Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 138-The Five Elements Altar

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"According to the information we have obtained, the demons have built five altars in each of the five positions of the Ninja World. If I am not mistaken, they want to interfere with the five elements to reverse the Yin and Yang, so that the souls in hell can return to Ninja. World."

"Five altars..." Sarutobi thought carefully, "I wonder if you have mastered the specific location of the altar? If so, I think we can destroy it in advance."

"It's a pity, not." [Kakashi] shook his head regretfully. "But it is not so easy to reverse the chaos of Yin and Yang. It must be adapted to the right time and place, so we can investigate one by one."

"Golden, wood, water, fire, and earth, of which water, fire, and earth are built in the place where these three attributes are the most abundant in Chakra, which means that it is likely to be built in the three kingdoms of water, fire, and earth. "

His words changed the expressions of the three older shadows at the same time, because if what Shen said was true, it meant that they had too little control over the intelligence in their own country, and they might even have been in many places. The demons have penetrated!

The construction of the altar is by no means a trivial matter, and the disturbance will not be trivial!

Other people's faces are not very beautiful, after all, no one knows whether their country is the same as these three...

Seeing their expressions, [Kakashi] comforted, "The demons have the power to manipulate the human heart. If it is not strong enough to a certain extent, it is difficult to get rid of their control."

What he said was not a flicker. At present, Naoto’s clone possesses several abilities to manipulate others. Vampire beasts possess the ability to hypnotize. Stone ghost masks can also produce vampires, corpses, and even ripples can manipulate the human body. ...

The third generation of Hokage nodded with a black face, and said, "We will search in China. If there is news, we will notify you as soon as possible."

"In addition to water, fire and earth, what are the properties of gold and wood? What is this?" Chakras in the Ninja world are divided into wind, water, fire and earth mines. Although there are wooden escapes, wooden escapes are composed of water attributes. Attribute Chakra’s nature changes are merged, rather than a single energy attribute.

As an organization that lasts for thousands or even thousands of years, Naoto naturally has to come up with something different, otherwise it will inevitably give people a strange feeling to keep using things from this era.

"The shock is thunder, the sunda is the wind, and the shock, the sunda is wood, which means that the wood attribute altar is very likely to be in the country of wind or thunder, and the final gold...I am not sure about this, but Gold can also be said to be metal, and it kills, so I think it might be the country of iron using knives."

[Kakashi] raised his head and looked at the sky, as if looking at the sky, and then looked at Gokage again, saying, "My time is running out. Next I will let others come to Konoha. Let’s discuss about the altar again."

"Well, we will hold discussions in Konoha until the end of the Zhongnin exam." Three generations of Shuiying stretched out a hand and pointed out, "I hope we will have a happy cooperation next time."

[Kakashi] First, he was taken aback, and then he also stretched out a hand to give him a high-five, saying, "Please rest assured, Qiwuhai will go all out for the Demon Race."

He knew about the fact that the misty ninja went to the base Naoto was looking for at the beginning.However, that base was originally a temporary base that Naoto found at random when he was immature, and now it is simply a dispensable existence.

It's just a good deal with Wuyin, because if the strategy of bringing the soil remains unchanged, it is very likely to control the fourth generation of Mizukage Yakura Kotachi to control the misty.

Although all ninjas in the ninja world are sources of income for straight people, and the more masters, the better the quality, but for terrorists like Daito that may cause the loss of quality resources, he naturally has to pay more attention to it.

In fact, to some extent, the current Naoto is a breeder, and all the creatures in the Ninja world are his pigs, and the more fatter, the more in line with Naoto's mind, as long as the fat is not more than Naoto's control.

For example, he must get the sixth level. After all, the reputation value given to him by thousands of ordinary people under intense emotions can only change the mood of the elderly Uchiha Madara. If he reaches the sixth level, he is afraid that he will be fooled. It can give him thousands or even tens of thousands of prestige points.

It's just that Madara wants to completely restore his youth to regain the reincarnation eye and achieve the six realms, or whoever passes through the ten-tailed zhuli must wait until Naoto has an A-level character card that can control him.

After speaking, he volleyed into the air and walked for dozens of miles before stopping.

This is a valley with no people in all directions. [Kakashi] sat cross-legged, and soon Piccolo figured out of Kakashi’s body. It looked really oozing, just like It's like watching horror stories again.

Without Piccolo's possession, Kakashi lost his eyes, then closed tightly, and finally fell into a coma.Haoyi Novel www.haoetv.com

"It's also a Shinobu, I should be able to go back on his own..." With a muttered mouth, Bik broke through the air and left at a speed several times faster than Kakashi before.


Water country

Since it is an island country, it can be regarded as the smallest country among the five major countries. In order to expand the country’s area, the water country has been committed to developing the small islands next to it. In addition, the water country daimyo also lets ninjas Many artificial islands were created artificially.

The Haiying artificial island is just an island created by ninja adults invited by the daimyo. The diameter of the island is ten kilometers, and there are many artificially transplanted trees on it. It looks like a natural island. Different.

However, since the island has not yet been built, it has not been opened to people. The island is now only guarded by a dozen ninjas under the master.

And Terumi Mei is one of the guards, she has become Wuyin Shangnin

"I really don't know what the daimyo is thinking about, but it's an artificial island. I actually asked me to be a Shangren guard here."

Terumi Mei was very dissatisfied because she believed that she was not weak. In the Five Shadows Conference, she also applied to be a guard for three generations of water shadows. After being rejected, she wanted to do some combat missions instead of coming here. A security guard!

What is this going to do?

Let yourself experience the future retirement life?!

Although there was resentment in her heart, she did not dare to tell the village about her situation when she thought of Da Ming's solemn expression when she asked.

After all, the economy of Wuyin Village depends to a large extent on the daimyo. If the daimyo feels that the Wuyin Ninjas are a group of unreliable guys because of herself, then she will become Wuyin's sinner.

"Could it be that there is something tricky on this island?"

She stroked her chin, thinking it was very possible.

After all, in the past, artificial islands were built in other places, and I didn't see the daimyo sending his guardian Shinobu?

Wuyin is supreme forbearance, and still has two blood inheritance limits. In terms of strength, she can definitely rank in the forefront of Wuyin, but at this moment, she is lowered to the grassroots. Who believes that there is no tricky here?

But this island was built by her own eyes, and she remembered every structure clearly. What's the problem?

And after it was built, no one came in, unless someone could go to the sky and enter the sea and ran in in a place that she couldn't notice...

What's more, even if it is tricky?

She is a ninja, she only needs to obey orders...

But still... so boring!

Just when she was thinking like this, the turning point came

A Naka Shinobu ran up to her in panic, with fear on his face. Terumi remembers that he was a Nakanin, but what on a small island could make Nakanin so scared?

"My lord! Qugu guy... Qugu guy is dead!"

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