Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 139 Dense Fog

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Qu Gu is his partner and a Zhongren. According to Terumi Ming’s impression, the two of them are responsible for the forest lake in the center of the island.

It should be the safest location on the island in theory. Why would there be a problem again?

"Don't worry, make things clear."

Not only for the task, but also to satisfy the curiosity in her heart, Terumi Mei's spirit arose in her heart.

"That's it. Qu Gu and I patrolled the forest as usual, but the guy in Qu Gu suddenly said that he heard something in the lake, so he had to go over and take a look."

This inner lake is about two kilometers in diameter, and there is also a piece of land on the lake for people to stay. It should be built to satisfy those big people.

And not so much the inner lake, it is better to say that the lake is originally sea water, but the ninja forcibly used soil to build a small island around it and was forced to become the inner lake.

If there is any abnormality on this island, then there is only there!

After all, the lake is connected to the sea, and what exists in the sea is beyond Terumi's control.

"When we were less than 100 meters away from the lake, we discovered that we didn’t know when it was covered by dense fog. If you walk away in one step, you will lose the same companions you had walked with."

"I told Qu Gu to come back and report it to you first, but that guy still used'Dignity forbearance, and finally shrank under a fog. That's really funny enough.' This kind of remarks mocks me. At his insistence, I went to the mist with him...the result..."

"What's the result...hurry up?" Terumi Ming immediately shouted when he saw him hesitating.

What she hates most is people who only talk half way!

"I... I didn't see it clearly either."

There seemed to be tears in the eyes of the ninja, and he choked, "I lost Qu Gu's whereabouts under the thick fog not long after I entered, and when I wanted to go back, I heard Qu Gu's wailing sound. , I will never forget that voice for the rest of my life, as if being dragged down to hell, countless evil spirits ate his soul bit by bit...full of despair and death."

Terumi Ming frowned and asked, "Where is Qu Gu's body?"

"If there is only one skull left, it is considered a corpse..." The ninja swallowed and said dumbly, "I placed it outside the central forest."

"There is only one skull left..." Terumi squinted his eyes, thought about it, and then ordered, "Take me there to see."


Although the ninja seemed reluctant, but the senior officials crushed people to death, he did not dare to resist Terumi Ming's orders, so he had to bite the bullet and walk towards his inspection location.


Terumi Ming raised her brows, "If something happens here, it will make Da Ming angry. If Da Ming is angry, Shui Ying will also be angry. Then you will be a little Zhong Ren..."

"I see! Let's go!"

The ninja was heartbroken and quickened his pace, and soon brought Terumi Mei to where he was in his mouth. Although it was an artificially transplanted tree, it looked lush and luxuriant, except that there was a roaring beast inside. An uncomfortable breath was revealed.

The little bird that was originally parked on the branch was spreading its wings and flying high, leaving here, underground squirrels, bunny and other animals for viewing are also galloping in their direction.

It seems that the dense forest is a blockade line, and in the depths of the blockade area, there is an ancient beast that chooses people and eats to break through the seal, spreading the terrible aftermath to the heart, watching the shivering small animals Everyone, get a trace of pleasure.

"Sure enough..."

Terumi murmured

Feeling the almost substantive majesty, she looked down at the ninja who was already limp on the ground, "Hey, don't tell me that you entered the forest with this momentum."

"No...!" The ninja seemed to collapse. "It hadn't been like this before... There was only the thick fog before... No, no, the thick fog is more terrifying than this aura!"

It's really useless... Aesthetic novel www.weim.cc

Looking at the dizziness of his pupils, the ninja who almost didn't know what he was talking about, Terumi Ming had a contempt in her heart.

Ninjas can have no strength, but it hurts to explode so easily, that can only be said to be useless...

I don't know how this guy was promoted to Zhongnin...

"You go and inform the enchantment team, so that they are always vigilant about whether there are suspicious persons outside." She said disgustingly.


This time, the voice was more decisive than before, and he had to act more quickly, leaving Terumi Mei speechless for a while,

After he left, Terumi Ming took out the signal flare. After notifying the patrol team to come over, she touched her chin, looked at the various figures in the forest, and observed the dense fog slowly creeping in the depths. Thinking.

The fog seemed to be creeping slowly, but it took only a quarter of an hour to erode about half of the forest, and the distance from Terumi Mei was less than 500 meters.

"grown ups!"

At this time, the patrol squad finally rushed over. They were a group of five people, consisting of two Zhongren and three Xiaren.

"Feng Dun Ninja use Feng Dun to see if he can blow away the mist."

Fog? The essence is tiny water droplets suspended in the air. Only if the wind is strong enough, the fog can be blown away.

One middle and two lower nodded, then looked at the mist that spread, a little surprised.

This level of mist has never seen them even as misty ones.

But they didn't ask deeply, after all, as a ninja, it is enough to concentrate on completing your tasks.

"Wind Escape·Big Breakthrough!"

"Wind Escape·Blow!"

"Feng Dun·Feng Qi!"

The three ninjas each took out their own master ninjutsu, and the three wind-dance ninjutsu blasted into the thick fog, but it was like a clay cow entering the sea, with no effect at all, not even a wave...


Although he knew that it was impossible to blow away the dense fog in this way, when the result appeared, Terumi Mei was still a little disappointed.

"If the wind is not enough, there will be Huo Dun, and steam these drops of water with me!"

Terumi Mei has two blood continuum boundaries:'Boiling Escape' and'Solving Escape'. Among them, Boiling Escape is the result of the fusion of the chakra properties of the fire attribute and the changes of the water attribute, which is of course compared to a single fire attribute Be stronger.

Following her order, the two Zhongren stood up and stood shoulder to shoulder with her, Kie Yin, and shouted

"Boiling escape, steaming to kill!"

"Fire escape·The technique of unbaking!"

"Fire escape·Fire walking technique!"

The hot gas that Terumi Ming spit out matched the raging flames of the two parties, and it was unmatched for a while, and it sank into the thick fog with a sneer.


Still useless!

Looking at the dense fog that was still creeping slowly like a monster, Terumi opened her mouth, not knowing what to say...

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