You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Baking in the sun of a ghost! I have always been in the country of water, but I have not contacted you, so that when you die, the first step is to collect the body for you!" Uesugi shouted.

"Look around, there are ghost tooth dragon vipers everywhere, if you die here, you won't even be able to keep a corpse!"

"So we are rushing out!" Angers shouted, "but you rushed in!"

"Yeah, sometimes that's the case, people inside want to rush out, people outside want to rush in."

"But how can I not rush in?!" Uesugi cooperated with Angers to beat the attacking snake-shaped deadpool back constantly

"If I don't come in, you will die, and then no one will be able to tell me about my son again!"

"Don't worry, let's talk slowly when we go out! I am a little tired now!" In front of the same kind, Angers finally got rid of the disguise, before he was the chief general of the ninja coalition army and their leader, and how can the chief general Do you show your weakness in front of you?

Even if it is forced to endure the backlash of zero time and the blood keeps flowing out, he has never said that he is a little tired in front of Kakashi and Kai, but it is not necessary in front of Uesugi, because the opponent is also a leader. !

"Hey!" Uesugi yelled suddenly, the voice was loud and loud, and it suddenly overwhelmed the noise of the sky, as if even the war had stopped because of his roar.

"You all run away! Let us here!" Uesugi said something unbelievable, although his words of spirit Hei Sun possesses extremely exaggerated power, it can last for a long time.

And in the boundless ocean, this is a world full of ghost tooth dragon vipers, what if he can kill a thousand?For this almost endless ghost tooth dragon viper, one thousand is just a number.

But he said that he had to do it, and saw that he wandered forward, and the target turned out to be the huge bone dragon. All the ghost tooth dragon vipers along the way were cut in half by a long knife, even the snake-like defensive power. Deadpool is just his enemy.

He actually attracted the attention of most enemies by relying on the power of one person!

The ghost tooth dragon viper and the snake-shaped deadpool all over the sea began to attack Uesugi under the chant of the bone dragon, just like the guards guarding the emperor, suddenly reducing the pressure on those ninjas!

"let's go!"

Terumi Ming yelled, "Keep staying here and let them know that it will drag them back!"

"What are you kidding?" Kay bit Kakashi on the shoulder. "You want to go too?! We are all gone and who will cover the two of them backing?!"

"Calm down!" Kakashi flashed a ghost tooth dragon viper rushing towards him. "Like Terumi Ming said, most of us are running out of chakras, and we will die here if we continue like this!"

There was a trace of weakness in his words. The Qiwuhai Chakra mode had long been cancelled. It is quite rare that he can continue to use ninjutsu with his current physical strength.

"Damn it, let me down!" Kai struggled. He once vowed that he would never let other people die in front of his eyes to protect himself, because he only had to experience that kind of powerlessness once in his life!

"Let's go!" Terumi Ming knocked Kai stunned with a hand knife. She carried Brother Huyu Lu on her back, which was entrusted to her by Angers.

This is just an abbreviation for the battlefield. Almost most of the ninjas who are able to break through have begun to move. At this moment, most of the enemies who surrounded them are attracted by Uesugi, which also gave them a chance to break through.

And the more surrounded Uesugi and Angers became miserable. There was originally a giant dragon as their opponent. In this case, countless soldiers came, even the more Uesugi became a little tighter, let alone The anger that had consumed most of the physical energy.Zilang Literature

"Old man, you don't blame me?!" Uesugi slashed again and slashed on the claw bones of the dragon. The strong back shock caused him to take two steps back, and at the same time a ghost tooth dragon that was about to jump over. All the vipers were killed.

"Hey, even if he died, he died on the way to slash the dragon." Anger gasped for two breaths. "It's you! What if you just stay and die and don't see your son in the future?! "

"That's a pity." Uesugi and Angers back to back, guarding their respective directions. "But aren't you? You will definitely see them for me, right? And you will definitely protect them in the future. The world he lives in, and let them grow up safely! I'm right, old man!"

"What are you kidding? We are all dying here!"

"No, no, you're not going to die." Uesugi turned around suddenly, and his bright golden pupils revealed unprecedented seriousness. "I made a special trip to save you. How could you die?"

"Save me...???"

Uesugi’s words not only confused Angers, but even Kakashi, who was on the run, was stunned. Everyone would think that this soldier came back to hear about his son, but at this moment the old man said yes. Come back for another veteran?

"You may have found the wrong person, old man!" Ange was surprised, "I am not your son!"

"Of course I know that you are not my son! If you are my son, I will come to save you only if I get alcohol in my brain!" Uesugi replied with anger. "For so many years, you will be pissed off by you."

But he returned to seriousness in an instant, "But only you can guard this world where my son exists!"

He threw the stack of medical examination reports in his arms upwards, let the paper free fall in the sky, and finally sank into the sea. "My medical examination report is true. Originally, I was not happy anymore, but thanks to With dragon blood, it can make me crazy at the end."

"You...!" Angers was shocked, as if he had guessed what Uesugi was going to do.

"Hush...Don't talk..." Uesugi stared at the dragon more closely. "The result... is not destined yet!"

His muscles bulged, his hands clenched a long knife, and he charged a warrior who regarded death as his home. Is the army ahead?Is it high mountain?Is it a dragon?

It doesn't matter!

Just cut the past is enough!

"Old guy, let's put this last one!" Angers laughed, on this occasion, at this kind of timing, he laughed like no one.

"It's a pity, Toguro...You let me see your swan song, but you haven't seen the fastest Ihe in the world!"

At this moment, he actually imitated Uesugi's general muscle swelling, and these two giants who should have been too old to walk are now incarnate as violent Titans!

Seeing the two ants attacking like themselves, the dragon seemed to be out of anger. He spread his wings, and the body that could crush a small hill just by impact also moved, and the two sides seemed to be unfolding. The final showdown!

The ninjas who were retreating also stopped their retreat and turned their eyes to the battlefield.

They also felt the fierce aura, as if a meteorite was about to hit the ground, constantly releasing strong pressure!

The so-called death of Chaowen Daoxi is a true portrayal of their hearts at this moment. If they can see the final battle of these specifications, then even if it is dead, it is worth it!

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