Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 144 Dragon Race (2)

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Kakashi and Shisui glanced at each other, and then clasped their ears unbelievably.

What did he hear?

Uesugi wants to withdraw from Qiwu Sea?And no longer participate in this war?!

Even Anger frowned when he heard him, "You are the emperor!"

"Is the emperor obligated to die!?" Uesugi Yui roared "not to mention that I had fulfilled my obligation as early as seventy years ago!"

He suddenly turned around and walked into the house, then walked out quickly, took out a stack of paper and threw it in front of Anger. "This is my medical report. I'm dying!"

Anger picked up page by page, and Shishui on the side secretly opened the writing wheel and glanced at the content. Although it is not comprehensive, the internal organs of Uesugi Koshi can be seen from the picture. Deteriorating, there is even a strange parasite growing that looks very disgusting.

"I thought I would die in this war, but I am very happy that I saw you. With your presence, I can leave without worry."

"Leaving? Where are you going?"

"I can't go back home, but at least I can choose to go to another continent."

He took out a badge from his trouser pocket. The pattern on the badge was a big tree, but it looked half rotten.

Uesugi tossed the badge to Angers and extended his thumb, "From now on, you will be a member of Qibukai, and you will definitely be an excellent member who surpasses me countless times.

"Is this organization really okay to join so easily? Don't pull me into the MLM organization." Angers took the badge. "You really look like a bastard now."

"Because I learned it." Uesugi chuckled. "To deal with the bastard, then you can only use the bastard to defeat the bastard."

"It seems that I really neglected time." Angers sighed. "The power of time has made you shameless."

"I have always been shameless, because I am not a hero, but an ordinary person." Uesugi opened the door. "I'm leaving. Before the war breaks out, I want to see all the scenery in the world that is worth seeing, and then be cool. Leave here."

"Oh, yes, that badge has a secondary product, but I didn't take it with me. If a war really breaks out at that time, you can use it to notify me. Maybe I can come back to collect your body."

"Oh, by the way, thank you for your Naruto for me, at least let me learn a craft. In this way, I will have a craft for making a living in a country that does not require force."

Uesugi left, just like an ordinary ramen master. He was wearing white clothes and his body rickets like an ordinary old man. He didn't look back and didn't have the slightest nostalgia. He passed through the crowd, only what was left. The stunned Konoha Ninja and the sad anger on his face.

"Want to hear the story between us?"

The sadness on Anger's face was almost swept away, and he soon recovered the image of the iron-blooded old man before. He picked up the glass of water that Uesugi had poured before, and there was less than half of it left in it. Not disgusted, he picked it up with one hand, shook it as if he was treating a good wine, and poured it into his mouth in one last breath.

"That was seventy years ago. It is estimated that your village was not even established at that time." Anger recalled. "At that time, two forces started a war because of each other's interests. The difference between Uesugi and I was The leaders of these two forces, this war has lasted for several years, and in the end our side won."

At this time, he was really like an ordinary person telling stories to his descendants, but his black dress and the murderous aura permeating his body were like Shura on the battlefield, perhaps Uesugi’s departure. Let him remember his true age, and then he will tell the past that he has buried.

"As the victor, I personally went to his country. Because of the war, the people there did not live well, and the order was chaotic after the defeat. At that time, he made a decision to save that country."

"Decision?" Kakashi murmured

"As the strongest person, individual power may seem insignificant on the battlefield, but if it is used for assassination, it will be a terrible disaster. Uesugi came to me and started a duel with me, just like traditional The warriors of the United States are generally dueling, but unfortunately, he lost."

"But I didn't expect that in the present, after decades have passed, he even discarded his last blood." Literature Size said www.wenxueda.com

Anger sighed, and then stood up, "Although I will not join the Qiwu Sea, at this moment the Demon Race is very likely to be involved with the Dragon Race. I will assist you, at least to get some information from them."

"Senior!" Seeing that Anger was about to leave, Zhishui couldn't help but said, "I don't know what the dragon is in your mouth?"

It's so pitiful, one demon clan is enough for the five great nations to eat a pot, if another mysterious force joins, it will really change that day!

"A race that has been buried in history." Angers waved his hand coolly, and then strode away. "Also, my name is Hilbert Jean Angers!"


Naturally, he was unwilling to get such an answer. He wanted to catch up by using the instantaneous technique. He was called the instantaneous Zhishui. Speed ​​is naturally his strong point, but he was surprised to find that no matter how he chased , The distance between him and Angers is still that great,

Shishui looked around blankly again, and found a more shocking scene——

The surrounding pedestrians seemed to have been suspended and kept in their previous actions. He could still see Kakashi was about to chase after him with instantaneous spells, but he seemed to be permanently fixed in that scene. White clouds float in the sky, birds spread their wings and stay in the sky almost suspended, everything seems to be still.

"Not a suspension, but a delay."

Anger, who was walking on the street, didn’t know when he came to his side. From such a close distance, Shisui could even smell the scent of ramen that Angers had just finished eating.

"Stop following me, I will naturally come to help you when the time is right."

Anger blinked, and the world regained its former inertia in an instant.

Pedestrians walked on the road as usual, Kakashi completed his instantaneous technique and came to his side, and the birds in the sky flew with their wings spread.

Everything is back on track, but they have no idea what terrible things happened just now.

Although it was only a moment, if Angers had a murderous intention, how many people here would survive?

In that kind of world where time is stretched infinitely, human life is fragile, and human life can be easily taken off with a sharp knife.

"The reputation value from Uchiha Shisui +598."

"what happened?"

Kakashi asked when he rushed to his side

Seeing the figure of Angers gone, Zhishui sighed softly, "Don't chase, go and report the matter here to Master Hokage."



Although he doesn't know what happened, Kakashi understands that Zhishui will not aimlessly. He said that he doesn't need to chase nature.

Compared to himself, Zhishui's senses in the state of writing round eyes are more acute, and he must have discovered something that he hadn't noticed.

"Senior, Itachi, let's go back too."

Seeing Naoto and Itachi who were still sitting still, Shishui said in a deep voice

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