Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 155 Chong (3)

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Toguro seemed to have lost his mind, and he didn't even try to maintain the chakra that blocked the sea. The turbulent current came back with a more violent power after being repelled, and completely drove Toguro to the roar of the dragon. Submerged.

Countless ghost tooth dragon vipers leaped and jumped into the sea, and flocked in the direction of Toguro.

However, Toguro did not resist, letting the ocean current and the ghost tooth dragon viper swallow him, but he held the man's body with his own flesh, and finally submerged step by step in the sea.

"The reputation value from Hagi Kakashi is +112."

"The reputation value from Metkay is +197."

Not to mention that these two people were stunned, even Naoto could not have imagined that Toguro's brother actually chose to commit suicide like this.

Is there anyone in this world who despises his life so much?

Maybe this is... Ninja World.

The people inside, the circuit of thinking is completely different from that of straight people...

Human thoughts and feelings are beyond the control of straight people.

"We have to get out of here!"

But at this moment, no one has the extra mood to explore the life and death of Huyulu, because at this moment the ocean current has completely spread over, and the hole that was pierced by Huyulu converges with the ocean current from the other side. Soon it turned all of this into a paradise for ghost tooth dragon viper.

Anger used a jackknife to kill dozens of ghost tooth dragon vipers around and shouted

"You don't need to say this!" Kakashi formed the Thunder Seal, uploading and exporting a large amount of electricity on the sea surface.

"But we have to retreat to the lake island and destroy the altar of water!"

But it is so easy to get out. At this moment, the ocean current has soaked into his thigh, and the entire artificial island seems to be submerged.

"Now everyone is trapped in the sea. Sooner or later it will become the lunch of this strange fish!"

Kai kicked out of Kakashi's back and kicked the ghost tooth dragon viper who was trying to bite up. He looked at Anger who was also struggling and said loudly.

"Master, you are talking!"

"I used too much energy in the previous battle, and I don't have any time to spare now." Angers shook his head, and then said, "Maybe I have to do something before breaking through..."

Angers suddenly took out a badge from his pocket, which was the Qiwuhai certificate Uesugi gave him before he left.

"The old man is now, are you still considering whether to join Qiwuhai?" Kakashi couldn't help but complain.

However, Uesugi paid no attention to him, and just said faintly to the badge, "Is this the master of the shirt?"

"Of course, I said that the byproduct is in my hands. It is reserved for you to collect the corpse."

A very frivolous voice came from the other end of the badge.

"It sounds like you are sunbathing on the beach now, and it's as comfortable as a few beautiful young ladies giving you a full-body massage." Angers raised an eyebrow. "You must take me to such a comfortable place next time!"

Uesugi became silent more suddenly, and after a long time he replied, "I'm sorry Angers, I know I let you down. But you are Hilbert Jean Angers, the man destined to be the funeral of the entire dragon family, you will Make this action beautiful, right?"

"Master, we are running for our lives now! There is no time to listen to you discuss this kind of thing!" Look at the novel www.look37.com

Kaiman's black line "You must know the terrible ghost tooth dragon viper behind!"

However, Angers ignored him and took a deep breath. "Listen to old man, I don’t care what kind of life you are enjoying, I have never been disappointed in you, but now I have one thing I may have to tell you. ."

"Old man, are you...escaping for your life?" Uesugi was stunned. "I think you should find a safe place to say this, otherwise it will always make me think you are saying last words."

"Almost, I might be dying." This old man has lived for hundreds of years, but he doesn't shy away when talking about death, as if talking about what to eat today. "But before death, there is one thing I have to inform you."

"Just kidding... You are Angers... Besides, what can you tell me?" Uesugi's dry speech was a bit incoherent, but Angers didn't interrupt him until he finally recovered. "Are you serious?"

"I wanted to finish this matter and then tell you, but now it seems that it may not be possible without it." Anger raised his head and watched a turbulence rushing forward, and there were countless ghost tooth dragon vipers. The sharp teeth are being opened, and the smell of blood is mixed in the sea. Perhaps someone in the ninja team has been poisoned.

"According to my information, you may have two sons."

Anger cut the sea water with a knife, cutting out a passage for the two to pass through. He and Kakashi walked side by side, killing or flying all the surrounding ghost tooth dragon vipers along the way.

Uesugi became more stunned, and the communication fell silent for a while, and it even made people wonder if he had disconnected the communication.

"Son...? Are you kidding me, old man, are you the two sons you found for me from the stone?"

They are all over a hundred-year-old grandfathers. If you are a normal person, let alone sons, you should be grandfathers. But this man is so surprised that he has two sons?

Kakashi and Kai are puzzled, but they did not ask at this time.

"It's just a guess, but it's very likely. I came to you this time because they got into trouble, but fortunately, it hasn't been brewed to an irreversible level, so I came to you for some information.

"Damn it!" Uesugi suddenly yelled angrily, and then anxiously said, "Old man, you know I am not scolding you. You have to tell me their information right away, what are their names? Where do they live? How have these years been? How? Are they handsome? Do you have a girlfriend? Oh my god, they wouldn't be fooled by a bad woman!"

He was very anxious in his words. Although Uesugi was a bastard who fled, he was undoubtedly a qualified father.

Kakashi couldn't help but look gloomy. How could his father leave him alone in the Ninja World?

The conversation between the two centenarians came again, and Kakashi gritted his teeth and speeded up.

"Are you not curious about the child's mother at all?" Anger once again avoided the jet of water from the dragon behind him, and then killed the two ghost tooth dragon vipers that jumped up, he roared loudly

The other side was quiet for a second, then Uesugi asked tentatively

"Is Yui...?"

Angers stayed, maybe this answer was beyond his expectation

"Is that Chiyoko?"

"What is Chiyoko?!" Anger said with a hint of anger

"Dazuru...? Tomoe? It can't be Yoshiko!?"

"You bastard!" Ange scolded angrily. "Didn't you say that you want the blood to be cut off from you? I thought you would lead a life of abstinence!"

Angers was about to scold again, but found that the dragon suddenly started singing again.A huge spirit spread out, instantly covering the straight line between him and Angers with electric arcs.

The arc seemed to be full of disturbing power, causing constant beating sounds from the badge.

Anger only had time to dodge sideways, and saw a laser-like thunder piercing through the past, and the strong arc evaporated the air, leaving only a trace of scorching.

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