Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 145 Meeting and Assignment

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In addition to Naruto in the Naruto office at this moment, other Kage from Shinin Village and Ace from Nanbukai are also there. They were discussing matters, but Kakashi and Metkai who came suddenly reported each other. The meeting was interrupted by.

Hearing Kakashi finished talking about what happened at the ramen restaurant, Gokage was a little surprised. They didn't expect Uesugi to abandon the overall situation and escape at this time.

So they turned their eyes to Ace, who is also a member of Qiwuhai, but they didn't expect Ace to look indifferent, as if he was not walking with his companions. "The Yue old man is gone, it is a pity. I couldn't see off in person before."

Ace looks regretful

"Although the affairs of the demons are more important at the moment, the dragons mentioned by Mr. Uesugi Yue make people have to care."

The three generations of Hokage who were in the home court gave a light cough, and said, "Now we are allies to each other, and we are at this delicate opportunity, so I hope you can help us resolve the confusion."

"But I am not a mixed race, and I don't know much about dragons."

Leaning on the chair, Ace waved his hand. "The old man rarely tells us about his past, but according to our guess, Mr. Yue is at least a hundred years old."

100 years old?!!!

This is almost an unimaginable life span for a ninja with a short life per capita.

Even the older three generations of Hokage are only in their fifties, but they have already begun to decline in strength. Both the body and the Chakra are not a bit worse than they were 20 years ago.

And what is the concept of a person living to more than a hundred years old?

It's just... incredible...

No wonder the memory of one thing has to lean back seventy years ago.

"The so-called hybrid species are humans with dragon blood in their bodies. They have a power system that is completely different from that of ninjas, but it is still extremely rare to have such a long lifespan."

"But the purpose of our meeting this time is to discuss how to deal with the Demon Race. We will do a little bit later about the Dragon Race."

"Ace is right." Agent Raikage Tudai coughed. "Our top priority now is to destroy the Lord's resurrection plan."

The Raikage in their village is still in the book of the Mozu, and he doesn't want to delay the rescue of the fourth generation Raikage because of other things.

After what he said, everyone will re-shift the target to the next battle plan. After all, according to Kakashi, the demons just hope to resurrect the dragons and use their power.

"This is the news I just got. Let's take a look at it first."

Three generations of Shuiying took out five documents and handed them to the other Siying and Ace respectively.

It records the report submitted by Terumi Ming, which focuses on the strength of the Vampire Beast and Toguro.

"Vampire monsters played in the previous temples of Lieduo Kingdom, everyone should be aware." Three generations of Shui Ying knocked on the table. "But from the description of the sudden emergence of Toyulu, his strength should be similar. If it is true, then I am afraid it is another difficult generation." 19th Floor Literature www.19wo.com

The blood-sucking beast originally suppressed the three of Uchiha Fudake + Hikage + Tachibana Raizou with one person at the temple of the Kingdom of Lita, and its strength has long been positioned to be extremely dangerous.

"However, the location of the Altar of Water has been exposed in this way, and we Konoha also found a suspected location of the Altar of Fire, I am afraid we will be able to confirm it soon."

"Our Yanyin is the same." Three generations Tuying said

"I have searched the entire territory of Thunder Country, and found nothing suspicious." Tashiro shook his head, and Yun Yin took a sigh of relief at first, not to mention the excellent physical fitness of Yun Yin who practiced ninjutsu, so Soon they explored all the land in the territory, but it seems that the altar of wood is not in their thunder country.

Luo Sha was embarrassed, "The Kingdom of Wind is too big, and most of them are deserts where Liao is uninhabited. Although we Sharen are all out, it may take some time to investigate all suspicious locations."

"This is not in a hurry. If you want to counter the chaos of Yin and Yang, you need time. According to the head, the five-element formation is about a week later, so before that, we can accumulate our strength."

"I have a question." Luo Sha frowned. "Why do we divide our forces? Isn't it enough to hit an altar and destroy it?"

"That's a good question!" Ace clapped his hands and said, "The five elements are born from each other, wood generates fire, fire generates soil, native gold, gold generates water, and aquatic wood. Once the formation is deployed, then even if one of the altars is missing, then the remaining The energy of the five elements will also be transformed into the missing one, but this will extend the time to complete the formation."

"That is to say, if the demons stick to an altar, the formation can be completed, but it is very likely that they will miss the time when the power of yin and yang is the most confusing. But even so, they only need to collect the power of the five elements and save it for later. It can be turned into a reserve energy. They are demons, their lifespan is much longer than that of human beings, and they can be consumed."

"So according to what you mean, they are the ones who don't want to stand alone at the altar?" The third generation of Hokage was taken aback, and then reacted, coldly shouting, "This demons is really arrogant!"

The people present are all big figures in the Ninja world, and naturally there will be no stupid people. Of course they understand the meaning of the demon.

'I distracted my strength, you can attack.'

That's what it means

"Slightly despising the Ninja world, it will be their biggest failure." Tudai snorted, "I think we should discuss how to divide our forces."

"First of all, the altar of water..."

The Five Shadows started a quarrel for a while, and they didn't want to invest their power here. After all, from the intelligence point of view, the combination of Toguro + Vampire Beast was too scary.

I am afraid that even if the digital shadows go together, they will suffer a big loss if they rush.

And just as they were arguing, Ace was taken aback, then nodded to the void, and said to Wuying, "Everyone, our boss has a plan."

Hearing Ace's words, the Five Shadows gradually became silent. After all, Qiwuhai's opinions were still very important. As an organization that had also been lurking in the Ninja World for a long time, they possessed extremely astonishing information.

"At the Altar of the Water Country, our Qiwukai will send two people, Suzuki guy and Hilbert Jean Angers who replaced the old man Yue." Ace said solemnly, "According to the news from the boss, wait for you to reach the water. The country, Angers will take the initiative to contact you."

Gokage's brows stretched for a while, mainly because he heard the name Suzuki Unification Lang. According to their intelligence analysis, Suzuki Unification Lang should be the strongest member in the sea of ​​Seven Takes except for the mysterious leader.

When he was in a remote town in the country of fire, his performance was extremely diligent. They were relieved to let him deal with the vampire beast or Toyulu.

Although the newly added Hilbert Jean Anger is not well-known, the speed that Kakashi could not fully react before and the ability to delay time that even Uchiha's instantaneous stop felt extremely tricky. , Enough to make anyone dare not underestimate his strength.

It's just that Angers didn't seem to have the intention of participating in Qiwuhai, and I don't know if he would obey the unified orders...

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