You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The Altar of Fire is located in a building similar to a square. It is surrounded by high walls. Although part of it is made of mosquitoes before, there is still a part of the wall that hides the altar in it.

Standing outside the broken city wall at the moment, Jilai took a deep breath, and then directly spit out two huge fireballs and bombarded the wall, but the tall wall suddenly glowed with green fluorescence, exploding like a grenade. The fireball is totally helpless for the wall like a shield.

The green fluorescence slowly extended to the entire building, but only a space was left at the gate.

"Hehe, it's so sweet, and he deliberately left a door for us." Ace tilted his head, "but don't want to scare me."

"Hey..." Jilai also sighed.

After that, he was the first to move, leading dozens of ninjas behind him and rushing towards the door in strides!


There was a sudden loud roar at the gate, the shrill howl that seemed to come from the Jiuyou Hell made people feel a chill, the next second a giant suddenly jumped out from the other side, that huge body was like a giant rock that could move , It braved the hot flames all over, standing behind the gate staring at the ninjas.

A roar from time to time seems to be warning these outsiders, if you step into it, there is only a dead end!

"It's a fire unicorn!" Zhishui exclaimed. He once saw this terrifying beast on the battlefield of the Lieduo Kingdom Temple, but now it seems to be a little more haggard than before...

Although there is not much change in appearance, Shisui can feel its weakness from the imposing appearance, which is much weaker than when he was in the temple.

"Of course, Huo Qilin was a divine beast in the ancient years, but now he is polluted by the demons and turned into a beast. After losing the glory of the past, his power will continue to weaken."

Ace whispered, "I can't think of seeing the legendary beast one day, but I have to let him get rid of it soon."

"Yeah." Zhishui nodded silently

"But is there only such a monster?" Ji Lai also asked, "I shouldn't..."

He hadn't finished speaking, but there was a huge shock from inside. In the next second, the mosquito girl flew out from the depths of the square and hit the wall fiercely.

The wall flashed a layer of green light again, causing the mosquito girl to let out a painful groan, and then slowly fell to the ground.

She raised her head, her charming and charming face was soaked in blood at this time, and there was a deep fist mark on her abdomen, telling everyone what happened to the monster who had entangled the two Uchihas just now. Punch fly.

"My lord, spare my life!" Mosquitoes held back the pain and said hoarsely, "That guy is too useless. If he can hold it, I won't fail, my lord!!!"

The words in her mouth made everyone shudder. They had all seen the strength of the Mosquito Girl. It was definitely a strength that could be ranked in the Ninja World, but at this moment, she humblely begged for mercy in front of what existence?It's like a poor wild dog!

Who the hell is it?

What kind of monster is it?

In the unbelievable eyes of everyone, a green monster suddenly appeared in the shadow of the square. He had wings on his back. His upper body was naked and his strong body was exposed. The lower body was wearing loose martial arts uniforms. The scales are lined up, and he showed a disdainful smile. "Even some humans can't clean up some waste, useless guy."

He took a sip, turned his head to look at Zi Lai Ye, and said coldly, "But you can be considered lucky for your three lives, and you can see my uncle Tambali making a shot."


Shishui exclaimed, he has also seen this demon. In the Land of Thunder, he defeated and took Raiking away!

Although the fighting time between the physical bodies was short, Shishui would never forget those short fights for the rest of his life!90 look at the novel

"Is it a royal demon?"

Ace also frowned, and then sighed, "Really, I am afraid that taking over love will be a fierce battle..."

Tambali laughed, but the next words surprised them again. He pointed at Ace with a finger, showing a curious look. "Ace of Qiwuhai, I have been waiting for you for a long time. This is D's Is the family inheritor in this generation? Really..."


He sighed quietly

"Oh? It sounds like you know I'm coming." Ace's pupils shrank slightly, but his momentum remained unchanged.

"Ace, be careful." Jilai also leaned over to Ace and whispered, "This guy is not easy to mess with."

In the fairy mode, he can more clearly perceive the strength of the opponent, and the powerful energy that is almost gushing out is constantly flowing through Tambali's body, just like a volcano about to erupt.

"I know." Ace replied, and then said to Tambali again "Listen to you, it seems that we have a certain understanding of our D family."

Tambali sneered, "I only know that as long as I catch you, then your boss can no longer be a turtle."

"Oh?" Ace's voice also began to become cold. "It seems that you know more than I thought."

However, Tambali was no longer interested in talking to Ace. He wrapped his hands around his chest and ordered the mosquito girl lying on the ground, "I will give you one last chance to kill all these ninjas. Just go to death."

After speaking, he didn't care about Mosquito Girl's reaction, but flew directly at Ace!

The speed was terrifying, even faster than the Mosquito Girl, moving like lightning, Tambali came to Ace almost like an instant movement.

But Jilai, who had been staring at Operation Tambali, was already ready to go to war. He pulled Aisle directly behind him with one hand, and the spiral pill condensed and hit Tambali with a bang.

Stretch out Jiraiya’s arm with the elbow, and then hit Jiraiya’s face with the other hand, but at the moment of the hit, there was no physical feeling. After a cloud of smoke, Jiraiya was in the position before. Only one stake remained.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

"Fire Escape·The Art of Phoenix Fire!"

Tamba threw the stake aside with strength and was about to pursue a chase, but was forced to take two steps back by the sudden fireball. Amidst the rumbling explosion, he constantly shuttled through fireball after fireball.

"Xianfa·Huo Dun·Da Yan Bo!"

Immediately after Tambali broke through the layers of fire, Jiraiya also spit out a huge flame bomb at the right time. After being ignited by the fire escape, the oil filled its cavity and it exploded like a napalm bomb.

"Damn it, a bunch of ants!"

Tambali yelled, holding his hands in front of him, letting the flames bake his body, and the powerful Qi protecting his body, he forcibly split the flame into two!

But it doesn't matter, there are four people on their side!

After Ace came back to his senses, he also used a fire fist again. The blazing flames gathered in the big flame like a roaring fire dragon. The two sides gathered more than doubled the power?

The explosion of flames transformed the air into a huge mushroom cloud...

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