Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 557 Sique Utopia

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"The architectural style here is to be more imagined with the Cassel Manor I went."

At this time, the sky is near dusk, and it is also in the street of the Utopia, and I am watching the surroundings.

"It's unfortunately, I have never been to my hometown."

Kai is some disappointed

At that time, the leaves were collaborated to the Cassel Manor at that time, he was still going to be treated by the first generation, so Kai did not catch up with Constantine.

"Nothing is unfortunate, are you not the same now?"

I also spit out a breath, my eyes, open the mouth, "I will stay here today, I will investigate the specific situation of the West Continent in the evening."

"Okay." Kaishun also looked at it and found a building of a new year, and hanging on the hotel's name, iris.

It looks from outside, there is a sense of vicissitudes, and since it is faintly passing a kind of descendant tune, such as the vocal sound of the prosecution seems to render a sad color to this world.

"I don't know why, I always think that the door of this hotel is like a monster's mouth, and we are now in the network."

I also shrugged and suddenly said.

"Amount ..." Kai Yi, reply "? I feel okay, and the people in this Utopia are also very good, can you say that the people are simple?"

"It's because the people are simple ... so I feel some of themselves ..."

I have sighed myself.

I have never seen it for so many years, but it is true for the first time like Utopia's per capita. This is not a different culture. It is unique to explain.

But I can't always determine if there is a politeness, so I will choose to stay here for one night.

It is the so-called tiger hole, and the dangerous vortex can get valuable gains.

I want to see it again, will happen this evening ...

Enter the 'Iris Lodge Hotel', there is a classical charm internally decorated, although it is not too exquisite and luxurious, but it gives people an elegant and comfortable feel.

The source of tunes from which it is also in it. It is the boss, she is sitting on the counter, hands holding the harmonica, quietly blowing a little desperate tune.

Did not bother her with Kay, but I have been waiting until she blows, sometimes I heard a piece of music that can wash the soul is a kind of enjoyment, and it is also a rough person, but I can also hear this absolute. It is the master of the master, and it is possible to hear a sad story.

"It's a rude, let the guest wait for so long."

After a long time, the mouth of the mouth slowed down, the boss didn't open the eyes and saw two people. She got up with apologetic.

At this time, I found that she was a beautiful woman. After the light gold, the long hair is in the back, the colorful doubles are like exquisite gemstones, especially the faint sad sadness in the look. There is a feeling that I can't help but want to protect her.

"No, there is nothing ..." Because Utopia gave him the most impressive, it was polite, so they did not show up, he touched the brain, the brane sound, so a smile

"I can hear the Master's song, I am also a boring."

"Oh?" The boss is slightly stunned, and then said "The two is the outside world?"

"Yeah, we come from the endurance, because a change is together with this continent."

"It turned out ... I have never seen another one of the mainland."

She smiled softly "Is there anything to eat?"

"That said, I am really hungry." Kaican touched his stomach, and said something inevitable.

"Two first, I will come later."

Looking at her left, I can't help but sigh myself.

"It's beautiful ..."

"Really?" Kaizhi greeted his nose, and said with the mouth. "I think people in this city are almost ..."

"This is true ..."

I also recalled it, I found that the people in this city have almost all below, almost all of the handsome men.

And if you care carefully ...

I don't know why, I suddenly felt that since I came to Utopia, I saw the people who saw it until now!

I don't know why myself think so, he quickly puts all the faces on the same plane in my mind, and then starting a fine alignment ...

"No ... Although there is a bit of similar, you can't say it is a person."

I also shook my head and I felt that I could think too much. After all, what talents will be so bored to use this means to scare themselves with this means?

The rain is rain ...

At the beginning, it was a light rain, but with time, the rain became more and more, and the rain became more and more, as if playing a shocking symphony.

The evolution between the eyes is to rain, the sky has become more and more dark, the original golden settlement is converted to the dark dark clouds.

In this environment, the mood has also been impact on this environment.

However, after a long time, there is no food, a fresh and juicy pork chop, a small bottle of ice-fried drink poses him with Kay.

"Is there a person in this store?"

I have tasted a pork chop, I found that it is quite good, he praised him.

"This is my parents stayed." She sat back the seat "because Utopia rarely came out, so I was enough to do things alone."

"Say, do Utopia rarely come to outsiders?" Did not ask her parents related questions, can judge from tone, which is by no means to easily take the topic.

"Well, because it is too far, and there is no valuable geographical area around, so in don't have to take the route of the wheels, almost no one will come to Utopia."

"However, this is good ... can make people feel more quiet ..."

"Yeah ..." Sadness, "Sometimes it is too noisy, not a good thing, is too complicated world, you want to make yourself is a difficult thing ..."

"This is an interesting statement." The boss smiled, the next moment, "But sometimes it is too quiet, I want to be a simple thing ..."

It is also not a smile, and then the effect of imitation of the wind and makes a gentleman, "Thank you for the beautiful girl, let me taste delicious dinner."

"Whole Utopia, 'Iris' is the best service. Also, call me Tiexi." Cui Si took the appreciation and replied

"I called it, this kid is called Metekai. Akai, payment!"

Although the currency is different, the gold is the same, and it is also not enough to pay for dinner and accommodation.


The room to be arranged by Tiexi is 404 room. I don't know why the room is always particularly unlucky.

"Kay, do you feel anything?"

After entering the room, after the observed is not an abnormal, the door is also closed, and then comfortable, asked

At this time, he wants to take a look at the intuitive intuitive intuitiveness of Kena Wild.

"If you want to say something ..."

Kai said, then recalling it, trying to say "why is Tsui Si to arrange it on the fourth floor? Pressing the Utopia rarely come out, that is, there will be no too many people live Talented. But she passed the second floor and the third floor, and she chose to live in the fourth floor ... "

"It's true ... This is indeed a problem."

I also said that "I haven't read it in the corridor on the third floor of the second floor, no footprints on the third floor of the second floor."

Kai's nodded and said, "And there is still a little, you said that this seems to be a monster's giant mouth, I haven't figured out outside, but the longer in it, the more I have a pressure."

I didn't say this, but he didn't feel this, but after hearing Kay, he also had a feeling of uneasiness.

"No matter, let's leave here tomorrow!"

Like it slunly, "No matter whether there is an abnormality here, what is abnormal, there is a period of time ... Now the most important thing is to investigate the specific situation of the Qing West Continent. If possible, please understand the situation of Hermo and Hungry Wolf. As for Utopia ... "

I also hesitate to say slowly.

"I have a feeling, if there is really an exception here, then its level will inevitably beyond the limit we can cope!"

Speaking here, there is even two drops of cold sweat.

This is the feeling he has never had, even if he doesn't have this strange feeling when he faces the Holy Lord, facing the blue dye.

This moment, the guards on the street, the guards of the door ... Since he entered the Utopia, everyone has appeared in front of him, accompanied by the harmonica that I started to hear. Sound, in the sound of the empty and sorrow, they use the same eyes to look at themselves ...

It seems that there is no abnormality, but this is a new scene, and one of the individuals who have never said it is a numbness that can't be said.

"Unfortunately, if I don't rain outside, I want to go outside and see it."

There are two beds in the room, and Kai is sitting on the bed of the window, looking at the rains outside, some unfortunately.

"With this rain, it is not necessarily a bad thing."

The head is also shaken, and he slippers to the bed, then the pair of pads on the pillow, double-eyed ceilings.

Then he fell into sleep ...

In the dark dark, what kind of sound was heard in the past ...

What kind of power is traged, and the bed is also sitting on the bed, then looks at the bed, looks at the sleeping Kay, he gently opened the door.

At night, the rain is still in the rain, in the rain of the rain, the touch can be reached in the darkness of the five fingers.

In this rich black, they also came into the corridor on the corridor, he came to the stairs.

Third floor ...

The flour of Tiexi passed, and came to this layer.

It is standing more than a dozen people.

They did not speak, even if they didn't make any abnormal moves, the latter is also.

Then they started to go downstairs, and they were also silent, and they came to the second floor.

The same is true on the second floor, there are more than a dozen people standing, after seeing the people above, they also started action.

Go downstairs ...

First floor ...

It is also placed in the place where I am still dining soon, I have seen it in front of everyone.

Looking at this scene, it was close to forty people quietly watching, and Cui Xi did not panicked from a single piece of glasses from the pocket.

She spit, wiped it, then wear it on the right eye ...

This action is like opening a Pandora's magic box, which has picked up a chain, and everyone pulls a monolithic glasses from the pocket.

Including the loits ...

His machinery, with other people generally extend the hand into the pocket, etc., when you come out, there will be a single piece of glasses.

He has never wearing glasses, and he will not bring a monolithic glasses, but this lens will appear.

It is also equivalent to cool, blowing a breath, and wipe it behind the right eye.

However, at this time, he suddenly heard someone called his name ...

Your own name ...

The man is calling ' ' ...

Late ... My name ...

The movement of his mirror was slow, which made his movements completely behind the neat others.

At this moment, everyone who wears a monolithic glasses twisted the head with an extremely exaggerated corner. The monolithic glasses at the right eye seem to have a magic, let them look a sense of integrity.

There is no expression, there is no speech, there is no action, all the actions are consistent, and the face is also looking at it.

This is an extremely heavy pressure, dozens of people wear a single-chip glasses to look at themselves in an exaggerated perspective, and let theself have a creepy feeling in this moment!

He woke up at this moment, then heard the sound of the outside world, that is the sound of Kay, he is shouting ' '! ! ! !

Next, the world began to distort, and everyone's outline began to expand, distorted, like unreal light.

They distorted, but no matter how they unchanged, it was the monolithic glasses that was worn in the right eye, as a curse.

Latershed and fell on the ground in the ground, and the next moment of the next moment started collapse with a logical form.

"Laters and adults!"

In the anxious sound of Kaike, we also wake up from the bed.

Rumbler ...

The outside world has passed the sound of thunder, and the bed will also take the bed in the ground, and he has a lot of breath. Behind the cold sweat is completely wetted ...

He just wanted to talk, but suddenly felt that his right hand as if he was holding something ...

Located at a little bit, slowly, slowly, let a little right.

Touching the right hand opens, and the eyes are also widened, and it is not credible ...

In his right hand ...

Have a lens ...

A single piece of glasses of lenses ...

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