Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 556 Yuxi Wom Network and Utopia

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"Hermo and Hungry Wolf ..."

In the Office of the Tang Shadow, the big snake pill thought, the intelligence of Kai passed, and then frowned.

He has the same premonition, which is this incident, it will really involve these two people.

"But Herme ... I seem to have seen this name in the culture of hypothesis ..."

He thinks

Unfortunately, he returned to Nibron root after returning to the wooden leaves. After all, he experienced such a big thing. He didn't trust the Secretary, so I didn't know when it would come back.

Otherwise, you can ask him directly ...

The big snake pill smashed the eyebrows. He suddenly became flashed in his mind, and the Lingtai was clear. He remembered this instant in this moment.

"Golden", "Cui Yu Record", the former is the introduction of the alchemy of the two power systems of Dragon and blended seeds, the latter is the practice of mixed-bearing.

In these two books, it records a person's name, it is Hermes!

He is not only the origin of alchemy, but also the legendary god!

However, the two books are not a popular science reading, and the introduction is only this extent, so much more intelligence, he doesn't know much.

But one thing is enough ...

Hermes is the god!

The members of Gramlin are a group of dangerous people named by the gods!

So, is the Hermes will be a member of Gramlin? !

"If Helme is a Graymlin, who will he chase again?"

This instant big snake pill has a lot of questions, but the smart woman is difficult to be samous. Under the premise of extreme lack of information, the big snake pill can only help.

A headache, he took out another sent back information -

"Is it in the organization ..."

Looking at the content of the letter, the big snake pill is caught in meditation.

This letter records the long gates to write down the tolerance map and released the task that let them investigate the stone noodles.

And the long door is to let them search for clues about stone ghost masks, but did not say that the map is involved, so the news is only the most basic.

But I already know the big snake pill of the stone noodles is easily able to get the clue of the other half of the map is in the hands of the long door.

"Do you want to use force?"

The big snake pill thought and then denied this idea.

In the case of a supreme, add him to the main attack, and kill the door is not necessarily impossible.

However, the big snake pill is very considerable to retrophotarize the back to the eye and then the strength of the spot.

In that state, the spot can still play the strength of the six levels, which can be said to be unneascent in addition to the initial generation of the first generation.

And I want to see the map and pass it ... this is also unlikely.

The long gate is not a fool. When he just joined the organization, he can't be so relieved, and the secrets involved in the stone ghost are very valuable. It is a long door, so you will never let this. More people know.

Because of the Naiko incident, the long door is nothing sensation, even a little bit of resentment, I want him to cooperate with wood and a very difficult thing.

"... um ... but, you can make the initial generation of the fire to do this ..."

However, with the style of the initial generation, he will never grab the stone ghost of the long door, let alone the long door is still unclear.

But sharing this complete map with the long gates should not have a big problem, even if the long gates have to hate the wooden leaves, the strength of the first generation is there, and it is not allowed to resist.

I thought here, he stood up and then went to a wall.

The big snake pill has a hand on the wall, and a gap appears on the next engraving. The gap is a ladder to the ground.

The ladder is not seen in the end, as if the end of the bottom is, the depths of hell.

This is his laboratory specially prepared for the despicable call, which is in the latest research.

In the underground room, it is an experimental equipment everywhere, and in one of the units of the capsule, there is an endless, the long phase is completely exactly the same, 'Yuxi Sasuke'.

They are immersed in the nutrient solution, close their eyes, all maintain the same posture, and even the breathing frequency is the same.

"How is the experiment progress?"

At the end, the despicion is on the seat, staring at the various data displayed on the instrument, when the eyebrows from time to time.

I watched for a long time, and the big snake pill asked.

The despicion is turned to turn over the chair, picking up the cup of the cup and drinking a hot water and then

"Although theory is the same person, and try to take them in the exactly the same environment, it is difficult to fuse with each other."

He took a stack of paper on the table, turned on two pages, then handed it to the big snake pill, and

"According to the record left, when the spirit and brain wave are in the same frequency, it is possible to combine with each other, but it is unfortunate that we haven't found this opportunity for so long."

"Opportunity ..."

Big snake pills read these two words, suddenly open mouth

"If we really lack this 'opportunity'?"

He toned to adjust the "right, yes. We are too attracted to make the odds between the clones are blended by Unechebra, because even if it is the same, there will be some percent between each individual. It is different from zero zero! "

"But if we start from the beginning to make a cloning body at the expense of the bearer ?!"

"What do you mean?" The pole calls this moment as if you caught what, faintly felt that the big snake pill found the right direction!

"Yes, this is like this ..." The big snake pill in thinking, he went to the instrument, and then quickly extracted some data, and said

"Since there is no way after the day, then we will be cloned with the purpose of carrying your dilute, that is, the commander of all the clones of the headquarters, which is to trust all clones, and bear the pupil aggregate. Task, as long as you can concentrate the, then the following problems will be solved sooner or later. "

"Good idea!" The despicable shocked, and then said

"So he is the commander of all clones ... but if it is really successful, what is the ?"

When I heard this problem, the big snake pills thought a moment, suddenly rose a lightning in my mind, an idea, he licked the lips, named the road

"Yuxi Wom Network ... is called Yuxi Wom Network!"


"Is it a western continent again?"

In the country of the earth, they have been walking towards the west. After experiencing a very vast and unscrupulous area, they also have a huge lake with Kaifu before a mountain range.

I can't touch this nearby terrain, but the size of the lake is uncertain, and there is a wide vast sea.

On the coast side, there is a port small town stands, and several boats are still parked at the port.

"The front should be the edge of the West Continent, just don't know if we need to pass each other."

Kay worried about the language of language, although the endurance suffered many enemies from the endurance, but still rarely occurred.

Mozi, mixed, all kinds of creatures have their own races, but their learning ability is very powerful, learn to bear the universal language is just a very simple thing.

The West Turne is not necessarily, after all, is the same as they, and I don't know how long I have separated from the continent of the Ibara, and the language is not very surprising ...

"There should be no big problem ..."

It's not too worried about it, after all, the living person can't let the urine die.

"But how can I suddenly have a port small town here?"

This is to make it curious about it, you must know that all things have been destroyed in Dior's paradise manufacturing, and only one dust is left in the original bustling wooden village.

However, there is such a city here, which makes it wonderful, who is this city here?

With this curiosity, it is also close to Kay, and I found that this port city is not a general big, even better than the normal city of many inland!

On the wall of the city gate, it is engraved with three atmosphere but have a word unknown magic ...



Location is also a look at Kay, and go to the gate of the city.

The city gate guard is two black short hair holding guys, and when you see a stranger, you will take a gun, drink it.

"Who are you? Why do you want to come to Utopia?"

Is a universal language! It seems that the language problem is so solved!

We are also happy. "We are people in the Eastern Continent, because the merger of the two continents, so I will take a look at the scene of the West Continent."

"It turns out ... You go in."

When the gun guard heard, he released the tight muscles of the battle. One of them came haunted.

"We haven't seen someone elogenous."

"Amount ... Is this ok ..."

Late and smile, I've been scattered with two guards. After entering the city, I suddenly spit in Kaike. "I thought at least one chacla."

"Yeah ... but I didn't expect that I really gave up so much ..."

Kay is also an incredible look

These two guards are really relaxed, which is almost impossible in all kinds of rows.

If the guard of the wood is like this, then the leaves have been captured and don't know how many times!

"However, this may this be the customs of the West China?"

Sadness is also surprised, but everything must pay attention to an entry into the country, saying that people in the West Continent are so simple!

Can you always be a gentleman's belly with a small person?

It may also be that the endure is too dirty. Is it a hug?

Anyway, no matter what to think, it is also at least in this city with Akai ...

Such a ...

Utopia ...

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