You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Although Tambali is strong, it is still quite difficult to deal with the combination of the four shadow ranks.

After all, in the ninja world, joining forces with each other is not as simple as 1+1. The two Naruto and Sasuke are not as good as the Six Way Immortals in theory, but they can make Datong Mu Keiyahime bothersome.

"Now tell me how you know my intelligence, we can still spare your life."

Looking at the huge mushroom cloud, Ace shouted


An angry roar came from it, and Tambari rushed out of it, and then kicked it fiercely. Ace had only time to elementalize at the last moment, but the remaining part of the body was still pressured by the cold wind Repelled to the distance.

"Do you think this will defeat a great Demon warrior?"

Behind him is a raging fire, and in front of him is a ninja facing the enemy hand in hand. Tambali opened his hands and a huge energy quickly condensed.

"Xianfa·Super Jade Spiral Pill!"

But before this group of energy was completely condensed, Jilai had already used Xianshu in advance. The huge Xianshu Chakra was condensed in his hand, and under the change of Chakra's shape, it was shaped into a spiral pill. .

"Lei Dun·False Darkness!"

"Fire escape, extinguish the fire!"

Fuyue and Shishui glanced at each other, and then released the escape technique at the same time. The fire and thunder collided together, then spiraled and intertwined, and finally mixed into one. The endless thunder and fire overflowed with immeasurable energy. The bombardment was directed at Tambali.

"That's it! Too much!"

There was regret in Tambali's heart. He too underestimated the ninja's combat effectiveness, mainly because he failed to recognize the strength of the ninja masters in the original battle with the fourth generation of Raikage.

Otherwise, he definitely wouldn't choose one to four so carelessly.

But it is useless to regret it now. He forcibly gathers the energy in his chest, and then collides with the huge spiral chakra sphere of Jiraiya. The collision between the two squeezes the air crazily, causing them to leave the original. At the location, Da Diwu sank two or three meters, and the scattered energy destroyed the more distant surroundings, destroying a quarter of the square in the blink of an eye.

But besides Jiraiya, there were also attacks from two Uchiha tribes!

The thunder fire was like a meteor falling from the sky, violently rubbing the air, and the powerful energy fluctuations seemed to signal death calling for life, making Tambali feel uneasy.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!"

But he was not without help. He screamed loudly, and then shook his hands as if he was holding something, and then he lifted up in the eyes of everyone who could not believe it. Two energy groups colliding!!

"Here! Me! Get up!"

The devil screamed as if exhausting all his energy, then the right leg, which was stepping on the ground tightly, lifted up, and kicked it under the energy ball with a fierce blow!

The huge energy sphere broke through with a boom under the action of Tambali, and then collided with the falling thunder and fire meteor above!

"Crazy man! Get out!"

Jilaiya’s face changed and he cursed lowly. Tambali’s energy group and his super-large jade spiral pill were originally quite stable, but at this moment, Tambali was forcibly guided to the thunderfire. If the impact of the three energy is an unstable , Then it will lead to a terrifying explosion!

This big bang is definitely not a ninja's physical ability to resist!

He quickly used an instantaneous spell to get away from Tambari, who seemed to be carrying a big mountain, and then began to run wildly.

Without reminding him, the surrounding ninjas also saw the horrible scene. Everyone started a truce at almost the same moment, and then tried their best to stay away.

Boom...Worry-free Novel Network

The incalculable energy exploded in the air, like fireworks exploding out of thin air, and the terrifying energy fluctuations spread in the air like ripples. From a distance, it seems to be the sky with the altar as the center and a radius of hundreds of meters. The escaping energy was all over the middle, and then a beam of light about several kilometers high penetrated the earth and clouds...


Tambali was scorched, panting heavily, blood came out from time to time, but the high temperature evaporated the moment he came out.

"No... I can't die like this..."

Jiraiya, who flashed to a safe distance, also slapped his tongue. Fuyue beside him couldn't help but be surprised. "If every royal demon has this level of strength, then I really can't imagine how strong the Holy Lord will be."

"What are you worried about? The wizards at the time were able to exile the soul of the Holy Lord to hell. There is no reason why we can't do it."

Shen Zuo Xianren chuckled, "There are not one or two powerful enemies in the history of Ninja World for thousands of years."

"By the way, with such a terrifying energy explosion, the altar should have been destroyed."

A ninja muttered

Yes, the altar!

Everyone raised their spirits and looked in the direction of the altar. The smoke from the explosion had not dissipated yet, but everyone believed that no matter how strong the defensive enchantment was, it should not be able to withstand an impact of this magnitude.


Just when they secretly expected, the sudden wind pressure cut the smoke open, and the clouds and mists that had been gathered into a ball began to disperse, the enveloping airflow became thinner, and finally revealed its original appearance.

"It looks like I still want to do it myself."

A very light voice that made people sound like a cold feeling came from it, and then a man with a black cloak but with a vague look on his face walked out slowly.

"I can catch the inheritors of the D clan without you."

Tambali stood up with strong support. One of his arms seemed to be dislocated under the impact of the shock wave generated by the explosion. The blue-green blood turned into steam and floated upwards, but he still turned his head and looked at the man in the cloak. Said.

"In front of me, you'd better not utter arrogant words." The man said arrogant words in a calm tone. "Because that will only reveal your weakness."

"You!" Tambali was furious, but his current state was not enough to support him in the follow-up actions, so he could only forcefully swallow this breath.

"Who is this guy?" Ji Lai was also taken aback. He didn't expect that something changed when he was about to win, and the new guy had a tone that was less irritating than the Tambari guy.

"This feeling..." Ace frowned, and then asked nervously, "So familiar..."

"Familiar with?"

Zhishui was taken aback, and then asked, "Is it your acquaintance?"

"I don't know, see what he will do next?" Ace replied in a low voice

During their conversation, the man in the black cloak had already walked not far in front of them, and he smiled, "Of course I will take away Ace from Qiwuhai."

When he spoke, it was like walking in the five great ninja villages in a leisurely courtyard, saying to the ninjas in the village,'Next, I will take away your tail beasts.'It's also outrageous. Although they have gone through a long battle here, the combined combat power is still a huge force.

Want to grab a leader-level powerhouse from so many of them?

Doesn't this take them too seriously?

What does he think of here?Is it a vegetable market?They are all Chinese cabbage in the basket, let him pick it casually?

Immediately, a ninja couldn't help responding, "It's like you say you can take it away. The ninjas of our five great nations don't agree!"

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