Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 173 Trap (5)

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The shrill voice resounded through the sky, and surrounded by many mosquitoes, they seemed like emperors high above them.

At this moment the emperor is on a tour, so it should overwhelm all beings!

At this moment, they waved their hands, and the mosquitoes surging like a tide stopped moving and moved away from Fuyue and Ace.

This will be a war where the king himself ends, and they only need to act as support.

The six mosquito girls stood tall in the sky, and the huge flame power spread out like flowing clouds, burning this area into a fiery red area.

They are undoubtedly the queens in this war, but since they are queens, they can't just sit back and watch their subordinates being slaughtered.

A mosquito is naturally nothing to them, and tens of thousands of mosquitoes may not be worthy of distress, but Fuyue and Ace caused hundreds of thousands of losses!!

In this case, even if she could get a lot of flame power from it, the huge number of mosquitoes would still cost them heavy losses.

So they ended up personally!

And a single mosquito girl is enough to make most of the ninjas feel a headache, and through the ghost shoots art to integrate the elite Balrog, its strength has been greatly increased!

At this moment, there were six of them as soon as they appeared, obviously they had made enough preparations, not giving Fu Yue and Ace a chance!

There was a bloodthirsty luster flowing in their obsidian-like pupils. They glanced at everyone present, there was a rare fascination in their bewitching eyes, then stretched out their hands and gently stroked the air.

Like the emperor’s order, there are a large number of mosquitoes—about one-third of the total number. They flew close to the mosquitoes, and then wrapped the mosquitoes in layers to form a black ball.

"There are only six..."

Looking at the opponent’s reorganization of the offensive, Fu Yue’s face was only slightly disappointed, because even if they could kill all the six mosquito girls, there would still be about ten behind-the-scenes controllers behind them. It is very unfavorable to break the siege.


It seems that the ritual has been completed. The mosquitoes enveloping the mosquitoes suddenly launched a charge. The black mosquitoes leaned like a Tianhe River and pressed against Fuyue’s Suzuo Nenghu. They piled up a dozen without fear of death. Layer, until a huge hemisphere with a diameter of more than sixty meters was built here.

"Lei Dun·Boom Thunder Dragon!"

However, in the dark space, Fuyue, holding two artifacts, just groaned slightly.

With the completion of Thunder Dune, a huge dark cloud suddenly condensed in the sky over this small town. This dark cloud is not a false cloud made up of the previous mosquitoes, but a genuine carrier that gathers the power of thunder and lightning, booming. Overcoming the humming of countless mosquitoes, as Fu Yue's right hand of the Pudu Yuhun waved down, the sky and the earth echoed like a distant blue light.

Dozens of blue electric lights were forcibly leaked out of the originally airtight black hemisphere, and then bursts of plasma were seen to kill all the mosquitoes, and then blue electric currents were like water ripples. It usually spreads from the ground until it covers all the hemispheres!


God's punishment...start!

The sky and the earth are the opposite sides of the world. At this moment, they seem to be mixed together. The huge thunder and lightning appear from the ground and from the sky together from the other world like a huge roaring dragon. The extremely dazzling lightning will instantly The whole town is shining strangely, making people feel like they are in an unknown world.

"It's so stupid to let them attack at this density..." Fuyue was cold-eyed under the orange Suzuo. He randomly shook the thunder and lightning long knife, and laughed in a low voice, "I But really... I was underestimated..."

Under the thunder and lightning in the sky, the orange Suzuo Nenghu stood on top of the sky, like an ancient god and demon, Fu Yue looked up, but saw the indifferent expression of the mosquito...

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Don't care!

At this moment, the original pure white skin of the mosquito girl was filled with bursting red. If it was originally like a proud queen, now it has added a different kind of coquettish, which seems to be bleeding on the face. Evil laugh

"It's because I didn't dare to underestimate you, so I want my children to attack together." One of the mosquito girls sneered.

"Because... they are useless..."

She who was standing high in the sky suddenly disappeared!

It was a high-speed movement that even the afterimage disappeared. She came to the back of Susao in an instant. There was a point like a sharp drill on her forehead. At this moment, a huge flame sphere suddenly condensed there. The bright red flame burst suddenly, and a trembling energy wave swallowed the orange Chakra skeleton giant in an instant.

"There are us!"

The other five mosquito girls in the sky also condensed the same attack from colleagues, and suddenly the flames fell from the sky like a meteor, and the booming explosions and the firelights even covered the previous lightning.

Fire and smoke filled the air, one of the mosquitoes exhaled forcefully, and a hot gust of wind blew the smoke away, and then exposed the land that had been bombarded into an invincible pit.

"Hehe, I don't think you will die."

The mosquito girl standing on the ground laughed happily. She slowly flew into the pit, looked at the pit where there was no ashes, and laughed wildly, "This is against the doctor. End!"

"Is that right?"

She was proud that she suddenly heard a cold answer, and then a terrifying sense of crisis came. Before she could react, she saw Ace's burning fist hit her chest...


The Mosquito Girl couldn't believe it. Turning around, why are the two people who should have been swallowed by the flames still alive?!!

It's impossible for them to react!!

But her doubts were explained in the next second. They were like windmill-like eyes, full of blood and tears...

Kaleidoscope write round eyes!

It's illusion!

She reacted at this time. She is different from those mosquitoes. She has a developed mental system, just like a human being, and there is still flowing energy in her body, which can be affected by illusions, not to mention the kaleidoscope writing round eyes. Illusion!

Uchiha Tomitake, who had already canceled Susanoh, stood behind Ace, looking at her current miserable situation lightly, without any emotional fluctuations on her face.

But the fully opened kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes had constructed a perfect illusion space from the very beginning, allowing the six stupid mosquitoes to step directly into the trap between him and Ace.

"You two guys..." She uttered these words with her last strength, and then spit out a mouthful of bright red blood, because Ace had spread the flames to the various organs of the mosquito girl's body...

"I've said it all, you look down on me too much."

Obviously there are only two people, but there is an aura of thousands of horses running freely on the battlefield, and it has suddenly overwhelmed the enemy!

Fu Yue turned his head faintly, aimed at the other five mosquito girls in the sky, and said with a chuckle

"So... there are five more flies next..."

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