Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 161 The Last Black Sun

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Although the only thing in his hand was a folding knife, Anger swung it in a slashing posture like a traditional samurai.

Because of the incredible high speed, the sword disappeared in the middle of the swing, leaving only a dim golden brilliance. He was extremely solemn when he made this sword, as if he was swinging not a sword, but a mountain!

The so-called Ihe is a speedy slash that will bet everything on one blow.

In other words, after this blow, his combat effectiveness may only be less than 10%, and his physical strength will also be greatly reduced, which is almost fatal under siege.

But he did it anyway, because in front of him there was a Uesugi who could be trusted by him!

At this moment, his whole body is bulging with muscles. If Angers is the ultimate speed, then he is the ultimate strength at this moment!

Compared with Angers, his visual effect was more violent, the air around him was constantly torn apart by the long knife, and the blade also emitted a bright light due to friction, which looked really sacred.

Anger's fast strike came first, and he naturally could not contend with the dragon head-on. When the dragon's claw bones were about to touch him, Angers jumped on top with a flexible posture.

But suddenly there was a huge wave!Before Angers had time to cut the folding knife onto the keel, the water wave passed through the gap between the bones and rushed toward Angers.

The water waves are monstrous!

Then cut it!

With a roar of anger, the jackknife slashed into the wave!

Visually!Tuna!Carp mouth cut!Pay!Cut it off!

With a loud bang, the wave of up to ten meters was cut out of a white gap!Angers castrated continuously, twisted his body, and perfectly chopped the dragon's neck with the blow cut with a jackknife!

The dragon retreated!

What an exaggerated body size comparison, and what a shocking retreat?!

The shock wave spreads in a circular shape centered on the giant dragon, and suddenly lifted a sea pillar more than ten meters high, and it continued to spread out...

But it's not over yet!

Uesugi finally arrived in time to take the second blow. The long knife he held in both hands stepped on the water.

Although it is not as thick and powerful as the earth, it has the unique softness of water, but at this moment, these soft waters are exploded vigorously under this foot, like a volcano erupting from the bottom of the sea.

Uesugi Gaogai raised the long sword, and then slashed towards the lower right with all his strength. He did not deliberately aim at any part of the dragon because...

no need!

The goal of this knife is by no means confined to the part it slashed. His real scope is the sea area that includes the dragon!


The sea is surging one after another, as if this area has been transformed into a canoe shaking in the waves, which may be swallowed by the unfathomable sea at any time.

Of course, it is impossible for the giant dragon to resist this kind of power. It took this terrifying blow once it had been retreating, and turned directly into the sea!

The huge dragon's body splashed with huge waves, it looks really unimaginable...

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These ninjas were stunned. They were different from what they had imagined, and they were also different from what was told in the previous story!

In their imagination, these two old people will probably fight their way to give them young people a chance to live. The story is like this. The old people say calmly and let the young people first. After leaving, I left, but in my heart, I decided to sacrifice myself for them to gain time to escape.

But the deeds in the story do not apply to these two old people!They stayed to face the dragon, and they said that after breaking, they really wanted to kill the dragon!I really want to clear all threats to zero!

Yes, they are all old people who have lived for more than a hundred years, and time has not been able to take away their lives, not to mention these monsters in front of them.

Can escape!

Everyone thinks so sincerely!

No matter how capable the dragon is, it must have lost its fighting power even if it is immortal under repeated heavy injuries. Then the only enemies on the way to break through the encirclement between Angers and Uesugi are the Serpentine Deadpool and the Ghost Tooth Dragon.

And with the strength of the two people in front of them, to deal with this kind of monster that makes them feel difficult, I am afraid that they only need to get out of the bed as easy as cutting melons and vegetables!

But the fact is not what they think...

Anger was held in one hand by Uesugi Koshi. This iron-blooded old man finally reached the limit in such a long battle. He panted heavily, and his body muscles quickly dried up, as if he had been punctured. Balloons.

His rosy cheeks quickly turned pale, but he still did not forget to hold the pocket knife in his hand, as if that thing was more important than his own life.

"Old man, I...I have to rest for a while."

He said weakly

"Is it an old thing to carry you? It's only the last distance. Look at these ghost tooth dragon vipers and Deadpool, they are just trivial things."

"It's all this time, can you give up?! Even if your strength is exhausted, you have to squeeze your strength out of your bones!"

The more Uesugi swung his knife away from the blood of the Deadpool, at this moment he was like a young man in full bloom, his face flushed, and his spirit was not half sluggish, as if the previous battle didn't cost the old man much energy.

"I'm sorry... there is not much news about your son." Anger took a second breath. "Next, it's all on your own."

"What are you talking about." Uesugi smiled back. "I made a special trip to save you. If you die, what's the point of my visit?"

"I don't understand your logic a little bit." Ange yelled angrily. "Leave quickly. Can you still use the black sun once?"

In the previous dialogue, they never seemed to put the ghost tooth dragon viper and the snake-shaped deadpool in their eyes, but everyone present knew that these monsters were not weak, each of them possessed incredible powers, and they were even more powerful. Reached the degree of exaggeration.

If it were in their heyday, they would naturally not have to put these monsters in their eyes, but now they have all experienced an earth-shattering battle, and the blood that was able to kill in the past will require a lot of effort now!

The more Uesugi was able to rush in before, the reason was that he released the ultimate black sun of words, and that kind of terrifying power must be impossible to use repeatedly.

"Of course!" Uesugi carried Ange on his back, and he proudly replied, "You haven't seen the strongest black sun yet!"

Angers was solemn, and at the same time brought up the last spirit. He knew that Hei Ri's weakness lies behind him. Now Uesugi has given him his greatest weakness. Of course, he can't treat this trust badly.

"This era has touched the door of the dragon clan. The day they walk in will turn the world upside down." Uesugi said in a low voice.

"I'm going to die, I can only ask you to guard this world with my son for me."

He moved suddenly, but not to swing a knife!

He caught Angers suddenly, and then used his best to throw Angers out like a pitch!

Then he raised his head, faced the countless dragon monster, and said loudly, "Come on beast! Let you see the strongest black sun!"

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