Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 174 Trap (6)

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Being stared at by those evil eyes, as if being stared by an evil ghost, made the remaining five mosquito girls speechless for a while...

The original confident offensive was nothing more than the enemy’s illusion, and he was easily killed by a companion of the same specifications as them, but the remaining five mosquitoes were not weak to play with, seeing that they could not crack the enemy’s illusion. They actually blasted their eyes with their nails!

In fact, after the fusion of the Ghost Bud Luo technique and the Balrog, they can be regarded as a kind of alternative human pillar power to some extent, and the Chakra of the Balrog will have a certain warning effect on them.

Generally speaking, the illusions used by ordinary people have no effect on them.But now the patriarch of the Uchiha clan who uses illusion is the owner of a kaleidoscope who is proficient in various illusions in the clan. From the perspective of the degree of illusion, his illusion skills may not be under the Uchiha's belt.

So maybe after a long time, they can still detect something wrong, but in order to prevent another illusion, these mosquito girls simply and decisively destroyed their eyes!

Even Fuyue and Ace couldn't help but marvel at this decisiveness, and at the same time felt a bit tricky.

Suddenly Fu Yue shouted as if thinking of something, "Ace! Burn the body of this mosquito girl!"

"Burn it?" Ace was taken aback, but his face changed in an instant, because he also thought, since the mosquito girl can absorb the blood brought by the mosquito, can they still absorb the blood of the mosquito girl?!

Ace increased the power of burning the fruit in an instant, and the bursting flame burned the body of the mosquito girl in his hand in an instant, but the blood was dragged into the air in an instant. Although Ace evaporated most of it, some of it was still sucked into the air by the other five mosquito girls.

After sucking the blood of this mosquito girl, they evolved further, and golden lines appeared in the bright red skin, and flames seemed to be jumping in it.

"How about five to five points?" Ace took a deep breath and looked extremely serious. Maybe they were their last enemy in this life, but it could also be just a necessary battle on the road of life. It all depends on a person's opponent. attitude.

Even in the desperate situation, death and destruction may be close at hand, but he just wants to fully display his aura and his arrogance in front of this!

Only by showing the belief that even if the enemy is few, the front is a sea of ​​swords and blazes, and I still have to walk forward, will it be possible to overcome the dangers in despair!

"How can you score five or five for five people?!" Fuyue used Susano again, because from the attack just now, these monsters are faster than him and Ace, and only Susano is the only All-round defense can temporarily guarantee their safety.

"I am two and you three."

"Why not me two and three?!"

"That's it, I'll be two and you three!"

After finishing talking, Ace rushed out of Susano without waiting for Fuyue to refute. His propulsion by burning fruits was a bit like a jet plane, and almost instantly he flew to the mosquito girl in the sky. beside.

"Do you want to fight melee with us?" one of the mosquito girls grinned and said, "Then you have made the wrong wishful thinking."

Her wings made of flame stretched out, and she came to him at a speed that surpassed Ace. The claws that were sharp enough to tear the steel were thrown out fiercely, but Ace used the flame to advance and avoid it. However, another mosquito girl arrived long ago, and she wielded her right paw and grabbed Ace's abdomen fiercely.

Judging from the fierce energy, if caught by this claw, it would easily pierce a weak human body, but her hand touched Ace's body and passed through the past, and suddenly it became A flowing flame made the mosquito girl's blow hit the air.

"fire punch!"

Ace grinned, and then the flame-burning right fist hit the mosquito that had previously attacked with a bang, and a scorching smell came, and she was beaten down by Ace from the sky. There was another bang on the ground.51 Aesthetic Novels www.51wenm.com

But the mosquito girls are composite creatures fused with the Balrog, and their resistance to flames is really not covered, even if they were used by Ace from the distance of the fire boxing, they did not die in an instant!

But although she was not dead, it was honestly the same as dead, because half of her head was evaporated in an instant, and the burning wound could still see liquid flowing out like lava.

She exhausted her last strength and waved her hand, and immediately the mosquitoes that had been far away from them began to move. They rushed into the battlefield eagerly and wanted to deliver blood to the mosquitoes, so that not only could he repair her injuries, Maybe it can make her stronger.

In the case of being entangled, Ace can't even stop!

Surprising things happened. The mosquitoes that flew past stopped suddenly when they were about to touch the mosquito girl and pump her blood, and they began to sway left and right as if they had received two completely different orders. , But the order to stay away soon obviously overwhelmed the mosquito girl's order to survive, and the mosquitoes flew back buzzing!

"No! You can't do this!"

The mosquito girl panicked, she yelled, "Sister, help me! I don't want to die!"

"Why resist so?"

A mosquito girl in the sky smiled, "As I said at the beginning, let's merge."

"Death is just another rebirth. You will be reborn as our strength."

Another mosquito girl also squinted her eyes. "But as a sister, we won't kill you. Let's let you fend for yourself. You will suffer pain when we suck blood."

"No..." The Mosquito Girl's face gradually changed from panic to resentment. That beautiful face seemed to be a hell ghost at this moment. "Since you are so ruthless, don't blame me!"

"Give up, we have severed your control of the mosquitoes. Don't blame us, but you are too weak. You can be beaten so easily."

They made mocking sounds one after another

Their words made this mosquito girl who was full of confidence not long ago completely desperate and thought she had a chance of winning. Her face was distorted and she shouted, "Even if I blew myself up, I won't contribute my blood to you!"

Her body suddenly began to swell, and countless cracks appeared on the red skin, like a prelude to a volcanic eruption...

However, those mosquito girls moved faster than her seriously injured patient. Before she had time to break out completely, the blood in her whole body burst out, split into four parts, and flew towards the four mosquito girls.

Pleasant expressions appeared on the faces of the four mosquito girls, as if they were delighted by the power that was about to be obtained next.

But the next scene left them stunned

"Huo Dun·yanbo!"

There was an angry shout from a distance, and the four spheres emitting flames flew from a distance and exploded exactly on the four blood that was about to be transmitted!

The blood was immediately evaporated, and Zi Lai Ye and Zhishui broke through the mosquitoes, and finally arrived on the battlefield!

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