You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Perhaps it was because Angers was too weak, perhaps because he focused all his attention on Uesugi’s back. In short, when he was thrown out by Uesugi, he failed to resist, so he was thrown out by Uesugi. It's a few kilometers away.

When he recovered, Angers had risen to an altitude of tens of meters or more, and he had only time to say "Damn!" and was speechless because of the hurricane.

And this distance is not enough to get Angers out of the encirclement, although most of the ghost tooth dragon vipers are used to wrap Uesugi, but there are too many of them!

This led to the fact that even if Uesugi was surrounded by the inner three floors and the outer three floors, there would still be a large number of ghost tooth dragon vipers all over the sea. If he had fallen to the bottom of the sea like this, then it is estimated that there is not much remaining strength to kill out.

But there was no panic on Anger's face. From Kakashi's perspective, the old man's expression was dim, as if he was wrapped in endless sadness.

He actually saw the mentality of powerlessness from this old man for the first time!

How similar...

At the beginning of the Shenwubi Bridge, in order to save him, he was overwhelmed by a boulder by bringing the soil. At that time, his face... was that same sadness?

In the long time this old man, friends died one after another, either because of aging or because of vendetta, and now it may be the funeral of an old man of the same age as him, even in the previous days They may be enemies and rivals, but who can deny that they are also the evidence of his time?

When these old guys left one by one, wouldn't it mean that there would be no witnesses in his life?

That's why he is sad!He hates it!

"Kakashi, go ahead!"

Kakashi looked back, it was the first time he saw Kay speaking to him with such a serious face

"Hmm..." Kakashi smiled suddenly, and then his body tightened. "Attention, Kay!"

Qiwuhai Chakra Mode!

In the unbelievable eyes of the nearby ninja, Kakashi carried Kai on his back, and the two little guys rushed back!

Their goal is the Angers thrown in the air!

"Bamen Dunjia·Dumen, open!"

Kai forcibly used the Eight Door Dunjia and jumped off Kakashi’s back. He was faster than Kakashi, and with Kakashi’s thrust, he was still at a safe distance from the sea in Angers. Just stepped on the air to catch Anger.

However, he was also dying of pain in his whole body because of the forcible use of the Eight Door Dunjia, but fortunately, Kakashi was not far below them, and he kept kicking the ghost tooth dragon vipers out of the sea, and borrowed from it. Li retreated to the rear, looking for a safe landing point for the two of them.

But after all, it was not enough!

Just when the two of them were about to touch the surface of the sea, suddenly at least fifty ghost tooth dragon vipers jumped out. They surrounded the three people and opened their mouths together!

At this distance, even if Kakashi uses Raeche, everything seems to be in a desperate situation. It is as if the dead god of death has already written the destiny of death for this old man, no one can change it.

But at this moment, the active ghost tooth dragon vipers were showing their bloodthirsty teeth, and when they wanted to swallow Angers and them, they were suddenly caught by a strong attraction!

It's Uesugi!

He would use his long knife to cut the chains of death!

Words are dark!

He first used a long knife to draw a perfect round of pi. Suddenly, this huge sea area flowed like a milky way. The silver waves carried the ghost tooth dragon viper one after another. There were tens of thousands of ghost tooth dragon vipers. Chewing and biting together, there was a terrifying sound of grinding teeth.

In the face of the sweeping waves and ghost tooth dragon viper, Uesugi stood still, like a big mountain supporting the sky and the earth. The slow-moving cloud flame evaporated the hundreds of tons and thousands of tons of ocean in an instant. These evaporated waves return to the ocean in the form of heavy rain.

Suddenly, another hurricane that was attracted gave out a tragic howl, and the heavy rain fell in response, as if the world was issuing some warning.

The ghost tooth dragon vipers who were also attracted to it also burned the moment they touched the Black Sun field, turning into red fish bones in the blink of an eye, and turning into white ashes under the blow of the storm.

The more Uesugi wielded his long sword, with this ashes in every step, just like a samurai running forward in the rain and snow!


With a full-strength knife, Uesugi began to accelerate, and the sword's momentum changed from the previous heaviness to the current agility. Every movement was happily in harmony with the heavens and the earth, and every movement seemed to be natural. His famous painting is like a child wielding a knife freely under the blue sky!

Could it be... can he kill it alone?!

The nearest Kakashi and Kai opened their mouths. They could hardly believe what was happening before them. The man who wielded the knife and shouted wildly was only less than three kilometers away from them!

At this time, Uesugi suddenly stopped, and then he laughed loudly, the laughter overwhelmed the waves, overwhelmed the heavy rain, overwhelmed the tens of thousands of ghost tooth dragon vipers biting together.

He laughed wildly, full of spirit, as if returning to the most passionate years of decades ago, he must have been the main general on the battlefield once he was on both sides of the battlefield. He and Angers are on both sides, leading thousands of troops on the bloody battlefield. Sing this song of life to your heart's content.

Time did not turn Uesugi into a bastard as Angers said, but turned him into a hero who stood up and down!

He once said that he was just an ordinary person, but no one could be more worthy of the word hero than him!

Now behind him are violent storms, bloody wreckage, and in front of him are ghost tooth dragon viper and snake-shaped deadpool, and he himself is harvesting all the blood sea Shura ahead!

He is a mad dragon!He is death!

"Come back!" Anger yelled. He had guessed why Uesugi had stopped, but he didn't want to accept that fact.

"Mr. Angers, we have to go too!" Kakashi also recovered, this old man may have...

"hold on!"

Anger still had a glimmer of hope. How much he wanted Uesugi to break through the siege at this moment. Kakashi and Kay once understood Anger's psychology better than anyone else, but they had to take Anger away.

Because the ghost tooth dragon viper who had been sucked back then resumed its movements again, if they don't leave, they may fall into a new encirclement.

"A hundred or ten years of life, things are like dreams. In the world, there is no one who will live forever."

They heard the singing among the waves and monsters. It was Uesugi. At this moment, he dipped his scarred long knife into the sea and looked up at the sky.

The sacred cyan light shone on his cheeks, and at this time other people could see the true situation of Uesugi.

The old man is nailed to the back of a dense cluster of ghost tooth dragon vipers, these monsters that can bite steel are madly biting Uesugi's flesh and blood, biting his bones, and even going to devour his internal organs.

The biggest flaw of "Black Sun" is in the back. Without the flaw in Anger's defense, Uesugi can be said to have suffered from the back.

But no one knows how this old man overcome the intense pain and beheaded to the present, this is an injury that should have died long ago for normal people.

Anger broke free from Kai’s support, he looked at Uesugi with solemn expression, and finally sang

"I have finished the good fight, I have done all the way I should go, I have kept the way I should guard." Hot search novel

"From then on, the crown of righteousness will remain for you."

Uesugi laughed with the last strength, "Don't pray Ange! God won't welcome you! Because you are the devil!"

"But this world... only you, the devil, can guard it! Goodbye, old fellow!"

He seemed to stand at the end of the sky, looking at people in another world, and muttered

"Collapse, Black Sun..."

The strongest move always requires something to sacrifice. It may be Chakra, life span, or...


The black sun needs the end of the user’s life to begin to collapse. The out-of-control black sun wheel collapses into a powerful gravitational field, sucking everything over, whether it is a ghost tooth dragon viper or a snake-shaped deadpool, sea water The wind is no exception.

These countless existences were attracted to Uesugi's corpse, turned into basic particles in the extreme high temperature, and formed a dot in a few seconds.

The black flames suddenly spewed out from the most attractive point, and in the blink of an eye they spread out in a circle to several kilometers away. These flames are like the fire of the sky that never goes out, and at this moment these flames seem to be Their former owner constructed the most perfect tomb.

"It's over..." Looking at this black sea of ​​fire, Angers murmured

"The reputation value from Hagi Kakashi is +339."

"The reputation value from Metkai is +318."




Yes, after a bloody battle, they finally completed their original mission, and the Altar of Water was successfully destroyed.

Although some partners died during the completion of the mission, for the entire ninja world I don’t know how many people, these dead ninjas...

How insignificant...


Retracting from Uesugi’s sight, Naoto sighed long. Uesugi was one of the first cards he pulled out. At this moment, he left with a trace of sadness.

Naoto's clone is similar to the shadow clone to a large extent. They have their own logical thinking and their own way of choosing. Perhaps for Uesugi, dying like the original is the best choice.

When he was drawn by Naoto with a d-level card, he was in a state of serious illness. He originally thought that with the research of Kenos, a great biology man, he could cure his illness.

But the dragon's genes are too mysterious, even if he can create a dragon, he still hasn't been able to study all their mysteries.

So Uesugi chose to die.

It's just... his death seems to have brought Naoto a little accident...

In his mind, the originally floating [Uesugi Koshi] card suddenly collapsed. It was like a piece of paper burned by fire, eventually forming countless ashes.

And these ashes combine to form a new card...

[Random Item: Stand-in Necklace (11)]

[Prop introduction: from the world of "Doraemon", hung on the neck, as long as the button is pressed, the wearer can become the person in the mirror.

[Note: There is a time limit after using the double necklace. Once the time has passed, it will become what it is.


Naoto touched his head. It turned out that the character card would become a prop card after death. This was the first time he saw it.

He realized the card, and suddenly a necklace appeared in his hand.

"I don't know if I can replicate the abilities of the person in the mirror."

Naoto thinks

If the person you become is really exactly the same as the body, that is to say, even the strength can be copied together, wouldn't he send it?

It's just that the word (11) at the back of this card doesn't dare to make him act rashly, because if this means that the substitute necklace can only be used once, then if he is used for experimentation, wouldn't it be a loss?

And the time limit also needs to be clarified. It suddenly changes back when you don't mess up. Wouldn't it be terrible.

Shaking his head, when Naoto was about to shift his attention to other altar areas, he was suddenly attracted by another clone in his vision.


Xinyuyin Village

Xiao Nan took Shimazaki Ryo into a room

Inside were Payne, Jue, and a man with a mysterious mask and a red cloud robe with a black background.

Uchiha takes soil!

Shimazaki's eyelids twitched when he saw this scene. He didn't expect to bring the soil to be exposed to him.

"Introduce yourself, you can call me... Uchiha Madara."

With a whirlpool mask, Motou deliberately said in a deep tone

"Uchiha... Madara?" Shimazaki raised his eyebrows "I remember he died early?"

Shimazaki's reaction was somewhat unexpected, because the name Madara is a weapon in a sense.

In today's Ninja World, few people would not know the original names of Uchiha Madara and Senjujuma, because what they two represents is the strongest fighting power in the Ninja world.

But then I thought about it, Shimazaki was originally a descendant of a wizard who knew nothing about ninjas. He was a remote member of the Rita country, so it is not incomprehensible to lack some real feelings for Uchiha Madara.

"Well... please come over now, it's not to discuss whether I'm dead or not." In one of the eyes exposed from the mask in Daitu, the gou jade pattern was spinning rapidly, and it quickly became a kaleidoscope pattern.

"I invite you over this time to ask you something about the demons!"

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