Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 192 The Demon King Was Born (1)

You can search for "Konoha's Unlimited Clone Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Final dogma? What is that place?" Ban frowned. He has also lived in Ninja for so many years, but he has never heard of such a place in the world.

"That's where the Spirit King is. He is hidden by Qi Wu Hai in a different dimension parallel to this world. No one knows how to go except the leaders of Qi Wu Hai."

"Oh? What do you think of the strength of the Holy Master?"


Katz said with emotion, "When mankind combined the power of several races and the internal strife of the demons themselves, they could successfully seal it, and used magic to divide his abilities into eight. Devilish energy."

He thought for a while, and then said, "If he takes back his power, I am afraid that even if you and Senjujuma join forces, you will not be an opponent."

This is not a nonsense by him. Piccolo himself is a super shadow-level powerhouse. If the eight demon qi increases are added, then his strength is likely to break through to the sixth level.

And once it becomes the sixth rank, that strength can be separated from the so-called super shadow, even if the two most powerful ninjas Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara joined forces in the valley of the end.

Perhaps replacing Madara with the current state after he regained his youth and regained the reincarnation eye would still have the power to fight.

"You were really there at the beginning." Madara snorted. "At that time, I felt that someone was peeping."

No, you have admitted the wrong person, that may be Heijue...

Katz smiled and said nothing


"According to Qiwuhai's intelligence, this should be the place for the final battle." Agent Raikage Tudai pressed the blindfold on his left eye and continued, "But now there is no one here, it's deadly quiet."

They are now standing on the site where the temple was originally built. Many buildings have been damaged here because of the battle between Xiaonan and Dior, but after all, a trace of the temple can be seen.

In addition to the Five Shadows, there are also a large number of elites from the major Ninja villages, but they all hid their figures and made an ambush.

To some extent, Five Shadows is both the main force and the bait.

"Perhaps it is this kind of quietness that is the most unusual." The fourth generation Fu Ying Luosha replied, "There is no reason for the demons not to take any defensive measures in the place of the Lord's resurrection."

"Perhaps the Holy Lord is a man-eating demon." Three generations of Tuying joked, "Have you heard of the monsters in the story? Don't they all want to eat the flesh and blood of many people after they wake up from the ancient seal? ?"

"Dokage means that we are all sacrifices?" The third generation of Hokage laughed. "It depends on whether the Holy Lord has such a big appetite."

"Don't mention sacrifices or sacrifices." Three generations of Shui Ying coughed. "Why do the demons think that the Holy Lord will be resurrected? They have so much confidence in the guards of the five altars?"

"Hehe, let us wait and see if there will be any accidents next."

Speaking of which, few people would believe it. The five of them are the leaders of the five largest armed groups today. They all have blood and blood feuds with each other. They don't know how many of their partners and relatives died because of each other.But at this moment, the five of them were sitting together, smiling and talking about the future like their closest friends, as if they had forgotten all the previous hatred.

About half an hour later, it still looks like nothing happened. Although Wuying can still sit down, there is also an instinctive anxiety in his heart.

Judging by the time, the formation should be activated soon, but there is still nothing happening here.

"That fellow Shen, are you sure?"

Everyone has a little doubt in their hearts

Just when they wanted to talk further, suddenly the earth began to shake, and then a dark cloud covered it from a distance, and the sky changed in an instant.

"Hokage-sama, the water suddenly started to rise." A ninja rushed over from the side of the river and reported, "The whole water level has risen several meters out of thin air. If it continues like this, I am afraid it will be over the bridge."

The water suddenly rises?

Everyone frowned, unable to figure out the reason, but it did not prevent them from knowing that the mutation was about to begin.186 Chinese Network www.186zw.com

"Oh my god...what the hell is..."

A perceptual ninja stared at the dark clouds blankly, swallowed hard, and said, "Those... are all monsters!"

Suddenly he knelt on the ground, trembling unceasingly, as if he had noticed the most terrifying sight in the world at that moment.

"Make it clear! What happened?!"

Three generations of Tuying raised his brows, "What are you worried about? Since the Five Shadows are here, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"We will die... We will all die..."

But the perceptual ninja was obviously a little crazy under the huge panic. He just kept repeating a sentence, even crying...

What is it?What makes a perceptually frightened like this?!

"Grow your eyes, open!"

Seeing that he couldn't count on it, and the distance was getting closer, a Hyuga tribe directly opened his eyes, showing a hideous expression. Those white eyes that seemed to be able to see everything looked a little scary on his face.

But in the next second, the hideous face turned into the same horror as the sensory ninja before, and he even quit the state of white eyes!

"What's the situation?!"

At this moment, Gokage had stood up, and they looked at the Hyuga Ninja together. Perhaps this name had never thought that he would be stared at by Gokage one day, or maybe it was because the previous scene was too scary, he First took a few breaths, and then shouted

"That dark cloud, that dark cloud... No! That's not a dark cloud! Those are... demons!"

The words in his mouth made Five Shadows shudder, and even shuddered unconsciously, that dark cloud was...


Are you kidding me?

The area seems to be estimated to be tens of square kilometers, and the dense formation is still used. If they are spread out, I am afraid it will not be as large as two to three hundred square kilometers.

What is this concept?

Konoha's death forest training ground is ten kilometers away from the entrance to the center, and the area is more than 300 square kilometers, which means that if these demons stand scattered, they can stand nearly a death forest!

It's no wonder what kind of number this is. No wonder the Mozu hasn't made any moves. It turns out that they think that with their army, they can push it forward, so there is no need to play any tricks.

They have misunderstood all the time. They mistakenly believe that Ninja is their place. Therefore, they have the home field advantage. They should have the number advantage. Therefore, they will take measures to divide the forces and allow the four teams to take the place. Attack the four altars.

But in fact, all of this was not put in the eyes of the demons at all, and even held the attitude of being happy to see it happen.

Because after dispersing the power, they can use upright force to defeat them.

They are the Five Shadows, one of the leaders of the Ninja World, as long as they are defeated here, then the Ninja World can be said to have fallen into the hands of the Demon Race.


The sky suddenly became gloomy, and then it rained heavily in the next second, and the big raindrops slapped them on their shoulders, on the ruins, and on the ground.


Three generations of Hokage firmly said

"Ning to use this body to provoke great evil!"

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