Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 191 Curtain Call (2)

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In the endless expanse of the desert, the hot wind blows from time to time, and the big sun hanging in the sky seems to be unable to bear to see the pyramid created by the old man’s last life and begin to sink. When it sinks, afterglow will appear. The desert was painted with an illusory red, and the scorching heat was slowly dissipating, as if the war before it was announced has completely ended.

But the desert where the battle was over looked even more desolate and tragic. The two lonely figures were somewhat cold and depressed. At this moment, the westerly wind roared, creating an astonishing killing around the pyramid.

Perhaps from now on, only lone sandstone will accompany this pyramid coldly, right?

Katz walked in, touching the hot sand wall with his hand.

"Can your wonders be known in the dark? Can your justice be known in a place of forgetting?"

Katz mourned like singing, "From now on, the crown of righteousness will remain for you."

"You're saying something weird again." Madara stood beside Katz with his hands around his chest, and the expression on his face under the mask did not know.

"I think you will be used to this kind of sadness in your thousands of years of life."

For thousands of years, what a long and huge process should that be?Clouds and mists rain and wash down mountain roads, which can crush mountains into flat ground. Numerous trees can rise from the ground and fall again. I don’t know how many reincarnations.

In these tens of thousands of years, I don’t know how many heartfelt sadness and unswerving love have existed. Logically speaking, Katz should be used to seeing love, hatred, and hatred.

But he just took off his mask silently. This was the first time he showed his true face in front of Madara. It looked as fortitude as a warrior with a long battle, but even a steel warrior would be solemn. Here is the sadness and respect.

"Yes, but sometimes getting used to it doesn't mean numbness. If a person is numb to life and death, then noble ideals can't support him to live."

He stretched his hand back, then raised his head to look up at the sky, as if he wanted to see through the top of the pyramid, where there is the source of the seal chain made at the expense of soul and life.

"Aren't you going to catch Niu and Yao now?"

A great battle has just ended, and this time is definitely the weakest period between the wooden men and Kirabi. If they take action at this time, arresting them will be easy.

"Two beasts," Madara said casually. "I can keep them in a cage if necessary."

When he speaks, he downplays it, as if he regards this impossible thing in the eyes of ordinary people as simply picking up the trash from his feet, but for him Uchiha Madara, the so-called tail beasts are originally a group of pets that can be caught at any time. That's it.

"That's what I said." Katz lowered his head and put on the mask again, then turned and left. "Let's go, the most exciting drama is still in the Kingdom of Liduo."

He walked step by step in the cold sand, and the footprints behind him were drowned by the wind blowing in the next second, and he disappeared completely in a few seconds, and his figure disappeared as if swallowed by endless yellow sand. not see.

Ban stood quietly on the spot, and then imitated the previous Katz and put one hand on the sand wall, "I have noted your righteousness."

He shook his hands and shouted

"Mu Dun·Birth of the Tree World!" 101 Chinese Website www.101zw.com


A forest suddenly grew out of this dry and hot desert!The trees in this forest are thick and full of vitality. They stretch their branches and vines in the afterglow of the setting sun. A few seconds later, they will envelop the hundreds of meters around the pyramid.

"Shui Dun·Taki Pot Technique!"

The huge current rushed endlessly, surrounding the entire forest and began an internal cycle, and finally formed a huge lake in an area next to the pyramid, and Madara created an oasis artificially in a short period of time!

"You shouldn't be buried in yellow sand, you deserve it."

After saying this, Madara pressed the mask with one hand, then turned around and left without nostalgia.

The world that Madara wants to create is a world in which everyone upholds the righteousness without war. His deeds of sharing blessings won his respect. What he did before did not use the identity of Uchiha Madara, but a Seekers looking for a righteous world.

When Naoto assigned the guards of the five altars, only one fourth-generation Raikage was sent here. Without his clone, he naturally needed someone to supervise.

That person is Katz who is wandering around the Ninja World. Of course, his body is still playing Ange in the previous Water Country, but he is surrounded by Uchiha Madara, this super shadow level master, and there is no Need to care about the clone or the body.

Their original destination is the Kingdom of Lieduo, not far from the Kingdom of Wind, where the Five Shadows and the upcoming Penn are gathering. It can be said that most of the fighting power of the ninja world is gathered together almost like never before. The enemies they have to deal with are the possible holy masters and demons.

This will be the first high-level decisive battle between the two major forces. It is also the battle most likely to test the strength of the Demon Race. How could Madara, who has been paying attention to the Demon Race miss this feast?

After thinking about it for a period of time, Madara felt more and more unreliable about the Unlimited Monthly Reading Program. It was not that he had doubts about its original usefulness, nor did he really believe in Katz’s. The main point is that if he really implements unlimited monthly reading, what should he do if there is another intruder like the Demon Race?

He has no doubt about how terrifying his strength will be when he becomes the Ten-tailed Man Zhuli, but he may be [strong] or [invincible]?

You must know that after reading infinite months, the whole ninja world is still the only one who can resist. If he cannot remain invincible, then the ninja who is bound by the sacred tree and the dream will be slaughtered, regardless of what it is. The level of ninja, who only needs a sharp knife to kill them.

"You should have seen the strength of the Holy Master."

I don’t know when I caught up with Katz, Madara asked.

"That was thousands of years ago." Katz said as he walked. "At that time, he ruled most of the land and established a dynasty belonging to the demons. Even after seeing how many civilizations, demons Clan is still one of the ones that impressed me the most."

"As a descendant of the apostle, didn't he think of implementing the human complement plan?"

"Don't say anything that requires unlimited moon reading. At the beginning of the world, when the apostles ravaged the planet, there was no kaleidoscope to write round eyes, not even the moon."

"...You really noticed it." Katz shrugged. "We are the descendants of creatures that eat the fruits of wisdom. The upward evolution direction is different from the apostles who eat the fruits of life."

"The reason why the original Holy Lord could not implement the human complement plan was precisely because he could not find the ultimate dogma in the legend."

Without waiting for Madara to ask, Katz went on to say, "The so-called final dogma is rumored to store the egg of Lilith. When the apostles arrive there, it will cause a terrifying world impact, and the human completion dedicated to them will also begin at the same time. ."

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