Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 156 God Killing Fist!

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Anger slammed hard and threw the badge into the sea.

That gadget that could have been used to communicate with Uesugi Koshi was made when Kenos was bored, but I didn't expect the communication quality to be so bad that the phone was completely interrupted by electromagnetic interference!

He looked at the dragon that was getting closer and closer, and resolutely said to Kakashi, "Konoha's ninja, you two should leave here first! I will hold them!"

The dragon's foot is more than 100 meters in length and tens of meters in height, which looks like a moving mountain.

Beside him are densely packed ghost tooth dragon vipers, and they are arranged next to each other, like the guards of this giant dragon.

They are advancing fast in the ocean currents, and are constantly pulling in the distance from humans.

But at this time Angers said to stop them with a human body?

He is just alone!And it's an old man with exhaustion!

But when he spoke, there was no trace of fear, as if he was drinking in a bar when he was young. At this time, a group of troublemakers came outside. He whistled and drank and stood in front of them alone, holding them in his hands. The wine bottle seems to be the sharpest knife in the world.

"Let's go, Kakashi!" Kay nodded firmly to Angers. "In front of a man who has already made a sense of consciousness, any retention and sympathy is the biggest insult to him!"

Kakashi was about to nod, but suddenly saw the water surging in front of Angers, and the figure of Toguro appeared.

He held his brother's body in both hands, and lowered his head to make it difficult to see his expression. Under their watchful eyes, he slowly approached Anger.

"I have always been longing for it, on the other side of the sea, on the other side of the sky..."

Toguro stretched out his hands, handed the man's body to Anger, and continued, "That very, very distant sun is very bright and dazzling, and it will be very warm when it shines..."

"Now... I'm going to chase the red sun. So, during my absence, help me bury my brother in a place closest to the sunrise."


Guessing Toguro's determination, Angers was shocked, "You are crazy!?"

"That Konoha ninja is right... Don't hold back the man's consciousness."

Handing over his brother to Angers, Toguro turned around, turned his back to the three, and said with a smile, "I fought for so long before, but you haven't seen my strongest blow yet."

The arc flickered on his body, and the Lei Dun Chakra mode that was canceled was used again. In conjunction with the high-density Chakra, the atmosphere evaporates into red gas. At this moment, the two forces are fused and twisted, and it looks like a manipulating blood color. Demon of Thunder.

"100% of 100%..." Toguro took a deep breath and looked at the dragon that was rushing. He suddenly shrank all his power to one point, and burst out when they reached the extreme distance between them. !Chinese Novel Library www.cnxsku.net



No need to remind from Angers, at this moment, anyone has noticed that if that terrifying energy bursts out, it will be a disaster that cannot be described in words!

And that exaggerated total energy is continuously compressed under the control of Toguro. The crimson airflow and the thunder spiral are twisted, and finally formed an illusory colossus of the demon, which seems to be two different from the kaleidoscope writing round eyes of Susao Nohu. Divide like.

The hurricane split the seawater in an instant. No, not only the seawater, but also the ground of the artificial island was split by this punch. The two pieces of land were separated by more than ten meters under this supernatural power, and The sea below was also carried, revealing a bottomless dark abyss!

A terrifying punch instantly hit the scales of the dragon, and there was no room for resistance. The dragon and the ghost tooth dragon viper who didn't know what unit to use to calculate the number were turned into ashes by the heat and thunder...


The terrifying second attack came. Behind the dragon, above the sky, the thick cloud layer was directly torn into two halves by Toguro's fist wind, and there were continuous blasting waves and countless ghost teeth on the sea. Dragon Viper was blown out from it, but he was already dead in the shock wave the moment he came out.

Unimaginable power...

Although they were directly behind the boxing, the three of them still felt a strong wind that seemed to cut their cheeks, causing them to run faster out of thin air several times, as if they were flying under the influence of the wind. It looks the same!

Kai laboriously turned his head, watching Toyulu still holding his front fist and did not move. It was obvious that the body of the giant dragon in front of him disappeared in the heat, and only the bones were left, but he still put his fist on When I touched the dragon, it was as if I was afraid that the dragon with only bones would wake up again...

But he finally moved. First, his knees were bent, then red blood burst out all over his body, and finally he knelt on the ground weakly.

After all, the blow just now was the ultimate move in the ultimate move. It was a force that surpassed the limit of the human body. In addition, he was already seriously injured and used a lot of physical energy before. It was because he took all his own strength to cause this blow. Released at the cost of his life.

But the effect is indeed perfect. The power of this strike has absolutely surpassed the so-called shadow level. I am afraid that even Susano, who is known for its defensive power, the three generations of Raikage, the tail beast does not have this resistance. The ability to punch.

This man who was transformed into a half-devil is going to leave in the end. Perhaps he was still holding a hatred of the Ninja world not long ago, or perhaps he was dazzled by this sudden power not long ago, but in the last For a moment, he chose to chase the sun in the sky after all.

Their lives are like a gamble of fate, no matter what the result is, they can only be attributed to their own misfortune.

Originally, he not only numbs his misfortune, but even spreads this misfortune to the entire Ninja world, but at a critical moment, he chose to confront. This punch that surpassed the limit of mankind was the strongest voice against fate. !

He finally couldn't suppress the toxins in his body. The genetic virus specially studied for him corroded his body. The blood was stained purple and black and continuously flowed out, melting his body within a few seconds.

That side of the world was carbonized by the blow he just hit. The extreme high temperature rendered the earth and the sky crimson. The embers of Toguro rose and melted in the high temperature and whirlwind, looking like standing in the sky. The gods shed holy light to welcome the soul of a hero.

"The reputation value from Metkay is +333."

"The reputation value from Kakashi is +369."

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