiha, one thousand hands, how can the writing wheel Yan and Mu Dun be the same?"

Could it be...

He licked his lips unconsciously

If the experiment is successful...

So... this kind of power does not seem to be inaccessible!

He was originally studying the power of Senju and Uchiha with Danzo, but limited by the fact that there are too few materials, the cells of the original Hokage are too powerful, and so on, the experiment is still far from being completed.

"Oshemaru is right. Senju and Uchiha are two diametrically opposed powers."

Without realizing what his apprentice was thinking, Sarutobi shook his head and said

"Anyway, let the previous things go. If they are true, then they should not intervene in this war. Then it is more important to deal with the demons in front of them."

Regarding this incident, Sarutobi still wanted to expose it. After all, whether it was Uchiha or Senju, they were originally part of Konoha, but at this moment, there are two unknown existences who are engaged in terrorist attacks. As Konoha Hokage, he was very embarrassed.

"Hehe, Naruto is right, but I still hope that Naruto can take care of the ninjas in his village."

Sure enough, the old guy, Libra Ohnoki, was the first to speak satirically, and the three generations of Shui Ying also followed closely.

"Uchiha and Senju are big clan after all, how could Hokage alone take care of him? Not to mention, Uchiha is not Anshun's sheep. We all know that what Dokage said is really embarrassing for Hokage."

Sarutobi raised his eyebrows. "The Konoha affairs will not bother the two shadows. It is better to say that instead of worrying about other people's affairs, it is better to think about the Iwaken and the fog that were damaged during the Third Ninja War. How much power can hidden in the next war."

In the third Ninja World War, Konoha can be said to be a winner-takes-all. Whether it is Yunyin, Yanyin, Misty, or Sandy, it can be said to have suffered heavy losses, especially Ivyyin and Misty are the most.

Yanyin first dispatched ten thousand ninjas to besiege the three generations of Raikage in the battle with Yunyin. Although he succeeded in killing him, he also suffered heavy losses.Then, in the battle of the Shinwubi Bridge, fifty Shangren were killed by the Bofeng Shuimen, directly injuring the roots of the land.

And Wuyin was not much better. First, the seven Wuren Ninjas were sent to attack and kill Konoha Ninja, but Matt Daizhang, who suddenly popped out, killed four directly. Although the remaining three were still alive, But it also received both physical and mental damage; next he used his own three tails to lurch on Konoha ninja Rinpoche’s body, and wanted him to run wild and attack Konoha, but was killed by Kakashi, together with a large The misty elites didn't know whose hands they died.

And the culprit who caused them such heavy losses was Konoha!

At this moment, Sarutobi said this, naturally to piss them off.Xishi Literature www.xishiwx.com

Sure enough, Tu Ying and Shui Ying blushed all at once. The so-called hitting people without slapping their faces, cursing people without revealing shortcomings, we are just yin and yang, you can kill Sarutobi, just expose the old bottom?

Seeing that the atmosphere changed suddenly, the agent Raikage Tudai didn't feel much, and looked like an old god at ease, but Feng Ying, who had formed an alliance with Konoha, couldn't let them spray down, and immediately coughed twice, "Everyone has What can be said later, don’t forget that Mr. Shen is still here, and let people see the joke."

[Kakashi] also opened his mouth to the advantage, "Don’t let the five shadows that were finally opened because of the argument of tongues, and let’s not forget that when the first generations of your village got together, they asked for common ground while reserving differences. Only with your heart can the discussion go on."

With Feng Ying and [Kakashi]’s persuasion, the three of them also calmed down. First of all, the three generations of Hokage laughed and said, "Then the Five Shadows Conference will start again, but the original venue is no longer available. I'll go to the alternate venue."

"Everyone is here..." After hearing Naruto's words, the other ninjas were about to leave, but they heard [Kakashi] say "I'm coming as a spirit body now, and I spent a lot of chakras in the battle just now. and so……"

"The time for possession is coming soon..."

"So..." The third generation of Hokage pondered for a moment. "If Shen has something to say, let's talk about it here."

Tuying also echoed the saying, "Yes, the Five Shadows Conference is just a form. In essence, it is communication between us."

At this time, the two of them sang and played together, and they really couldn't see how they were going to fight before.

Changing his face so quickly made the people on the side stunned.

In addition to strengthening the exchanges between the five great powers and forming the Ninja Allied Forces, the most important thing for this Five Shadows Conference is to detect Qiwuhai's intelligence, so how could they give up their main purpose because of a temporary dispute?

For the shadow of a village, one's own interests always come first.

What's more, now it is full of verdant green, the forest is thick, the green leaves are fresh and beautiful, although it is a forest created by Katz's secret technique of wood escape, it seems to be natural and harmonious with the surrounding environment.

It seems there is nothing wrong with it for a five-shadow convention?

Seeing that everyone did not object, [Kakashi] opened his mouth and said, "I originally had a lot of things to say to everyone, but now this situation seems to be a long story."

[Kakashi] stretched out a finger and said in a deep voice, "As far as I know, the Demon Race did not place the hope of resurrecting the Holy Lord on Demon Qi."


The news that Qiwuhai first spread was that the gathering of the eight demonic energy would produce a kind of space-distorting attraction, which would summon the soul of the holy lord that had been sealed in hell back to the Ninja World.

Knowing this news, their sense of urgency is not so strong. After all, the eight demons are indispensable, and the Holy Lord cannot be resurrected without one. Under such circumstances, they will have a lot of choices.

Moreover, according to the news from Shisui and Jilaiya, there are four demon energy on the vampire Dior, and the relationship between him and the demon clan is not affiliated. It is difficult to say whether Dior will be willing to use the demon energy. Give it to the demons.

What's more, the magic energy of the earth and the mountain have not yet been mastered by the demons.

In addition, the demon energy of water and the demon energy of thunder are still missing, so it seems that the resurrection of the leader of the demon clan is far from the resurrection.

But now he said that the resurrection of the Holy Lord does not necessarily require demonic energy?

Although they were puzzled, they did not show it, but waited for [Kakashi] to continue speaking...

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